Category - Tips

This category covers the “Tips” section of HowToRemove.Guide. Our team mainly focuses on our users’ questions about errors, general how to’s and other related issues not clearly defined as malware infections. Over time some of these questions were asked enough times that we felt the need to create specific pages to which we can refer concerned users.

Prominent examples include questions such as:

If you are someone interested to ask such questions, please search this category first and if you can’t find anything answering your query, head on to our Contact page or to the comments section of the post you first encountered on our website.


The Scam – Report

Everyone wants to be able to make money from their laptop or phone, by simply making smart investments that guarantee large returns while also having minimal risk. To many, getting into cryptocurrency trading seems like a way to achieve this goal...


The Scam – Report

One of the most widespread tactics used by online scammers is to use the name of a famous brand, company, or organization to make it seem like their claims are legitimate. Case in point, is a fraudulent site that misleads you into...


The Scam – Report

One of the most widespread types of Internet scams is when a site offers you a big reward if you are among the first set number of users to register on it. One such site I came across to day is called and it promises you a reward of...


The Ethereum Events Scam – Report

Can you make money with cryptocurrency? Sure. But is cryptocurrency a quick and easy way to get rich without putting in much effort? Absolutely not, yet a lot of people still believe this and that’s what puts them right into the hands of...


Cenvor Bitcoin Scam

Earning money through cryptocurrency investment is possible and you can absolutely use this as a source of extra income or even as your primary income source. However, there’s one big caveat – you need to know what you are doing and have...


Forunex Bitcoin Scam

If you’ve come to this page because you’ve recently come across a site called Forunex that has made you some too-good-to-be-true promises, good call! The site is a scam that’s designed to steal your money, so...


Vexusbit Bitcoin Scam – Report

It’s absolutely true that cryptocurrency can make you a lot of money, but that’s only true if you’ve already done our homework and have a good understanding of how it works, what particular currency to invest in, and what the...


Verify You Are Human Scam – Report

CAPTCHAS are everywhere, right? And we are so used to solving them that we don’t even pay attention to them. We click the traffic lights or the motorbikes, we type numbers taken from fuzzy images, and it all feels routine to us. But what if a...


The EZDriveMA Scam

One type of scam that’s been going around in the past year or so is a type of text-based scheme where the senders impersonate a local toll company. The goal is to trick the receiver into thinking they owe a certain sum they need to pay within...


The Scam

Online and text scams come in various shapes and sizes, but most of them can be reduced to two main types The first type lures you in with too-good-to-be-true promises, while the second one uses some form of intimidation to trick you. The