Altrust Service

How to Remove Altrust

Trojan miner viruses like Altrust are especially common nowadays due to their ability to stay for long periods of time in the users’ systems without getting noticed. They spend all…


The Wixrol Scam – Report

Is getting into cryptocurrency a valid way to earn some extra money? Yes, but only if you’ve already done your homework. Otherwise, if you lack the necessary knowledge and experience,…

Tisiqo App

How to Remove Tisiqo App

If you’ve recently noticed a strange app or process in the Task Manager named Tisiqo App, then you should know there’s malware in your system. No need to panic, though…


How to Remove JoafjApp

For over a year, there’s been a persistent family of adware apps that continues to bother users by getting installed onto their PCs through file bundles and spamming them with…