How to Decrypt Ransomware

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This page was created to help users decrypt Ransomware.

Below we have compiled in several steps the best possible chance you have to recover your files (except for actually paying the criminals). We firmly advise you to not pay the ransom- if you pay it, you simply fund the criminals to create even more advanced ransomware versions.  


100% Еffective Against All Ransomware Attacks

With the ever increasing numbers of ransomware and their victims, it is paramount that everyone take the necessary precautions against them. The surest way to make sure Ransomware can’t harm you in the future, is by backing up your files. And the best way to do that is with cloud storage. Specifically, there’s a great free tool out there called pCloud Rewind  that can restore any of your files even if they have encrypted with ransomware or even just older versions of them. Check it out here to learn more.



Before you begin restoring your files you need to make sure that the Ransomware program itself has been neutralized. Use the guide you came from to remove it, or it may encrypt your files again.

If you can’t remove the ransomware yourself, we advise you to download SpyHunter. 



Below you will find a list of free decryption tools that can possibly help you recover your files. However, you need the right tool for the type of encryption used on your files. To learn that, use ID Ransomware – a free online service that will tell you which ransomware is currently messing with your files. You’ll be asked to upload the ransom note file (usually found on your desktop), as well as a sample encrypted file. Ransomware attacks have now taken center stage and have outranked the biggest viruses out there like Zeus Virus Detected and mac

ID ransomware
Click on Choose file in each highlighted field and navigate to the files in question

Once it’s done analyzing, ID Ransomware will tell you exactly which ransomware version you are dealing with.

Below you will find a list of all known ransomware file decryptors. Browse through the list and look for a decryptor for your particular type of ransomware. They are listed both by virus name and by extension used on your files.



We do not 100% guarantee any of these will work and they are provided by their creators as is, but most of the time they will get the job done!

  • Naturally, before you try any of them it is recommended that you make backups for all files.
  • Autolocky – file extension: .locky
  • Nemucod – file extension: .crypted
  • DMALocker2 – file extension: unchanged
  • DMALocker – file extension: unchanged
  • Gomasom – file extension: .crypt
  • LeChiffre – file extension: .lechiffre
  • KeyBTC – file extension: .keybtc@inbox_com
  • Radamant – file extension: .rdm or .rrk
  • PClock – file extension: unchanged
  • CryptoDefense – file extension: unchanged
  • Harasom – file extension: .HTML
  • Decrypt Protect – file extension: .HTML
  • Apocalypse – .encrypted
  • ApocalypseVM variant – .ecrypted .locked
  • Xorist – .cerber (for the Cerber ransomware including .cerber and .cerber2 look below)
  • Globe ransomware – .globe
  • MRCR or Merry Christmas/Merry Xmas – .pegs1, .mrcr1, .rare1, .merry, .rmcm1

A company called Emsisoft has created decryptors for all above mentioned ransomware programs. Kudos to those guys.

Click to see how to use all decryptors from Emsisoft

Emsisoft is a company that specialized in ransomware decryption and they are doing a pretty good job at that. You can download all decryptors for the ransomware from the list above from their website here.

Their decryptors are user-friendly and there’s nothing difficult about using them. Most decryptor tools by Emsisoft have similar interface and are used in the same way. Simply run the tool designed for the specific ransomware(no installation required) and in the resulting window choose the folder/disk you’d like to have decrypted. You can add or remove folders with the buttons below. Once you’re ready, simply select the folder in question and click on Decrypt.


MRCR or Merry Christmas/Merry Xmas – file extensions: .pegs1, .mrcr1, .rare1, .merry, .rmcm1

Click to see how to decrypt files infected by MRCR

Here is the download link for the MRCR decrypter. Look at the above toggle “Click to see how to use all decryptors from Emsisoft” for instructions how to use the decrypter.

Additional information, as stated by Emsisoft:

“To start the decryption process you will need a file pair consisting of an encrypted file and the non-encrypted version of the same file. The files need to be between 64 KB and 100 MB in size. Select both and drag and drop them onto the decrypter executable to start the process.”

Some users have mentioned that there browser was hijacked by my quick converter before having there files encrypted. Make sure that you do not have unwanted programs installed on your computer.

HydraCrypt and UmbreCrypt – file extension: .hydracrypt and .umbrecrypt

Click to see how to decrypt files infected by HydraCrypt and UmbreCrypt
Those two ransomware viruses are the latest additions to CrypBoss ransomware. The decryptor is also developed by Emsisoft. Here’s a download link for this decryptor.

This decryptor tool works a bit differently compared to most other decryptors by Emsisoft and this is the reason we separated the instructions on how to use it from the rest. In order to use it, you will need to find an encrypted file on your computer, where you also have its un-encrypted version. Once you have the pair, you’ll need to select both of them and drag-drop them over the tool’s icon.

In case you’re unable to get such a pair (pretty likely scenario), find an encrypted PNG file (basically a picture, Windows has sample PNG picture files in the Picture category in My Documents) in your system and then download a random PNG picture from the internet. The files in question need not be the same – only the extension matters! Use the two PNG files as your pair. Doing this will enable the decryptor to bust the code for the encryption.


Note that this guide method may apply to future Emsisoft decryptors as well.

Petya password generator – no extension, whole HDD is locked

Click to see detailed instructions on how to handle Petya
Petya is among the latest of ransomware viruses. It renders your PC unbootable and also makes you unable to enter safe-mode. In other words, this virus encrypts your whole PC. Decrypting files by Petya is therefore a bit more complicated.

First you will need to unplug your infected HDD/SSD and plug it into another machine. Make sure the other computer has an anti-virus installed and running! Petya should be already inert, but we don’t want to take any chances.

Now download and start the Petya Sector Extractor by Wosar. It will scan the infected HDD and extract the relevant data, which you’ll copy and use to fill in the fields of this site (expired link). Once done hit submit and you will get a code. Write it down on paper. Put the HDD back into your PC and start Windows as normal. When Petya prompts for the key use it and you should now have access to your files..

Operation Global III – file extension: .exe

Click to see how to deal with Operation Global III
An important note about this particular ransomware is that each file that it has encrypted are potential carriers of the virus. Therefore, do not, under any circumstances, transfer encrypted files to other computers/devices.

The name of the tool used here is OG3 Patcher. Click here to download. This tool is simple and easy to use. Once you’ve downloaded it, just run it and in the resulting window click on Patch. After the patching has finished a simple double-click on any encrypted files should be enough to bring them back to normal.


Keep in mind that using this tool to decrypt executable files might occasionally render them unusable, therefore, you may need to reinstall the program associated with them. This happens due to the fact that the ransomware itself is problematic and there is nothing really that can be done about it. Also, it is strongly advised that you reinstall your whole OS  and format all affected drives (or at least do a deep security sweep) once you’ve secured and backed-up any important files. This will ensure that there are no traces of Operation Global III left on your machine.

TeslaCrypt – file extensions .ECC, .EXX, and .EZZ

Click to see how to recover TeslaCrypt files with the .ECC, .EXX or .EZZ extension
Talos decryptor by Cisco –  you can download the decryptor from here. This command line tool helps you bust the code that is used for the encryption of your files by the early TeslaCrypt ransomware virus. It will not work for TeslaCrypt version 2.0 and later (which has other file extensions), for those look at the other decryptor below.

In order to use this tool you’ll need the “key.dat” file that is created by TeslaCrypt. The tool will NOT work without this file, period!

The tool will automatically search for “key.dat” in the original location of the file, if it doesn’t find it there it will look in the directory it has been installed it. If it doesn’t find it there it will exit with an error message. Make sure “key.dat” is found in either of these two directories!

You will need to input the directory you need decrypted. You’ll need to provide either the path of the name of file to be decrypted.

For example if you dump everything in a directory called Decryption that is located in the C drive you need to write the following:


Group the files you need decrypted, enter the directory, hit enter and you are done!

The tool supports the following command line options

  • /help – Shows the help messages
  • /key – Specify the master key for the decryption manually  (32 bytes/64 digits)
  • /keyfile – Specify a specific path to the “key.dat” file, other than the default.
  • /file – Input name of specific file to be decrypted.
  • /dir – Selected directory will have all files decrypted.
  • /scanEntirePc – This will scan your entire PC for .ecc files.
  • /KeepOriginal – This will keep the encrypted copies after decryption is done.
  • /deleteTeslaCrypt – This command will kill any active TeslaCrypt dropper files

TeslaCrypt – file extensions .micro, .xxx, .ttt, .mp3 or “unchanged”

Here we handle TeslaCrypt with the .micro, .xxx, .ttt, .mp3 and unchanged extensions
Decryptor name TeslaCrypt Decryptor – This decryption tool was developed by the antivirus company ESET. It can be obtained from their official site here.
  1. Download the Decryptor and save it to your Desktop
  2. Open your start menu and search for Command Prompt (or CMD). Right Click on the executable file and select Run as Administrator
  3. Type the following command inside – cd %userprofile%\Desktop – type the command as written here, you do not need to replace userprofile with your username.
  4. Type ESETTeslaCryptDecryptor.exe and hit Enter.
  5. Type ESETTeslaCryptDecryptor.exe C: and hit Enter to scan your C drive. Do the same with other drive letters if you have D, E, F installed etc.
  6. Files encrypted by TeslaCrypt (extensions .micro, .xxx, .ttt, .mp3 or “unchanged”) will be decrypted automatically eset

BitCryptor and CoinVault – file extension: 7z.encrypted

Click to see instructions for the BitCryptor and CoinVault with 7z.encrypted extension
Last year Kaspersky busted the codes used by those two ransomware programs and have released a decryptor that will aid with restoring access to your files. You can download the free tool from here. Unzip the compressed file and run the decryptor. It’s simple and easy to use.
  1. Once you open it, click on Start Scan. A file-selection window will open.
  2. Here, you’ll need to navigate to a specific file named filelist.cvlst. This is a file left by the ransomware and locating it is required to proceed with the decryption process.
  3. If you’re unable to locate that file, you’ll have to move all your encrypted files into a single folder and use the Folder with encrypted files. This setting can be accessed from the decryptor main window by clicking on Change Parameters.
  4. After the setting is checked, carry on with the scanning, this time choosing the folder with all encrypted files in the file-selection window.
  5. After the decryptor is done unlocking your files, it will make accessible copies of them with decryptedKLR added to their names. If you want the program to outright replace the encrypted files with the decrypted ones, you can choose that setting from Change Parameters.

4 (3) 6 (2)

Kaspersky has also developed decryptors for the following ransomware viruses:

CrySiS – .crysis and .crysis2 file extensions. Use the Rakhni decryptor for this one.

Rector  – file extension: unknown

Rakhni  – file extension: .locked

.kraken; .nochance; .oshit; .oplata@qq_com; .relock@qq_com; .crypto; [email protected]; .pizda@qq_com; .dyatel@qq_com; .crypt; .nalog@qq_com; .hifrator@qq_com; .gruzin@qq_com; .troyancoder@qq_com; .encrypted; .cry .AES256; .enc; .coderksu@gmail_com_id371;  .coderksu@gmail_com_id372 .coderksu@gmail_com_id374; .coderksu@gmail_com_id375; .coderksu@gmail_com_id376; .coderksu@gmail_com_id392; .coderksu@gmail_com_id357; .coderksu@gmail_com_id356; .coderksu@gmail_com_id358; .coderksu@gmail_com_id359; .coderksu@gmail_com_id360; .coderksu@gmail_com_id20; [email protected]_characters; .hb15;

._date-time_$address@domain$.777; .xxx; .ttt; .micro; .mp3

Scatter  – file extensions: .pzdc .crypt .good

Xorist – file extension: unknown

Avaddon – file extension: .avdn

Rannoh  – possible file extensions locked-<original_name>.<four_random_letters> ; <original_name>@<mail server>_<random_set_of_characters> ; <original_name>.crypt

Dharma Ransomware – file extension .dharma. Use the Rakhni decryptor for this one.

The Rector, Rakhni, Scatter, Xoris, Rannoh decryptors can be found here

Rector (decryptor link)

Rakhni (decryptor link)

Scatter (decryptor link)

Xorist (decryptor link)

Rannoh (decryptor link)

Please note that decryptors for all of these ransomware are pretty similar to the one used for CoinVault and BitCryptor above, so if you follow the guide for that one, you should do fine with the rest of these tools.

Trend Micro’s Decrypter will allow you to decrypt files affected by:

TeslaCrypt(v3, v4) – extensions .micro, .xxx, .ttt, .mp3 or “unchanged

AutoLocky – extension: .locky

SNSLockeр – extension: .RSNSlocked

CryptXXX(v1, v2, v3) – extension: .crypt

Click to see how to handle files affected by TeslaCrypt(v3, v4); AutoLocky; SNSLocker; CryptXXX(v1, v2, v3)

This is a tool developed by Trend Micro that will help you with the decryption of your files. There are several ransomware encryptions that this tool can deal with. We’ve listed them above. To download the decryptor click here.

  1. Once you’ve downloaded the tool, open it and accept End User License Agreement.
  2. Now click on Select and from the list choose the ransomware that has encrypted your files.
  3. After that, click on Select and Decrypt. Choose the file or folder that you’d like to have decrypted and click on OK. Know that different ransomware encryptions take different time to be unlocked, so be patient.
  4. If your files have been locked by CryptXXX, then you may need to provide a pair of an encrypted and normal file. Therefore, it is a good idea to keep a backup of important files, in case anything like this happens.

Jigsaw – file extensions: .fun; .kkk; .gws; .btc; .PAYSM


Click here for how to obtain the decryptor for Jigsaw
This particular ransomware program, once inside your PC, will not only lock your files but will also gradually delete them if you don’t pay the demanded ransom.  This is a direct link for downloading the decryptor and its courtesy to the Bleeping Computers forum.
  1. After you download the decryptor, double-click on it and then click on Select Directory. Find the folder/es containing the encrypted files, select it and click on OK. Tip: to make it easier for both you and the decryptor, you may want to first gather all your encrypted files into a single folder.
    5      7
  2. Now, all you need to do is click on Decrypt my files. You can check the option Delete Encrypted Files if you so desire.


CryptXXX – file extensions: .crypz and .crypt1 ONLY

Click here for how to obtain the decryptor for CrypXXX

This one is not actually a decrypter, but rather a bug with the decryptor system itself. It appears that victims of the ransomware with the .crypz and .crypt1 ransomware can follow the instructions as outlined by the ransomware itself and decrypt their files without paying for it! Hurry before the hackers realize their mistake and fix this issue!

The ODCODC ransomware

Click here for how to obtain the decryptor for ODCODC

Download link is here

Breaking Bad themed ransomware with the following file extensions:

.xtbl, .ytbl, .breaking_bad, .heisenberg.

Click here for how to obtain the decryptor for the Breaking Bad themed ransomware

Download link is here.

The decryptor is provided by Kaspersky Labs and is fairly simple to use – download, run it and select the appropriate locations to scan. It will do the rest on its own.

Cerber ransomware with the following file extensions:

.cerber and .cerber2

Click here for how to obtain the decryptor for the Cerber ransomware

Link is here.

WARNING! Site appears to be temporarily down at the moment. We are waiting for the owner to restore functionality while looking for an alternative soltion. Please make a backup of the encrypted files and patiently wait for a resolution.

The decryption is a two-step process as described on the site.

  1. Download a ceber-encrypted file to receive your private key in the form of a PK file
  2. Download the decryptor, create a directory and put the Private key file and the decryptor inside, then run it

DMA Locker 3.0

Click here for how to obtain the decryptor for the DMA Locker 3.0 ransomware
  1. Follow this link where you can download the decryptr tool.
  2. Extract the files from the archive within your Program Data folder (My Computer\C:\Program Data).
  3. The password for the archive is infected.
  4. Next, right-click on the svchosd.exe file and select Run as Administrator.
    • Note: After running the .exe file, your PC might experience a BSOD crash, which is expected. However, after the restart, the decryptor interface should still be displayed on your screen.
  5. In the decryptor, press the Open button and navigete to the DMA 3.0 folder (DMALOCKS). Once there, select the dma_private.key file and then click on Open.
  6. The decryption should then commence and hopefully any encrypted files on your system should be unlocked by the tool.

Decryptor tools for 7ev3n Ransomware

Click here for how to obtain the decryptor for the 7ev3n ransomware
  1. Follow this link and downoad the 1st decryptor from there. Run the tool and in the Original dir field type the original location where the file you want to unlock was stored.
  2. If you download the decryptor from this link, you’d need to enter the unique id that the Ransomware has given you (you can find that within the Ransomware note). Type the id within the field labeled unique id within the decryptor’s interface.
  3. If you use this decryptor, you’d need to provide both the original file location and the unique id.
  4. After you’ve chosen one of the three decryptor tools and provided the needed information, you can either unlock decrypted files one by one with the Decode file option or decrypt a whole directory with the Decode full directory alternative.

MBRFilter (Ransomware blocker tool for Petya, Satana and Petya+Mischa)

Click here for how to obtain the decryptor for the Petya, Satana and Petya+Mischa ransomware

This is a very useful tool that protects your PC from Ransomware viruses such as Petya, Satana and Petya+Mischa. Those viruses, instead of encrypting your files, lock you out of your computer until you pay the ransom. The tool prevents them from modifying your Master Boot Record which in turn makes the virus powerless and harmless. Here is what you need to do in order to get the tool:

  1. Follow this link and download the .zip file that corresponds to the architecture of your system (32-bit/64-bit).
  2. Once the .zip file is downloaded, extract its contents – there should be a single folder.
  3. Open the ectracted folder, right-click on the file named MBRFilter.inf and select Install.
  4. After the installation has finished, you will be prompted to restart your PC. Do that and after the reboot, your system will be protected against MRB-encrypting/modifying Ransomware viruses.



Waiting for a solution

Neither ransomware viruses nor their creators are perfect or infallible and the above list of decryptors is proof of that. Unfortunately, it usually takes time for security researchers to break into the ransomware code and find the solution we so desperately need. Even if there is no decryptor tool available now this doesn’t mean one won’t be created in the future. Feel free to bookmark this page and check here for newly available ransomware solutions. We’ll add them to the list as we spot them on the Net.


837 responses to “How to Decrypt Ransomware”
  1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi again jay,
    if there isn’t a decryptor right now, there is going to be in the future. Crypmic is a new kind of ransomware and researchers need time to bypass the code of the encryption. If you read the article you can find some solutions involving downloading a software that might help you.

    1. Sam Avatar

      My hdd is infected with a ransomware i dont know which one,n it has encrypted all my files with the ext name “.muslat”.plz tell me how to decrypt n recover my data asap.

      1. Brandon Avatar

        To find the name of the Ransomware, you need to use the Ransomware ID tool from this article. Then you can look through the list of decryptors and see if any of them can help you recover some of the encrypted files.

        1. Avatar

          My system is attacked by .coot ransomware. Could anyone suggest me how can I decrypt my files?

          1. Brandon Avatar

            If the suggestions from this page didn’t work, there is little else we can do to help you. Your only option is to wait until a working decryptor gets released for this virus.

          2. Milind Avatar

            HELLO My PC has also been infected by .coot ransomeware. I am trying my level best to find a descriptor. In the mean time if you find one please pass it on.
            Thanks in advance

          3. sadiq Avatar

            My system is also full of .coot ransomware. If you found any solution to get rid of this please let me know

        2. Ahmed Avatar

          I keep getting this message.
          Emsisoft Decryptor for STOP Djvu has stopped working.
          What do i do now?

          1. Brandon Avatar

            If you are having a problem with the decryptor, you should contact its developers and request their assistance.

          2. Juan Carlos Avatar
            Juan Carlos

            Error: Caracteres no válidos en la ruta de acceso.
            Error: Caracteres no válidos en la ruta de acceso.

            Tengo el mismo problema, se detuvo STOP Djvu

        3. alysmar Avatar

          Hola, como hago para recuperar mis archivos que se convirtieron .zzla ??

      2. hitej Avatar

        sam please let me know as well if u find the solution for .muslet ( STOP DJVU). my whole pc is corrupted and all the imp files are changed so please help me if u can and i will if i will find the solnution

        1. pol Avatar

          did you find any solution??

        2. Jon Paul Edrada Libranda Avatar
          Jon Paul Edrada Libranda

          Help me, my girlfriend’s files and ll encrypted by .remk

          All decrypting tools i tried don’t work.

    2. Coder11 Avatar

      Please can you help me? My ext. was changet to .domn. Witch program I can use for recovering my files? Thank you in advance.

      1. Suren800 Avatar

        Please help to decrypt (.grod), just got infected on oct, 2019

        1. KARAN Avatar

          Did you find any solutions please help me

    3. Jambor Zoltan Avatar
      Jambor Zoltan

      Hello. I have been infected with .nols ransonware ( online encryption id not t1 ) it is no problem for most of files have offline backups ! If this original and encrypted files would help to successfully decrypt others problems I am willing to help ( send them where you want)

    4. Muhammad Younas Avatar
      Muhammad Younas

      My documents,images files are encrypted by HESE ( ransomware).
      Is there any solution to decrypt my files.
      please help.

      1. max verstappen Avatar
        max verstappen

        can you help me, my all files are encrypted by MBED (ransomeware).
        is there any solution decrypt my files.
        please help

        thank you very much

    5. Nicky Avatar

      HI Our pc has been encrypted by “Guess Who”do you have a way to decrypt the files/data? Kind regards Nicky

      1. Kain Avatar

        I have the same problem

    6. Sujan Malbul Avatar
      Sujan Malbul

      my laptop has been affected by .peet virus
      please do inform if any way of getting back files.

    7. Arael Avatar

      Is there any decryptor for . topi extend of the dejavu??? Please it is so important for me

      1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
        Valentin Slavov

        Hi Arael, unfortunately this ransomware extension is not yet decryptable.

      2. Suraj Avatar

        Hi Arael.

        If you find the fix for .topi, please share with my email
        [email protected]

    8. Robby Nagra Avatar
      Robby Nagra

      My system got infected by a new kind of ransomware but i’ve removed the virus from my laptop but my files are still encrypted and i have be searching for a decryption tool on internet but i can find any working tool. Please help me the extention i have got is ( [email protected]
      ). And to contact the scammer have provided the same email ID i.e :- [email protected] . Please help me in providing a decryption tool.

      1. Petkov Avatar

        Hi Robby Nagra, it seems like you had been infected with a variant of the Scarab Ransomware, unfortunately decrypting your files at the moment is impossible, you need to wait for a decryption tool to be released.

  2. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi again jay,
    i don’t know how much time it will take to create a decryptor. I would suggest you not to pay them. That way you may show them that you are willing to pay every time and they might lock your files again.

  3. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi alfred,
    these are the methods we know so far. Zepto is new ransomware and now researchers are finding ways how to decrypt the files. You can bookmark this page and check it now or then.

  4. Shahzade Avatar

    Actually my documents,images files are encrypted by CERBER3 (cerber ransomware).
    Is there any solution to decrypt my files.
    please help.

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi Shahzade,
      these are the solutions we have at the moment. CERBER3 is a new ransomware and researchers haven’t find a way to decrypt the files yet. You can bookmark this page and check now and then. We will update the page as soon as we find a solution on how to decrypt any upcoming ransomware.

  5. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi pardeep,
    these are the solutions we have at the moment. CERBER3 is new ransomware and researchers are trying to find a way to decrypt the files. We update this page often when we find a solution. So you can check now or then.

  6. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Sanket,
    these are the solutions we have at the moment. CERBER3 is new ransomware and researchers are trying to find a way to decrypt the files. We update this page often when we find a solution. So you can check now or then.

  7. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi itservicedmw,
    here is a link on how to remove .odin. Follow it and comment there if you have any issues.

    1. fernandes lim Avatar
      fernandes lim


      all of my files were corrupted and change to .odin, how can i recovery that file?

      i already re-install my windows, and backup all the data (eventhough in odin file).

      Thank you for your helping

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        Hi fernandes lim,
        the Odin ransomware i still new and researchers are still trying to figure out how to decrypt the files. We have mentioned some ways you can recover your files and you can try them. If someone release a decryptor for these kind of files we will put it in this guide so toy can check now and then.

  8. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Afaq,
    as soon as your files get encrypted even if you change the extension they stay encrypted. So what ever you do you cant decrypt them by yourself. You can try the decryptors we provided.

  9. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Afaq,
    we are sure that there is going to be a decryptor, just not right away. Researchers are trying to find a solution on how to decrypt the files. You can check this page now and then if there is a decryptor for cerber3.

  10. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi ahmad,
    The site providing the decryption for .cerber and .cerber2 is having some technical difficulties and we don’t know if they are going to come back soon. If the link is not working, check the software solutions that we have provided.

  11. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Vacas,
    did you try the software we provided in the end of the guide ?

  12. Luigi Avatar

    Hello just Yesterday my laptop was infected by Cerber last version I suppose. All the files are encrypted with extension *.bee0 except the files on my desktop .. probably to avoid that I could regognize the danger. I undertsand I need to wait for an appropriate decryptor. Thanks.

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi Luigi,
      yes you can wait and visit this page now and then to check or you can try the other software we have provided.

    2. Matty Moe Avatar
      Matty Moe

      Any suggestions on .devos?

  13. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    hi LuigiBrother,
    yes researchers are trying to decrypt the encrypted files. Check now and then for solution on this Guide or try the other methods.

  14. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Luigi,
    i am sorry to hear that. Well your only option is to wait for decryptor.

  15. Jette Christensen Avatar
    Jette Christensen

    got attacked by cereber 4 all files encrypted with extension 95b3.:-(

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi Jette,
      did you try any of the decryption methods ?

      1. Jette Avatar

        Nothing really solved it. It is cerber 5 ransomware with extension 95b3. Not able to decrypt it. Let me know if something can.

    2. youssef el bouazizi Avatar
      youssef el bouazizi

      Hello , please I want to decrypt files with .foop

      1. Petkov Avatar

        Hi youssef el bouazizi, look for a decryptor in our page, if you do not find one then that means there is no working file decryptor at this moment for the ransomware that has infected you.

  16. MAANI Avatar

    Got attacked by Cerber 4.1.0 Ransomware encrypted with extension .8e11
    Any solutions please help?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi MAANI,
      you can follow this and complete the guide. Remember this guide will only help you remove Cerber 4.1.0. Researchers are still trying to figure out a Decryption tool

  17. Neb 1 Avatar
    Neb 1

    hellow, i got attacked by Ceber Ransomeware 4.0.3 with encripte extensions .9af6

    Help !

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi Nen 1,
      you can follow this . It will help you remove Cerber 4.0.3.

  18. Seraj Ahmad Avatar
    Seraj Ahmad

    Got attacked by Cerber 4.1.0 Ransomware encrypted with extension .bcfd
    Any solutions please help?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi Seraj,
      You can follow this Guide on how to remove Cerber 4.1.0.

  19. mujahidin thenext ozil Avatar
    mujahidin thenext ozil

    I have problem with my computer, all of my files encrypted with RSA 2408 and AES-128, my file changed to extension .thor, can someone help me ?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi mujahidin thenext ozil,
      you can follow this guide . It will help you remove .Thor ransomware.

      1. Dennis Avatar

        Thise guide does not show how to DECRYPT .THOR files

        1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
          HowToRemove.Guide Team

          Hi Dennis,
          we have included methods on how to decrypt ransomware encrypted files. Thor ransomware is new, so researchers haven’t come to e decrypt tool for this type yet.

          1. hh Avatar

            when will they have a decrypter for THOR files?????? My last 8 months of work was not backed up.
            PLEASE say you can help me!!!

          2. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
            HowToRemove.Guide Team

            Unfortunately, so far there has not been created a decryptor tool for Ransomware viruses of the Locky family (THOR included). This means that at this moment you cannot restore your files via decryption of the malicious code. We are constantly on the lookout for any new decryptors and as soon as a Locky/Thor decryptor gets released, we will put it in our article so that our readers can access it. The only thing that you can try at this moment is try to restore your data via the tool called Recuva (Guide in the article) or through shadow copies. We also recommend that you frequently check the How to Decrypt Ransomware in case a decryptor for THOR does get released.

          3. hh Avatar

            Is there any comments from victims who paid the ransom??? Did they receive the decryption code??? Or not? The instructions for paying them are vague and certainly do not mention how making a payment will result in receiving a decrypt code program – as in HOW will it be received??

          4. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
            HowToRemove.Guide Team

            This is exactly why we advide our readers to seek another way to handle th situation. truth being told, there certainly have been instances when victims have received the code after paying the ransom. However, this isn’t always the case. Oftentimes, the hacker might not send anything. Furthermore, in many cases the specific Ransomware virus is no longer used/maintained by anyone so even if you send the money, no one will be there to receive them (or to send you back the code) and you’d be simply wasting it. There are a lot of different scenarios where you may make the transfer without receiving anything in return. Therefore, it’s a much better course of action to try our guides or if there isn’t a decryptor for the specific virus yet, wait until one is released – we always make sure to update our article with any new decryptor tools that get created.

  20. Mohammad Wisal Avatar
    Mohammad Wisal

    Hi friends a month ago my laptop was attacked by Cerber3 virus and i dont which extension etc … i have visited so many pc specialist etc and at the end no help can any one have any solution for my this problem that how to get back my Files / Music / videos and Pics and Documents … an earlier reply will be highly appreciated Thanks and Regards . Note i am an Ordinary PC user …

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi Mohammad Wisal,
      did you try the methods above ?

      1. Mohammad Wisal Avatar
        Mohammad Wisal

        sir with due respect will this help me or i have to wait more any solution for my problem . Hope there will b some solution i need some of DATA files etc

        1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
          HowToRemove.Guide Team

          What virus has infected your PC?

          1. Son Avatar

            My computer is infected with .gerosan virus.

            It makes data on my computer encoded documents into .gerosan

            Please instruct me how to encrypt it so that I can retrieve these documents

            Thanks and Best regards

          2. Brandon Avatar

            Instructions are provided within the article from the current page.

  21. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hello, Amin, since you have formatted your HDD-1, it should now be clean of any infection and you should be able to freely use your PC with that hard drive. However, as you obviously understand, your HDD-2 still needs to be cleansed after you recover your data from it.

  22. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hello, Mohammed, the How to Decrypt Ransomware article is getting frequently updated. As soon as a new decryptor is present, we would add it to the list and our readers will learn about it.

  23. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    We’re glad to have helped!

  24. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi, Samy, telling us the file extension is not going to be enough. You must determine the name of the Ransomware virus you are dealing with – only then you can figure out if there is a decryptor tool released for that Ransomware and which one it is. To identify the virus, you must follow the instructions in Step 2 from the article. After you do that, you can tell us in the comments what the name of the Ransomware is for further assistance.

  25. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    It seems that you have not one but two Ransomware viruses on your PC. Unfortunately, the first one, Cerber 4.0, does not have a decryptor yet. The same seems to be the case with the Globe2 Ransomware. Your best course of action now is simply waiting and frequently checking our article on How to Decrypt Ransomware. We keep it up-to-date with the latest and newest decryptors so as soon as decryptor tools for Cerber 4.0 and Globe2 have been developed, we’d make sure to put links to them in the article.

    1. Samy Avatar

      Thanks for your support team. Awaiting for your update.

  26. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Sadly, there is not a decryptor tool for that virus yet. However, nothing is to say that there wouldn’t be a decryptor sometime soon. We advise you to wait for a while and check our article on a daily basis. As soon as a decryptor for Cerber 4.0 has been developed, we’d make sure to post it in our article.

  27. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi, KC Lee. Are you sure you strictly followed our instructions oh how to use the decryptor? First, you need to specify the Ransomware you are trying to get decrypted (Autolocky in this case) and then you need to select a file/directory that you are sure is locked by that virus.

  28. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi, there. Yes, it seems that you’re indeed doing it right and yet no results are being yielded. Another thing that you can try is to use the Emsisoft decryptor. They too have a decryptor tool for the Autolocky virus. There is a link to that within our article along with a short describtion on how to use it.

    1. KC Lee Avatar
      KC Lee

      Have tried Emsisoft decryptor and it does not decrypt the file(s) as well.
      Noticed this note form Emsisoft decryptor mentioned that: Victims of AutoLocky will find their files encrypted and renamed to *.locky. Unlike the real Locky ransomware however, AutoLocky will not change the base name of the file. So if a file named picture.jpg is encrypted, AutoLocky will rename it to picture.jpg.locky while the actual Locky ransomware will change it to a random name.

      I think it didn’t work because those files their base name actually changed and they are real Locky ransomware. Didn’t know there are real and fake Locky ransomware.

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        Unfortunately, so far no decryptor for the Locky Ransomware has been released. However, if you are not sure by which of the two viruses your files have been encrypted, you can follow the instructions from Step 2 in the article. Using the online tool mentioned there will help you determine whether it is AutoLocky or Locky. You can send us the resutlts here, in the comments.

  29. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hello, Samy. We do our best to update the list with the latest decryptors as soon as we find out about their release. If you are currently unable to find the decryptor you are looking for, then it has probably not been released yet. We advise you to keep checking the article – we update it frequently and the moment a new decryptor gets released, we’d make sure to post it in there.

  30. HRAM Avatar

    Hello, I am just checking if there is any news on decrypting .thor files? TIA.

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Unfortunately, so far no decryptors of .Thor have been developed. This and other forms of the Locky virus are currently one of the worst instances of Ransomware. Still, we are constantly on the lookout for decryptors and as soon as one gets released, we’d make sure to post it here with an explanation on how to use it. We advise you to keep in checking our article on a regular basis so that you’d find out about any new decryptors when we post them here.

  31. GlaiveL Avatar

    Just got attacked by Cerber 5.0.1 & all my files were encrypted with extension .81bb today.
    Is there any decryptor for it yet?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Unfortunately, so far no decryptor for that Ransomware has been developed. If one gets released, we will make sure to post it in our article abovr so make sure to frequently check this post.

  32. Dev Avatar

    I have been hit with “Center Ransomware 5.0.1” Files changed to .bf34 extensions. Is there a file recovery or decryption program for this?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      So far there seems to be no decryptor for this particualr virus. As soon as find out about the release of a decryptor tool for this Ransomware, we will post it on our article. Therefore, we advise you to pay this page frquent visits to ensure that you are up-to-date with the latest developed Ransomware decryptors.

  33. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    So far, a decryptor for this Ransomware has not been released. As soon as the decryptor for this virus is created, we will make sure to post it in our article. Therefore, make sure to frequently check this page for updates.

  34. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Well, that really depends on the specific Ransomware and also how much work is put into developing a decryptor for the said virus. Some instances of Ransowmare such as the infamous Locky are still a major unsolved issue even though Locky has been around for quite some time. On the other hand, less advanced Ransomware programs have a decryptor developed in a matter of several months.

  35. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    At this point, there isn’t a decryptor for this virus. We advise you to frequently check this article for updates. We make sure to post every new decryptor we learn about as soon as we find it.

  36. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Sadly, no Thor decryptor has been released yet. The only thing you can try is use a tool called Recuva to restore your files. Instructions on how to use the tool are provided in the article above. If this does not yield any results, you will have to wait until a decryptor gets released. Make sure to frequently check this article, because as soon as we find out about the release of a new decryptor tool, we will post it here.

  37. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    We regret to inform you that no decryptor for this program is available yet. You can try using Recuva to restore your files but this does not always work. Instructions on how to use the mentioned program are provided above. The only other thing you can do is pay frequent visits to this page because we always make sure to update it with the latest decryptor tools as soon as we find out about their release.

    1. Wong Chee Mun Avatar
      Wong Chee Mun

      Hi Guide Team, thanks for your response. I have already tried Recuva but recover nothing so far. Will keep check on this page for new decryptor to release. Thanks!

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        A good advice that we always give to our readers is to make back-up copies of their important data. Ransomware viruses are only getting more and more problematic, therefore, from now on make sure to back-up all your valuable files. Everything from a regular flash memory stick to a reliable cloud service would get the job done. As far as Recuva is concerned, did you enable the Deep Scan feature – this is an essential step when using this tool.

  38. PhlimPhlam Avatar

    If you mean .OSIRIS, I am currently helping someone with it. No luck finding a decrypter yet. Trying the Recuva method now. 8hours to go.

    1. Wong Chee Mun Avatar
      Wong Chee Mun

      Hi Phlim, i have tried Recuva and other method as well but failed to restore the files. Feel free to share with me if you have found any ways to decrypt .osiris extension files. Thanks!

  39. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Unfortunately, it is very difficult to track down hackers who use Ransowmare. This is also one of the main issues that makes this form of malware such a major threat. The other aspect is that IT companies are struggling to keep up with the ever evolving Ransomware viruses, each one coming more difficult to handle than the previous.

  40. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    A decryptor for this Ransomware is yet to be released. As soon as a decryptor tool for it gets developed, we will make sure to post it here to inform our readers. We advise you to pay common visits to this page so that you can find out about the release of the decryptor as soon as we post it. For now, the only other thing you can try is use Recuva (as instructed above) and see if this manages to retrieve your data.

  41. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Unfortunately, until a decryptor tool gets released for a specific Ransomware, there’s not much that you can do. Recuva (or some similar program) was the only other option but it seems that it failed as well. When you used Recuva, did you enable the “Deep Scan” setting? If you did and the results were not satisfactory, we are sorry to inform you that the only thing you can do now is wait for a decryptor to be released. As soon as one gets developed, we will make sure to post it here. That is why we advise you to check this article frequently for any updates.

  42. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    So far, a decryptor for this virus has not been released. We will make sure to update our article above, adding the decryptor tool for this Ransomware as soon as such a tool is developed. Therefore, we suggest that you frequently check this page for any updates. The only other think that you can try is use Recuva or any other similar program to restore the lost data. Instructions on how to do it are provided above. See if this works for you and tells us in the comments if there were any results in your case.

  43. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    You must first find out what Ransomware your files have been encrypted by. To do that, follow the instructions fro the beginning of the article (Step 3 – Identification). When you’re done with that, come back here and tell us what the Ransomware’s name is.

  44. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Unfortunately, so far no decryptor seems to be available for this Ransomware. We assure you that as soon as we find out about the release of a decryptor for this virus, we will post it on this page so that our readers can quickly learn about it. The best way to keep yourself updated is to pay frequent visits to this article. Also, you can try using the tool called Recuva as it’s described above. Apart from that, there is not much else you can do for the time being.

  45. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Unfortunately, there hasn’t been developed a decryptor for this virus. The only thing you can do for now (apart from waiting for a decryptor) is to try using Recuva (as instructed in the guide above) and see if it helps. If this proves to be ineffective, we advise you to pay frequent visits to this page. As soon as we find a decryptor for this virus, we will make sure to post it here.

  46. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Unfortunately, so far we have no information regarding a decryptor for this Ransomware. We will make sure to post on this page anything we that find which might help users deal with this virus. Our advice for you is to pay frequent visits to this page in order to be informed about the latest updates. Additionally, you can try using the Recuva tool as instructed above and see if it yields any results.

  47. Mackenzie Avatar

    I got hit with a .merry ransom ware. merry_iloveyoubruce or something. downloaded the 1 text file i needed off my computer to an online drive. Im not willing to pay because its not that important, but I figured if you find a free solution, please send it my way.


    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      As soon as a decryptor is released for this virus and we find about it, we will make sure to post it in our article on this page. This is why it is a good idea if you pay visits to this post from time to time so as to see if there are any updates.

  48. Marcin Stachowiak Avatar
    Marcin Stachowiak

    Hello, I’m from Poland and I have problem with encrypted files. Virus was deleted but I need to decrypt my files. Extension of the files is .b1ab. I think that was one of the latest version of Cerber. I attached my screens. Does anybody have/had the same problem? Any advice?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      This particular Ransomware is one of the most problematic ones. So far, we have been unable to find a decryptor for it. As soon as we find one, we will make sure to post it in our article above which is why we advise you to pay frequent visits ot this page so as to stay informed and updated with the latest information. The only other thing that you can potentially try is make use of the program called Recuva. Instructions on how to employ this software are provided above.

    2. Dominik Drahoninsky Avatar
      Dominik Drahoninsky

      i have got the same one…..damn it. I thought after first attack I have back up everything and got rid of it…and month later again…..entire computer = 7T of data…quite important data for my business. one day…the will be grilled the people who has done it….

    3. Muhammad Asif Avatar
      Muhammad Asif

      I have the same problem

  49. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Unfortunately, so far there seems to be no decryptor for this Ransomware. As soon as we find out about the release of a decryptor tool for this virus, we will make sure to post it above. For now, you can try using the Recuva software tool, following our instructions from the article and also pay frequent visits to this page in order to be up-to-date with the latest additions to our list of decryptors for Ransomware.

  50. Johnq Avatar


    again, because you can not see the file extension

    ? Cerber 4.0 / 5.0 ??

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Our advise for you is to visit our specialized article on decrypting Ransomware viruses. There is a link to the article at the bottom of the removal guide on this page.

  51. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    We are sorry to inform you that so far no effective method for decrypting files locked by Cerber 3 has been invented. As soon as we learn about the release of a decryptor for this Ransomware, we will post it in our article above which is why we recommend that you frequently visit this page so as to stay updated.

  52. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Unfortunately, so far we have not been able to find a decryptor for this Ransomware virus in particular. The only advise we can give you at this moment is to pay frequent visits to this page since we make sure to update it on regular basis with any new decryptors that we find.

  53. George Kasiouras Avatar
    George Kasiouras

    Question: I have MalwareFox as my Anti-Malware and it promises to prevent infection from Ransomware. But what if I were to get infected? Would an Anti-Malware be able to make the decryption?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Well, we have no experience with this security software and therefore cannot say anything regarding how effective it might be. However, one thing that you should bear in mind is that no antivirus software is flawless. There are just viruses out there that are way too advanced. Additionally, if a Ransomware gets inside your system and encrypts your files, an antivirus program would normally not be able to do anything. In case your files get locked by the virus, you will need to seek a specialized decryptor tool. Still, having some form of system protection is always a good thing. Just, do not let your guard down since the best protection that your computer and files can get comes directly from you and your behavior online.

  54. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Sadly, so far there hasn’t been a decryptor for this Ransomware in particular. The only thing that you can try is use Recuva as instructed above and try to restore your files with it. If this does not work, you’d have to wait until a decryptor for this Ransomware gets released. We will make sure to post it here as soon as we find that there is such a decryptor tool which is why we advise you to visit this page every now and then so as to stay updated.

  55. Sergio Avatar

    I was infected by [email protected] .wallet I really need to decrypt my files. can you help me?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Unfortunately, so far we’ve been unable to find a decryptor for this particular virus. If we learn that such a decryptor has been released, we will make sure to post it here which is why we advise you to check this article every now and then so as to stay updated.

  56. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    No decryptor for this virus has been released yet. All you can do for now is visit this page from time to time in order to stay updated with the latest Ransomware decryptors since we make sure to post them here.

  57. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    We cannot guarantee anything. It really depends on a lot of factors whether a decryptor is going to be released and how much time it is going to take. The only thing that we can say for certain is that we will make sure to post it on this page if we learned that such a decryptor tool has indeed been developed.

  58. Adilson Pereira da Silva Avatar
    Adilson Pereira da Silva

    Hello, I’m from Brazil, and i have a file with this name, what to do?

    CLIPP. FDB. id-04FE6C3E.[[email protected]].wallet

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      First, you have to determine what Ransomware virus this is. To find out what the virus is, follow the Step 3 from the guide above and once you find the name of the virus, send it to us in the comments.

  59. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    No decryptor for this virus has been developed yet. We make sure to update this article every time a new decryptor tool gets released so if we find out that such a tool has been created for the Ransomware you’re currently dealing with, we’d make sure to post it here.

  60. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    We are sorry to inform you that there isn’t a decrytpor for that virus yet. If we learn about the release of a decryptor for this Ransomware, we will make sure to post it here which is we advise you to visit this page from time to time so as to stay updated.

  61. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hopefully, you are right. The thing is that it really takes considerable amounts of time for decryptor developers to bust the code of a given Ransomware. Still, we can assure you that as soon as such a decryptor gets released, we will post it on this page.

  62. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Sadly, so far the answer to your question is negative. Our advice for you is to pay frequent visits to this page since as soon as we learn about the release of a decryptor for this Ransomware, we will post it here.

  63. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Sadly, so far there hasn’t been developed a decryptor tool for this particular Ransomware virus. When such a decryptor gets released and is available for the public, we will make sure to post it here which is why our advice for you is to visit this page from time to time so as to stay updated.

  64. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    It might be possible, though we do not know. It depends on a lot of factors, especially when talking about Ransowmare.

  65. lekhika jain Avatar
    lekhika jain

    My Files which have been encrypted have the .A999 Extension

    And the Background is the same as @disqus_Kw9IatTOnN:disqus

    Please Assist me, my system has all my College Data.

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      You will first need to figure out which Ransoware virus has attacked you. Instructions on how to identify the Ransomware are in the article above (under Step 3). Identify the virus and tell us what its name is.

  66. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    This Ransomware seems to be particularly problematic. So far no decryptor for it has been developed. We will make sure to keep you updated. As soon as we learn that a decryptor tool is available, we will post on this page which is why we advise you to check this article every now and then.

  67. j Avatar


    my file name be change 10character,
    and extentention be change 4 hx,

    just i scan with ID Ransomware, is detected “cerber 4.0/5.0”,
    can decrypt it?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      So far a decryptor for this version of Cerber has not been developed. Once we find out about the release of such a decryptor, we will post it here along with instructions on how to use it.

  68. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Unfortunately there is no decryptor available for this Ransomware yet. Once such a tool gets released, we will make sure to post it here which is why we advise you to keep visiting this page in order to stay updated.

  69. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    The issue with Ransomware viruses of this type (the ones that use encryption) is the fact that even when the virus is removed, the encryption would remain. However, removing the virus is important before trying to restore or decrypt the files so that they don’t get locked by it again. That being said, we regret to inform you that there is no decryptor for this specific Ransomware yet. You can try file restoration and see if it works but, as we already mentioned, before you do any of that you must ensure that the virus is removed. As far as your other question is concerned, normally, the only thing that would happen if you remove the virus and not pay the ransom is that your files will remain locked.

    1. freebee Avatar

      Because the files that were locked aren’t that important could i do a factory reset? I want to do this to ensure the virus is fully removed. Thanks again

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        If you are ready to lost those files, you can do that. However, just to be sure that the virus is removed, we first advise you to follow our Ransomware removal instructions and then do the factory reset.

  70. Hrishi Kesh Avatar
    Hrishi Kesh

    is there any decription tool for .sage

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      As far as we know, there isn’t a decryptof for this virus yet. We’re constantly searching for newly released Ransomware decryptors and whatever we find, we post it here which is why we recommend you to come back to this page every now and then so that you can learn about the release of a decryptor tool for this virus as soon as we post it in the article.

  71. Kevin Downey Avatar
    Kevin Downey

    Back up your data on a regular basis!

  72. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Are you certain that you are using the correct decryptor. Certain Ransomware viruses have a number of different versions and a said decryptor might not work for all versions of the virus.

    1. Bolovinos Angelos Avatar
      Bolovinos Angelos

      I think yes, I found the right decryptor. Do you know any other way I can find to solve my files?

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        You can try using the data restoration methods from this article (restoring the files via shadow copies/using Recuva).

  73. Alan Avatar

    Any news on removing the wallet ransomware?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Sadly, we haven’t received information for decryptors for this virus. As soon as we learn anything, we’d make sure to post it here so that you can learn about it.

  74. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    We cannot know that.

  75. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    You must first find out what Ransomware virus this is. Instructions on how to identify the specific virus are provided in this post.

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        There is a decryptor for the first two versions of the Cerber Ransomware. You can find links to the pages where you can download the decryptors within the article above.

  76. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    You can have a try but, sadly, there is no specialized decryptor for this specific cryptovirus. Once one such decryptor tool gets released, we will make sure to post it here so that you can find out about it.

  77. Deva Sahaya Suresh Avatar
    Deva Sahaya Suresh

    Hi Friend this is how my infected and encrypted. Any tools for the same.?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      You must first use the instructions from the begining of the article in order to determine what is the exact Ransomware virus that has taken your files hostage.

  78. kariverson Avatar

    Nothing for Spora ransomware yet 🙁

  79. mm kk Avatar
    mm kk

    Any news about ARENA?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      So far, we haven’t found anything that could be of use. We will keep you updated if anything comes up.

        1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
          HowToRemove.Guide Team

          Since there isn’t a decryptor for this virus yet, all we can advise you to do is use Data Recovery Pro following the instructions from the article above. If we learn about the release of a decryptor tool for this malware, we will make sure to post it here.

  80. Deva Sahaya Suresh Avatar
    Deva Sahaya Suresh

    Hey, Any positive news about the Cry36 recovery tool.

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Unfortuantely, there doesn’t seem to be a specialized decryptor tool for this Ransomware in particular. If one gets released, we will make sure to post it on this page as soon as we find out about it.

  81. Asif Imtiaz Avatar
    Asif Imtiaz

    Hi, my pc is attacked with .losers ransomware, is there any way to remove those and also recover my files??

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      This is a fairly new Ransomware virus so there seems to be no decryptor developed for it yet. Once one such decryptor program gets released, we will make sure to post it on this page. Until then, you can try using the Shadow Clone Restoration method and see if this yields any results (Step 2 from the article).

  82. saibhargav Avatar

    problem with .losers can i find a solution

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      As this is a fairly new virus, there aren’t any decryptor tools for unocking files encrypted by it that have come to our knowledge. The only thing that we can advise you is to use the Shadow Clone Restoration method and see if it helps you recover some of your data. Instructions on how to do that are provided in the article above (Step 2).

  83. Ralph Balili Avatar
    Ralph Balili
    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hello there, first, you need to determine the name of the Ransomware before anything else. Use the instructions from the article above on how to use Ransomware ID to see what the exact name of the virus that you are dealing with is.

  84. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi there, we advise you to first check what Ransowmare your files have been encrypted by. Use the instructions from the article above regarding the Ransomware ID tool. Only once you know the name of the Ransomware we will be able to tell you if there is a decryptor for it.

  85. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    There aren’t any known decryptors for this virus. You can try using the Data Recovery tool that to restore files from shadow copies (instructions on how to do it are provided at the beginning of this article). Aside from that, you can backup your encrypted data and wait until a decryptor gets released. We will make sure to post it here if we find about the release of such tool.

  86. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    We haven’t come across a decryptor for this particular Ransomware. You can try using Data Recovery Pro to restore your files. Otherwise, all you can do is wait until a decryptor is released – we will make sure to post it on this page.

  87. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    We haven’t found a decryptor fir this virus yet. You can try using Data Recovery Pro as instructed in the article above. Otherwise, all you can do is wait until a decryptor tool gets released – we will make sure to have it posted on this page.

  88. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Currently, there doesn’t seem to be a special decryptor tool for this particular malware. We advise you to try using the data recovery tool from the article above as explained and try to restore your files with it. Otherwise, all you can do is wait for a decryptor to get released. As soon as we find out that such a tool has been created, we’ll make sure to post it on this page.

    1. Parth Avatar

      My pc is also attacked by .peet ransomware and it is online encrypted. I have removed the virus and ransomware but the files are still encrypted and I tried shadow explore and a specyfic decryptor from emsisoft but both didn’t work so what should I do?
      1. Wait for the encryptor to update. Or
      2. Recover my data from known PC repairer.
      If you have anything else to suggest Please help…
      Thank you…???

      1. Brandon Avatar

        Sadly, if nothing has worked for you the only option remaining (aside from paying the ransom) is to wait for a working decryptor solution to get released. This is what we would advise you to do. If you don’t need those files ASAP and can wait some time to get them back, this is the best thing you could do. Of course, you are free to do your own research on other potential solutions that may help you.

      2. ANUPAM Avatar


  89. stevin Avatar

    I was ****** by ransom crysis and all my files are encrypted .arena
    95882O_payload.exe << the filename of the ransom

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Try using the Rakhni decryptor (link in the article), though we aren’t sure this will work for this version of Crysis.

  90. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Try using the Ransomware ID site as explained in the article to figure out the exact name of the virus.

    1. muhammad keshka Avatar
      muhammad keshka

      type of crysis

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        In that case, try using the Rakhni Decryptor – you can find a link to that inside the current article.

  91. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    You must first determine what Ransomware virus this is. Use Ransowmare ID as explained in the beginning of this article to find out which Ransomware virus has encrypted your data.

  92. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    We currently have no information about a decryptor for this particular Ransomware cryptovirus. You can try to recover your data using the shadow-clone file restoration method as described in the article above. If we learn about the release of a decryptor for this Ransomware, we will make sure to post it on this page.

  93. def Avatar

    Hellow – dose any one still work on .rapid virus
    as far as i lookd there is no decision yet — I just got that problem — and now i have alot of same files that were crypted a little bit differ- and also the 0b file that were crypted as well too – and now hase exactly 2*1232 b – that looks like the thing that virus add everywere.
    do you know some one who is working on that decription now and to whiom that type of files can be helpful ? since I hope on creation of decription a lot

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      All the decryptors that we know about are posted on this page. If we learn about any new ones, we make sure to update this article with them.

  94. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    No decrptor for this one yet – you can still try using the shadow-clone restoration method as described above and see if it works for you.

    1. Marvin Avatar

      hi, i get .muslat ransomware. could you tell me how to remove it and to decrypt my files? Thanks

      1. Brandon Avatar

        If the Shadow-Copy solution and/or the decryptors from the list on this page do not work, there’s nothing else we can do to help you – you will need to wait until a decryptor gets released for this particular virus.

  95. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hell there, sadly, we do not have any information about a decryptor for this particular Ransomware virus. Our advice for you is to make a backup of the locked data and wait until a decryptor solution gets released. We will make sure to post it here. Otherwise, you can try the shadow-clone resotration method as instructed above but no guarantees for the recovery of the files can be given with this technique.

  96. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Best regards, Charles. Hopefully, something will come up soon, though, sadly, with Ransomware-related issues, oftentimes it’s all a matter of patience. If the shadow-clone restoration method fails, at least make sure to backup your locked data so that it stays safe until the right time comes to have it unlocked.

  97. Bing Wu Avatar
    Bing Wu

    I have many .cerber files, where can i find the decryptor?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      It seems that the site where such decryptor was available is currently down. If we find out about a possible alternative, we will make sure to post it here, on this page. You might check the TrendMicro decryptors as well -they might have a way of solving this.

  98. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    First, you need to figure out exactly which Ransomware virus has caused this encryption – follow the steps from the beginning of this article to figure out the name and version of the Ransomware that has locked your data.

    1. Castiel Avatar

      ID Ransomware said this is “Dharma (.cezar)”

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        Try using the Rakhni Decryptor for this one – you can find the tool in the article above.

        1. Rob Avatar

          Rakhni didnt work. ID Ransomware says “Dharma (.cezar)” but the full extension of the encrypted file is “id-46F062A2.[[email protected]].bot”. Need help asap

          1. Dimitar Avatar

            Rob did you find a solution how to decrypt files affected by Dharma (.cezar)”. Rakhini doesn’t work in may way also

  99. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Unfortunately not as far as we know. The only thing we can advise you at the moment is try using the shadow clone restoration method for any encrypted data and see if that works for you.

    1. Paul Kim (Bongseok) Avatar
      Paul Kim (Bongseok)

      Thank you for your kind answer. I will try.

  100. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Unfortunately, the options you tried are the two most effective ones. Aside from waiting for another decryptor to be released there’s little else that could be done. Are you sure you used the correct decryptor from Micro Trend?

  101. Jhonattan Peres Avatar
    Jhonattan Peres

    Ransoware crysis .java, I need to get back to some files, can anyone help me?
    I’ve tried all sorts of software on the internet to decrypt the file, but none identifies the ransoware in it and does not try to decrypt

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Decryption can typically only be done through a specialized decryption tool. You can try using the decryptor for the Rakhni Ransomware (link in the article) and see if it works for you. Otherwise, you can also try the shadow copy restoration method as described above, in the article.

      1. Barun Hafidz Avatar
        Barun Hafidz

        i’ve same problem, and try to use rakhni ransomware but it’s can’t decrypt my file.. do you have another way?

        1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
          HowToRemove.Guide Team

          Currently we cannot provide you with another solution. You can try the shadow-copy restoration method but it isn’t guaranteed to work. Otherwise, all you could do is back-up the encrypted data and wait until a new decryptor is released – we will post it here if we learn about it.

  102. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Firstly, you’d need to identify the exact Ransomware that has locked your data. Use the Ransomware ID service as instructed in the beginning of this article and tell use what you’ve found out.

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        There isn’t much that could be done in this case aside from backing up as suggested. You could try the shadow-copy restoration method as described in the article above but we can’t guarantee that it would work.

        1. Rogelio Hernández Avatar
          Rogelio Hernández

          I did it, the shadow-copy restore method didn’t work!

  103. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Currently, there seems to be no decryptor for this Ransomware virus – you could try the shadow-copy restoration method as described above but it might not always be effective.

    1. krill123 Avatar

      I bought and scanned with webroot.. It cleaned the ransomware but my files are still encrypt d. There is no shadowcopy so I tried easeus data recovery. No deleted files either. I guess I’ll patiently wait for a decoder to become available. Thanks.

  104. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    It’s really difficult to say. While security specialists are doing their best there really are many different Ransomware viruses out there that need effective decryption solutions and it takes a lot of time to even come up with a decryptor for even one single Ransowmare virus.

  105. Hamza Khan Avatar
    Hamza Khan

    hello, my system was infected by cerber3 in 2016. Is there any decryption tool out for Cerber3? i need to recover my data. kindly help!

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Unfortunately, there seems to be no decryptor for this particular malware at the moment. You can alternatively try the shadow-copy restoration method as described in this post. Otherwise, all you can do is wait until a decryptor is released for this virus. We will make sure to post it here so you might want to check this page every now and then for updates.

  106. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Currently, there seems to be no decryptor for this specific Ransomware and if none of the other methods that we have suggested has worked for you so far, sadly the only thing you could do is backup the ecnrypted files and wait for a decryptor to be released. We try to update this post as often as we can with newly released decrytpors so we advise you to come back here from time to time to see if there are any updates regarding the virus you’re dealing with.

  107. Emanuel Avatar

    hi, i have .bip ransomware and the the Rakhni decryptor is not working, you have another choise for decrypt?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Sadly, currently there’s no decryptor alternative, you can try the shadow-copy recovery method as described in the article above or wait until a compatible decryptor is released. If we find out that a decryptor for this Ransomware has been released, we will make sure to post it on this page.

      1. aliakbar.eyvazi Avatar

        me to infected .bip

  108. justyna wesolek Avatar
    justyna wesolek

    Hello, I have a problem with virus form Ransomware -> nozelesn. It’s any program to decrypt my files?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Sadly, there’s currently no decryptor for this Ransomware version. We advise you to try the shadow-copy file recovery method as explained in the post above and see if it helps you. Aside from that, all you could do is wait for a decryptor to be released. If we find out that one such decryption tool for this virus has been released, we’ll make sure to post it in the current article.

  109. Jacob Avatar

    how to decrypt gandcrab v4 my files type became .KRAB

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, there aren’t any decryptors for this particular Ransomware version. You can still try using the shadow-copy restoration method and see if it works (instructions in the article). Aside from that, there isn’t much else that could be done aside from wait for a decryptor to get released for this cryptovirus. Once we learn about the release of such a decryptor, we will post it here.

  110. Mike Avatar

    I have a user just got hit with Mr. Dec ransomware, all of her work that was backed up in a portable drive that was connected to the computer through USB at the time of the attack was encrypted as well. Would someone please help me or point me in the right direction on how to decrypt this type of ransomware in her portable USB drive and get the files back?

    Thank you,


    1. Brandon Avatar

      Hello, Mike, first we need to ask you if you tried any of the instructions from the current article.

  111. Ib Avatar

    Help with .sage decryption

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Did you attempt to use any of the steps and instructions on this page?

  112. Thomas35 Avatar

    I have Spora Ransomware… Is there any hope there will be a decryptor?


    1. Brandon Avatar

      Did you try any of the methods from this page? If none of the instructions here are enough to help you, the only thing left to do is make a backup of the encrypted files and wait for a decryptor to be released for this particular cryptovirus.

  113. Lisa Avatar

    Hello, am wondering if there is any program to decrypt my files for ransomware -> nozelesn?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We don’t currently know of a decryptor for this virus but as soon as we find one for it, we will post it here. Until then, you can try the shadow-copy restoration method from this article.

  114. Appie Avatar

    Is there a decryptor for the GANDCRAB V5.0.3, >umxqx< files?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      As far as we know, there isn’t a decryptor for this Ransomware but you can try the Shadow Copy restoration method from the guide. Alternatively, all you can do is wait for a decryptor to get released – we make sure to update this post with newer decryptors whenever we learn about their release.

  115. Julie Avatar

    Any news on .combo files?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be a decryptor for it yet. You can alternatively try the shadow-copy restoration method and maybe recover some of your files through it. Aside from that, all you can do is wait until a decryptor tool is released for this Ransomware – we make sure to add all new decryptors to this article.

      1. Nicolas Avatar


        Regarding .combo files, how long will it take for a decryptor to be created ? Days, Weeks ? Months ? Years ? Thanks.

        1. Brandon Avatar

          Hello, there is no way of knowing the answer to your questions, it could be weeks but it could also be years depending on how complex the malware is and whether someone is working on developing a decryptor for it. Still, keeping the encrypted files instead of deleting them is preferable as you can never know – a decryptor may get released at any time.

  116. ansar Avatar

    virus affected my system all files and photos everything changed as .infowait

  117. alvin Avatar

    can you help with this. how can i recover my file when file was all change to PUMAX file.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, there is no decryptor available online for this malware, try using the shado-copy restoration method from this page. If it doesn’t work, the only thing left to do is wait for a decryptor to get released. As soon as such a tool gets released, we will make sure to post it on this page.

  118. David Avatar

    i can’t find a decryptor for this file type .id-4CE98B9A.[[email protected]].Adobe

    1. Nam Avatar

      Please help me fine decryptor for id-1A4E9E13.[[email protected]].adobe!
      Thank a lot!

      1. ronak Avatar

        my pc in this virus

    2. RR-Test Avatar

      Hi, i not too…. news?

  119. Georgios Michalopoulos Avatar
    Georgios Michalopoulos

    Hello all

    Victim of 5.0.4 here. my files are .LIAUZG extension. To my NAS, the recycled files contained a 0 bytes .lock file sample name “e5b98f9e5b9f13711.lock”. (So after encrypting the files this file created and deleted) I dont know if it helps, of course in every folder is the note contains a —BEGIN GANDCRAB KEY— and a —BEGIN PC DATA— key. Hope soon (or later) someone finds the way to decrypt them.

    Thank you guys

  120. Bob Neri Avatar
    Bob Neri

    We’ve been infected with the [[email protected]].adobe ransomeware. Is their any known fix or decryption for this yet?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sadly, there are no decryption solutions for this one yet as far as we know so you will have to wait until such a tool gets released. In the meanwhile, you can try the shadow copy restoration method from the instructions on this page.

      1. ROben Avatar

        till now no solution ?

  121. Felix Avatar

    Hi, I’m from Lima Peru, please urgently my photo files and documents have been encrypted by the Rasonware virus and changed the extension to * .PUMAX. Please help me rescue them are files of my medical history against cancer that I am treating.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      There are currently no decryptor tools for this malware encryption so you will have to wait until one gets released – we will make sure to post it here. In the meanwhile, you can try restore some of your files with the shadow copy restoration method at the start of this article.

  122. Abdul Manan Abbasi Avatar
    Abdul Manan Abbasi

    Hi, I am experiencing .pumas extension ransome virus. All files of my PC are encrypted. Would you like to suggest me solution for this. How can I Decrpypt my files. I am so much worried about this. Waiting for your precious help.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Since there’s currently no decryptor for this virus, we advise you to at least try removing the infection so that your PC is safe for future use, you can do that through the instructions from our article about the pumax malware or by using the removal tool recommended in there. Also, the shadow cope restoration method from this page may help you recover at least some of your data so it might be worth giving it a try.

  123. Abdul Manan Abbasi Avatar
    Abdul Manan Abbasi

    How much will it take to develop the program for decrypting such virus, expected time. Will I be able to discover my data ever not partially, completely.

  124. Altaf hussain Avatar
    Altaf hussain

    new gandgrab with 10 digit
    Help me out if anoyone knows the solution

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We currently don’t know of any decryptors for this version of Ransomware. You can alternatively try the suggested on this page shadow-copy restoration option.

  125. Jacey Avatar

    Hi All,
    Does anyone know of a decrypter for STOP ransomware with file extension .pumax?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, there are no decryptors for this particular Ransomware cryptovirus – we advise you to try the Shadow Copy restoration method.

  126. No_more_ransom Avatar

    I don’t see anything for files with no_more_ransom extension files, is there any hope or news regarding a decryptor for this? I desperately need my files back. I have tried system restore but i could not find any previous backup so my files are just sitting there encrypted. Please I need any workaround or solution to this ASAP.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Did you try the Shadow Cope Restoration from this article? Sadly, there’s currently no decryptor for this malware cryptovirus. We will make sure to keep this article updated in case anything new comes up.

  127. Bassam Avatar

    how to decrypt .HRM virus ? It locked all my files 🙁

    1. Brandon Avatar

      At this moment, there doesn’t seem to be a decryptor for this malware. You can alternatively try the Shadow Copy restoration method from this article.

    2. Deepan Prabu Avatar
      Deepan Prabu

      All my files are affected by [[email protected] ].HRM

      Please help to get back files

    3. YA Avatar

      Same here 🙁

  128. Budi Avatar

    Hi, just yesterday I got .readme
    I lost 50% of my work. Is there any decrypt for these?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sorry, but we don’t know about any available decryptors for this cryptovirus. We will make sure to post anything new that may come up on this page. In the meanwhile, we advise you to give a try to the shadow-copy restoration method from the instructions on this page.

    2. Hajer Avatar

      I got enfected by the same ransomware 🙁

  129. Rajesh Avatar

    Is there any solution to decrypt files affected by .djvu ransomware?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      No specific decryptor for this malware yet. Our advise for you is to try the shadow-copy restoration suggestion from this article and/or wait until a decryptor gets released – we make sure to update this article with the latest decryptors for different Ransomware cryptoviruses.

      1. Mina Avatar

        How about .DJVUT

        If you have info please let me know — It is driving me crazy

        1. Brandon Avatar

          We understand your frustration but unfortunately we haven’t been able to find a decryptor for this malware yet. Whatever information we have about cryptoviruses like this one, we make sure to post it on this page. Since there isn’t a decryptor yet, we advise you to try the Shadow-Copy data-recovery method as it may allow you to recover at least some of the locked files.

          1. khalil Avatar

            I have de same virus djvut 🙁

        2. Maher Avatar

          Dear Mina

          Please me too have the same problem

          if you find solution please send me to kanzaman0011@gmail .com

        3. Moamen Avatar

          Please guys if any one find solution send me to mookamego80@gmail .com

  130. THUNDERDOME Avatar

    Is there any solution to decrypt files affected by .aesir ransomware?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      No decryptors for this one yet. We will keep looking! In the meanwhile, we advise you to try the shadow-copy restoration method from the start of this page.

  131. Mohamed Avatar

    New Gandcrab V5.0.4 with TRMECTN extension, I’ve been infected with it before yesterday. any decryptor coming?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      At the moment, we do not have information about a decryptor for this threat but we will keep looking! In the meanwhile, try out the shadow-copy restoration from the start of this article, hopefully it will allow you to restore some of your data. Just make sure to clean your computer from the malware.

  132. Martin Avatar

    Hello, are there any news for the .djvuu ransomware? Shadow Copy didnt work for me, only restored like 32 photos and that was all..

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sadly, nothing so far as far as we know. We will keep looking and updating this page with anything helpful we may find.

  133. massimiliano perrone Avatar
    massimiliano perrone

    my external HD was infected with a ransomeware with .uudjvu extension. Do u know if there is a decryping tool?
    In every folder there is a file with instructions to get the Keys:

    ———————————————- ALL YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED ———————————————–

    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files documents, photos, databases and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees do we give to you?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can look online overview decrypt tool:
    https: //vimeo . com/ 306940477
    Don’t try to use third-party decrypt tools because it will destroy your files.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours.


    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    restoredjvu@india. com

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    restoredjvu@firemail .cc

    Your personal ID:

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, we do not know of a free decryptor for this Ransomware but we will keep looking. In the meanwhile, we advise you to try out the Shadow Copy restoration method suggested on this page.

  134. sofiane Avatar

    my files changed to .uudjvu
    i can’t find any solution

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Unfortunately, we know of no decryptor for this particular Ransomware, but we will make sure to keep looking for one! In the meanwhile, our advice for you is to try using the Shaow Copy restoration instructions from the beginning of this guide and see if this helps.

  135. johnny Avatar

    Is there a decryptor for djvur

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, there isn’t decryptor available for this Ransomware. We will keep looking for one – for now we advise you to try the Shadow-Copy restoration to hopefully get some of your files back.

  136. Edgar Avatar

    I need to Help with .djvur ransomware, my files are infected, the extension has change

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Try the Shadow-Copy restoration method mentioned in this post. We currently do not know of a specialized decryptor for this Ransomware but we will keep looking!

  137. Dave Avatar

    Is there a decryption tool available for .adobe yet?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We have no information about a decryptor for this one yet. We will keep looking but in the meanwhile you can try the Shadow Copy Restoration method that we have posted on this page – hopefully it will help you get some of your data back.

  138. Tarek Riachy Avatar
    Tarek Riachy

    Is their a decryptor for .Djvut ?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, we do not know of such a decryptor but we are looking for one every day. We will update this post as soon as such a tool gets released.

  139. mark Avatar

    Hi! I am looking for a decryptor for .zzzzzzzz files. It IDs as scarab

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We haven’t been able to find a decryptor for this one yet. Try the Shadow-Copy recovery method to hopefully restore at least some of the files.

  140. Carole Avatar

    I have u got decryptor for .nomoreransomware please

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Not at the moment but we will keep looking.

  141. pancho Avatar


    I’m trying find a decryptor for .tfude extension
    below is the note that i have received

    Do you have any ideas ? can someone help ?



    ———————————————- ALL YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED ———————————————–

    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files documents, photos, databases and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees do we give to you?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can download video overview decrypt tool:
    https:/ /www. sendspace. com/file/1sg7f3
    Don’t try to use third-party decrypt tools because it will destroy your files.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours.


    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    pdfhelp @india. com

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    pdfhelp@ firemail. cc

    Your personal ID:

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We haven’t been able to find a decryptor for this malware yet but we haven’t stopped looking! In the meanwhile, it may be a good idea to check out the Shadow-Copy data recovery method as an alternative of retrieving some of your data.

  142. Rashid Avatar

    Now i am another victim of these indian thieves my all data messed up, its extention tfudet pls inform me if any update regarding this matter

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, it seems there isn’t a decryptor for this cryptovirus which is why we advise you to try the Shadow Copy Restoration suggestion from the current article.

    2. Jeff Avatar

      I have same situation but managed to get all my files decrypted.

  143. Umair Ahmed Avatar
    Umair Ahmed

    I am facing the Ransomware with extension .Rumba.
    Please give this solution.
    Thank you.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We don’t know of a decryptor for this cryptovirus so we suggest you use the Shadow Copy Restoration from the current post.

  144. Shoku Avatar

    Dear Team

    May I know what software can decrypt my file suffering in rumba ?
    Data Recovery Pro seems not able to scan the file in extension rumba (the file suffering)

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Data Recovery Pro can’t decrypt files, it can restore them from shadow copies. Follow the instructions from the guide above. Currently, there isn’t a specialized decryptor tool for this Ransomware but we will keep looking!

  145. Luis Santos Avatar
    Luis Santos

    I am so desperate. I have some files in .tfude and I don’t know how to recover?

    It went to my Dropbox folder, my external drive and some files on my laptop.
    Any suggestions?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We can’t currently help you with a specialized decryptor as it seems that there isn’t one developed yet. Try the Shadow Copy recovery shown on this page as it may allow you to bring back some of your files.

  146. Damir Avatar


    when trying to indetify it I get this:

    sample_bytes: [0x384D – 0x3867] 0x7B33364136393842392D443637432D344530372D424538322D3045433542313442344446357D
    ransomnote_email: pdfhelp@ india. com
    custom_rule: Decryptable ID: 6se9RaIxXF9m70zWmx7nL3bVRp691w4SNY8UCir0

    IN radsom note it says:
    —= GANDCRAB V5.1 =—
    All your files, documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted and have the extension: .AVBIRJSSS

    Is there a way I can get files back ?


    1. Brandon Avatar

      We don’t currently know of a specialized decryption solution for this one. The Shadow Copy recovery explained above in the article may help you get back some of your locked files so you may want to give it a try.

    2. Orxan Avatar

      Did you know the problem?

  147. nikunj P Gohil Avatar
    nikunj P Gohil

    my pc infected ……..gandcrab v5.1 ……….yes this is latest version virus. virus is is cleaned but my all file are infected .Sohhoms Extension …..any decryptor in future to decrypt my files

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If we learn about such a decryptor we will make sure to share it with our readers inside this psot.

  148. Skye Avatar

    Another .adobee victim here.
    Luckily seems I caught it on time before I was fully hacked.
    Any news on a decryptor for this one?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If a decryptor dor this malware gets released, we will make sure to post it here.

  149. Orxan Avatar

    Hello my fail encryotion Comfy with me at the helm of this problem 21.bak.Joke

  150. NGcaster Avatar

    .adobee victim
    Any news on a decryptor for this one?
    or Company who can decrypt file?
    pls send massage to me ngcaster302@g mail.c om

    1. Brandon Avatar

      There is no specialized decryptor for this Ransomware at the moment. If we learn about the release of one, we will share it in this article.

  151. NGcaster Avatar

    my shadow program is blank

  152. joe Avatar

    is there any solution yet for ransomeware with file extentsion .uudjvu please if there is any please be kind to share with us here as there is love in sharing please and thanks

    1. Brandon Avatar

      At this point, we can’t offer you a decryptor for this virus. We are looking for one, though, and will make sure to share it with our readers once it gets released.

  153. Rajat Avatar

    My files are infected with .zzzzzzzz file extension.
    Is there any decryptor available?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sadly, we haven’t been able to find a decryptor for this cryptovirus yet. We will keep looking and in the meanwhile you can try th shadow-copy restoration method from this article.

  154. dovahkiinzera Avatar

    I have been attacked by grancrab v5.1

    file extentions are .jojzic & .aqqxuvfai

    The damages has been done. For 3 minutes it encrypted a lot of files, I was able do stop and prevent more damage.
    Hope someone is working for an decryptor, we’ll support with small amount of money.
    I’m student for now I don’t have much, but keep working on decryptor.


  155. OBa Avatar

    My files are infected with .nlglvrfhz file extension.
    Is there any decryptor available?
    Not sure if it is Magniber

    1. Brandon Avatar

      No decryptor for this one thus far. Wr will keep on looking and, in the meantime, you can try the shadow-copy restoration method suggested above.

  156. Mario Avatar

    All my files change to the file extension .blower Is their any decryptor for this yet? below is the sample file and ransom text.
    Sample File: G Entrepreneurial skills.docx.blower

    It seems that all my files from the desktop was not infected, only files in the other Drive like D: E: was changed into .blower
    So I reformat my computer already, but the .blower file are still their. Is their a way I could decrypt them? as deleting the file extension .blower
    will not solve the problem, after deleting the .blower extension my file says corrupted. Please help.

    Thank you.


    Don’t worry my friend, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    https :/ /we .tl/t-1aaC7npeV9
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    blower @india .com

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    blower@ firemail .cc

    Your personal ID:

    1. Brandon Avatar

      You could try the Shadow-Copy method suggested on this page. Sadly, there aren’t any decryptors for this cryptovirus at the moment. If we learn about a decryption tool, we will post it on here.

  157. Lau Avatar

    hi, my external hard disk file change to .blower file. how can i recover the file back. can you help me

    1. Brandon Avatar

      There aren’t available decryptors for this cryptovirus at the moment but you can try the Shadow-Copy restoration tool to get some of the locked-up data restored.

    2. Hafiz Adnan Bashir Butt Avatar
      Hafiz Adnan Bashir Butt

      I’m suffering from the same .blower extension 🙁

  158. Donnald Avatar

    Would really appreciate if you could assist in helping to decrypt our files that were infected in Dec 2018 by a variant of the STOP ransomware with a udjvu extension. See below:

    Personal ID: 017Jrxas09Yz5zwwHAt3fj1xwYLKpOPBlqcjkxhnGuW
    MAC address of the infected computer: 6C-62-6D-D6-65-A2.
    Extension of files: .UDJVU

    Would appreciate help as soon as a decryptor for this is available.



    1. Brandon Avatar

      Unfortunately, we do not know of a decryptor for this cryptovirus as there doesn’t seem to be one available. We will keep looking and updating this post in case anything comes up.

  159. Tony Avatar

    My hard disk file is encrypted with extension name “.hacisqinq”
    Do you have any decryptor to decrypt it?
    Thank you very much!!
    The content of readme.txt is below:
    Your files are NOT damaged! Your files are modified only. This modification is reversible.

    The only 1 way to decrypt your files is to receive the private key and decryption program.

    Any attempts to restore your files with the third party software will be fatal for your files!
    To receive the private key and decryption program follow the instructions below:

    1. Download “Tor Browser” from https ://www. torproject.o rg/ and install it.

    2. In the “Tor Browser” open your personal page here:

    http: //4a80ae4000e0b6e04hacisqinq. othgdq3gvpifn7c3 .onion/ hacisqinq

    Note! This page is available via “Tor Browser” only.
    Also you can use temporary addresses on your personal page without using “Tor Browser”:

    http: //4a80ae4000e0b6e04hacisqinq.knewman. top/hacisqinq

    http: // /hacisqinq

    http: //4a80ae4000e0b6e04hacisqinq.myhalf .icu /hacisqinq

    http: //4a80ae4000e0b6e04hacisqinq.bysaw. top /hacisqinq

    Note! These are temporary addresses! They will be available for a limited amount of time!

    1. Brandon Avatar

      There is no decryptor for this cryptovirus right now. We will keep looking and update this article if we find one.

  160. Sikandar Avatar

    All of my Files extensions have been converted to .TRO. They cannot be opened. ransomware is already removed through the suggested removal tool, but how can i recover/decrypt my files back? Please help.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Since there isn’t currently a decryptor for this Ransomware, we advise you to try out the shadow-copy recovery method from the start of the current article.

  161. tawfiq Avatar

    im a victim of .adobe .

  162. angelia Avatar


    Our NAS just encrypted by Cr1ptT0r, all files extension no change.
    May I know any decryption method.


    1. Brandon Avatar

      There doesn’t seem to be a decryptor for this Ransomware. We will make sure to keep looking for one. In the meantime, you could try the Shadow-Copy recovery method from the article on this page.

    2. scared user Avatar
      scared user

      hi, did you managed to decrypt from Cr1ptT0r ? I have been affected with this, and I am just a university student, whole lot of my project and academic work has been affected, I can’t afford any money either (they are asking $1200).. please help.

  163. hn Avatar

    Hi there.
    is there any way to decrypt the ransomware with this Extension : …[[email protected]].ETH ?

    plz someone Help me out if anyone knows anything. i have read some pages and guides but so far nothing.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      You need to follow the instructions from the guide to identify the Ransomware that has attacked you before you can look for a decryptor. Alternatively, you can try the Shadow Copy restoration method that’s also in the article from this page.

    2. Eydad Avatar

      Could decrypt your file! Same ransomware here. PLZZZZZZ 🙁

    3. Zohaib Avatar

      i’m also searching for this .ETH decryption….. Please, help

  164. Brayan Alexis Acosta Villamil Avatar
    Brayan Alexis Acosta Villamil

    I’ve got this .kropun file extension but it is from the same ************* from blower @
    So, I think i’m adding another extension to the list.


    1. adnan Avatar

      all my files are crypted i dont know what to do, its my home pc and i am fedup now i tried with different software but not successful i am having same extension .kropun, please help me if sombody know how to do that, all my family and kids pictures and lot of work files are on it. may email is zainlr at gmail dot com

  165. jun Avatar

    how to decrypt .kropun file
    please help

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We are sorry to inform you that there is no decryptor for this malware right now. You can try the shadow-copy file restoration method as an alternative – the instructions are available in the article above.

  166. Hafiz Adnan Bashir Butt Avatar
    Hafiz Adnan Bashir Butt

    I have been waiting for more than a month for you brandon
    please help me to decrypt files struck by .blower extension STOP ransomware 🙁

    its my really important data, i have tried shadow copy method bringing nothing for me

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sorry, but we do not know about a decryptor for this Ransomware and if the shadow-copy recovery method did nothing for you, all we acan advise you to do now is backup your encrytped files and wait for a decryptor to get released.

  167. man Avatar

    how to decrypt .Djvu extention files
    please help me, PLEASE

    1. Brandon Avatar

      No decryptors for this Ransowmare yet. Try to use the Shadow-Copy method from the current page but if it doesn’t work for you, your only option would be to wait for a decryptor to be released.

    2. hitej Avatar

      same attack

  168. IanB Avatar

    Anyone had any luck with .ETH decryption yet please?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, there is no decryptor available for this infection. Aside from waiting for a decryptor to be released, you can try the Shadow-Copy file-recovery from the article on this page.

  169. jA jahid Avatar
    jA jahid

    My file extension VUTTZOJXK help please

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sadly, there are no decryptors for this one yet. We advise oyu to try the Shadow-Copy restoration as explained in the article above.

  170. aakash Avatar

    Any news on how to remove .guvara yet?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      So far, we haven’t been able to find a decryptor for this cryptovirus. You can try to use the Shadow-Copy recovery method from this article and hopefully restore some of your files that way.

  171. Antonio Avatar

    how to decrypt Gandcrab v5.2?
    Please help me

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, there aren’t any decryptors for this specific malware. You can try recovering your files through Shadow Copies (see the first recovery suggestion from this article), or you can wait for a decryptor to get released.

  172. hide Avatar

    Help me !
    Do you know how to decrypt [NamPoHyu]
    most of my files are crypted and can’t access !!

    1. Brandon Avatar

      There aren’t specific decryptors for this virus. All you can try a the moment is the shadow-copy recovery method suggested in the article above.

  173. Azree Avatar

    How to decrypt moresa ext ransomware files? is that possible?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Since there aren’t decryptors for this one yet, your only other option is to try using the shadow-copy recovery method as it is described in the current article.

  174. Orlando Avatar

    What about .Verasto? there are any free decryptor program?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We currently know of no decryptor for this virus. We advise you to give a try to the shadow-copy recovery method from the article on this page.

  175. shahadat hossain Avatar
    shahadat hossain

    how can i recover my data which effected by .ETH ransomeware .. my file has been encrypted ..if u have any idea decrypt .ETH plz suggest me

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We haven’t been able to find a decryptor for this Ransomware, but we will keep looking! In the meanwhile, you may want to try the shadow-copy restoration method from the article on this page.

  176. Lovet Avatar

    Please i need Decryptor for extension (.norvas)

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We are sorry to inform you that we currently do not have information about a decryptor for this Ransomware virus. You can try using the shadow-copy recovery method from this page as an alternative.

  177. Simo Avatar

    Hello, is .COLORIT a new ransomware or a variant of an existing one? Would you be able to identify/confirm the ransomware id? See sample note, and a few decrypted and encrypted files: https:/ /www .sendspace .com/file/ml2bkn

    We cleaned the infected machine but the encrypted files is the real problem. I’m willing to pay for help. Thank you!

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We can’t be certain, but so far it seems it’s a new Ransomware altogether, though it may have similarities with older versions (there is an Ransomware ID tool that you can use suggested in the article from this page). Either way, unfortunately, there isn’t e decryptor for this one yet. We will keep looking but all you can try right now is give a try to the shadow-copy restoration from the article above.

  178. Hamza Avatar

    Hello, does anyone know a decryptor for Forasom extension please? I’ve got 5 months of work on my computer, and I have to deliverit in 11 Day…

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sorry but there isn’t a decryptor for this cryptovirus as far as we know. We will keep looking and in the meanwhile you may be able to restore some of your files through the shadow-copy recovery method as it’s described in the current article.

    2. Pranav Chopra Avatar
      Pranav Chopra

      Hi my pc is also affected by foradom randomware , did you find any solution??

  179. vince tolentino Avatar
    vince tolentino

    is there any decryptor for (.fordan) ext

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, there isn’t one. We will keep looking, though. In the meanwhile, we advise you to try the Shadow-Copy restoration from above.

  180. Nat Avatar

    Our File is encrypted and the extension is 272831lp. Can we get the Solution

    1. Brandon Avatar

      You will first need to use the Ransom ID online tool as described above to find out what the name of the Ransomware virus you are dealing with is. Then, look trough the decryptors from our list to see if any of them may help you. If none can handle the specific Ransomware that you have, you should try the Shadow-Cope recovery method as an alternative means of data restoration.

  181. Bassey Avatar

    All the files in my External HDD has been encrypted with .verasto ransomware, but surprisingly none of my files in the PC is affected. Is there a decrypter for .verasto extension?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      As far as we know, there isn’t one. We will keep looking but we suggest you also try the Shadow-copy recovery method that’s explained in the current article – it may help you retrieve some of the locked data.

  182. abdullah sarwar Avatar
    abdullah sarwar

    .NHCR EXTENSION decrypter available??

    all files infected but some files are working properly

    1. Brandon Avatar

      You must first identify the Ransomware virus behind this extension by using the online Ransomware ID tool linked in the article. Then look at the list of decryptors and see if there is one for the virus or not. If there isn’t, all you can do (aside from waiting) is look through your other devices and online accounts for potential backups or use the Shadow-Copy restoration as explained in the current article.

  183. uncu Avatar

    .botmap decrypter available??

    1. Brandon Avatar

      You must first use the online Ransomware ID tool from the current article to determine what the virus that has attacked you is (the name of the virus). Then, you should look through the list of decryptors and see if any of them can help you with the decryption. Alternatively, you can try the Shadow-Cope method as explained in the article.

  184. arunkumar Avatar

    how to remove .etols

  185. Sam Avatar

    I put everything on identification above it was radman extension the result is [ STOP (Djvu) ] is there anyway to fix this?
    i already used security software to remove the virus but the files are still closed with radman extension , the ransomware only completed by 11 percent it didn’t close all my files though.

    Any program to decrypt the files?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      There’s no decryptor for this cryptovirus at the moment. We are looking for one but, in the meanwhile, you may want to try the Shadow-Copy recovery from this article as it is explained above.

      1. Sam Avatar

        On behave of everyone here i would like to thank you for offering your help and making such huge effort

  186. Cristi Avatar

    My files are ecrypted with NHCR extension. Please tell me what to do.. I try some decryptors but don’t work.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Knowing the extension isn’t the same as knowing the name of the virus. Using the Ransomware ID tool from this article will help you find out what the exact malware that you are dealing with is and then you can try a corresponding decryptor. However, there may be no decryptor for the virus you have on your computer. In this case, the alternative is to try using the Shadow-Copy recovery from the current post – it may help you bring back some of your files. However, it’s important to first remove the malware from your machine.

  187. John Avatar

    All my files are decrypted by .ferosas ext . Is there any solution??

    1. Brandon Avatar

      First, you need to use the Ransomware ID tool from this article to figure out the name of the virus you are dealing with. Then, look through the list of decryptors to see if any of them may match the virus’ name and use them.

    2. Frederick Avatar

      Dear John, i have the same problem. If you find the solution please let me know.

  188. John Avatar

    Is there a decrypt for ferosas.ext files??

  189. Fita Lestari Avatar
    Fita Lestari

    I can’t open all files in my laptop.
    my files are encrypted .radman extention file. I already try some decryptors but don’t work
    Please tell me what to do, cause I really need that files.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Unfortunately, if the decryptors here do not work, the only other thing we can offer you as a potential solution is to try the Shadow-copy recovery from the current article. If this doesn’t work as well, you will sadly need to wait until a working decryptor for this virus gets released.

  190. Rizki Avatar

    Please help, to recovery back my data file, ransomeware .dotmap.EAIJTP .

    Any decrypt for that ?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      You must first use the Ransomware ID tool from above to learn the name of the virus. After that, look through the list of decryptors and see if any of the suggestions could help you.

  191. Roy Avatar

    Any Decrypt for .dotmap.EAIJTP ?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If none of the decryptors from this list work, the only other option that we can offer you is the Shadow-Copy recovery tool from this article.

  192. Praveen Avatar

    HI Team,

    My system is infected with .rezuc ransom and all of my files got decrypted. is there any decrptor for this virus.
    Please let me know if anyone knows.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If none of the decryptors we’ve listed above can help you, you should use the Shadow-Copy data-restoration tool as an alternative means of recovering at least some of your files. If this doesn’t work either, all you can do is wait until a decryptor gets released for this specific virus – we will make sure to keep looking for one!

    2. MUHAMMAD ADEEL Avatar

      I AM ALSO infected with .rezuc ransom and all of my files got decrypted. is there any decrptor for this virus.
      Please let me know if anyone knows.

  193. buyung Avatar

    what decryptor DOTMAP ?…….

  194. ABDELALI Avatar

    Any decryptor for files crypted by GANDCRAB V5.2 ?
    the extension is .obghqg.

    thank you

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sadly, currently there is no decryptor for this one. You can still try restoring some of your files through using the Shadow-copy recovery tool from the article above but other than that, there’s really not much you can do to bring your data back at the moment.

  195. amit pradhan Avatar
    amit pradhan

    do you have decryption tool for .radman ransomeware virus.
    thank you

    1. Brandon Avatar

      There isn’t a decryptor for this Ransomware right now. Try using the Shadow-copy restoration tool we’ve posted above as an alternative way of binging some of the locked-up files back.

  196. Wuhegthon Avatar


    All my files have been renamed to *.stone, I checked and its some kind of djavu rawnsome.

    Is there any tool to recover it all yet?

    Many thanks guys!!!

    Keep rockin!!!

    1. Brandon Avatar

      WE haven’t been able to find decryptors for this cryptovirus – you can try the Shadow-copy method as explained above as an alternative.

  197. Wuhegthon Avatar

    Bad news….

    Tried to run the app on the top here and got a new description on all my files like *.phcpazxt.stone and the message in the runnung window in every file while trying to decrypt: [-] No key for ID: nwh2krhTZz8MV6Boco78Jzu30Pz7uRe2lornI54z (.stone )

    Please refer to the appropriate guide for more information.
    Identified by

    ransomnote_email: gorentos @bitmessage. ch
    sample_extension: .stone
    sample_bytes: [0x303F99 – 0x303FB3] 0x7B33364136393842392D443637432D344530372D424538322D3045433542313442344446357D

    Any help???

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If none of the decryptors here have helped you, the only other thing we can suggest is to use the Shadow-Copy tool and try to restore at least some of your files with its help.

    2. Adi Avatar

      Did you find anything to help, Wuhegthon?

      1. Wuhegthon Avatar

        Nothing yet Adi….

        [-] No key for ID: nwh2krhTZz8MV6Boco78Jzu30Pz7uRe2lornI54z (.stone )

  198. Wuhegthon Avatar

    My contaminations:

    [!] No keys were found for the following IDs:
    [*] ID: nwh2krhTZz8MV6Boco78Jzu30Pz7uRe2lornI54z (.stone )
    [*] ID: nwh2krhTZz8MV6Boco78Jzu30Pz7uRe2lornI54z (.exe )
    [*] ID: nwh2krhTZz8MV6Boco78Jzu30Pz7uRe2lornI54z (.xrm-ms )
    [*] ID: nwh2krhTZz8MV6Boco78Jzu30Pz7uRe2lornI54z (.cab )
    Please archive these IDs and the following MAC addresses in case of future decryption:
    [*] MACs: C8:0A:A9:C3:B9:0C, 00:26:C7:3A:47:4C
    This info has also been logged to STOPDecrypter-log.txt

    Any help?


    1. Wuhegthon Avatar

      Decrypted 4 files!
      Skipped 12803 files.

      [!] No keys were found for the following IDs:
      [*] ID: nwh2krhTZz8MV6Boco78Jzu30Pz7uRe2lornI54z (.stone )
      [*] ID: nwh2krhTZz8MV6Boco78Jzu30Pz7uRe2lornI54z (.mp3 )
      Please archive these IDs and the following MAC addresses in case of future decryption:
      [*] MACs: C8:0A:A9:C3:B9:0C, 00:26:C7:3A:47:4C

  199. SOMNATH BERA Avatar

    do you have decryption tool for .dotmap ransomeware virus.

  200. tandukar Avatar

    any solution for .lanset ransomeware virus. Seriously infected all of my documents.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sadly, there is currently no decryptor for this one – we will keep looking and update this post if anything gets found.

  201. Rickla bacolong Avatar
    Rickla bacolong

    I need your help ??? I wa infected by .”davda” Ransomware please I need your help ?

    1. sandeep Avatar

      i think u can use Stopdecrypter tool

      i also need help for .heroset extension

      1. Srinidhi Achar Avatar
        Srinidhi Achar

        Did you find any solution for heronet problem please share

  202. kapita Avatar

    any solution for .lanset ransomeware virus. Seriously infected all of my documents.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If none of the decryptors here work, you should try the Shadow-Copy tool from above. Sadly, if this doesn’t work either, the only thing left to do is wait for a specialized recovery tool for this virus.

  203. dejan Avatar

    lanset virus can you help to decript my files

  204. Pete Avatar

    Hi. I my pc was infected with Ransomware and they locked all my files. They changed them to .bit files. Is there a decryptor for this?

  205. Vin Avatar

    Any solution for .phobos ransomeware virus?


    1. Danillo Avatar

      Did you got any help?

      1. Vin Avatar

        Nope 🙁

  206. raijin Avatar

    need help, can you find decrypt for .SOW ransomware?

  207. izzat Avatar

    any solution for .gerosan ransomeware virus. Seriously infected all of my documents. Please help!!

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Currently, there doesn’t seem to be a specialized decryptor for this one. We advise you to try the Shadow-Copy restoration method – it may allow you to bring some of your files back.

  208. M Salman Avatar
    M Salman

    Dear How to team!
    Please help me Please. All my very important files have converted to .vesad Extension. Please tell me how to decrypt that please. It will be very great favor.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Hi, we have provided instructions on what you can try in order to recover your files inside this current guide. Try the suggested options. Sadly, if none of them work, there is little we can o to help you.

    2. bilal Avatar

      did you recovered your files?

  209. amir shahzad Avatar
    amir shahzad

    Actually my documents,images files are encrypted by HEROSET ( ransomware).
    Is there any solution to decrypt my files.
    please help.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      All options that we can offer you with regards to data-decryption are in this article – if nothing you see here has helped you, then we cannot do much more to assist you.

  210. Jaime Alarcon Avatar
    Jaime Alarcon

    The id ransomware site says I have GlobeImposter 2.0 but my files are encrypted with a .DOCM extension. Is thre an decrypter for this one anywhere?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      The name of the Ransomware doesn’t necessarily always match the extension added to the encrypted files. As for decrypting your files, there currently isn’t a decryptor for GlobeImpsoter 2.0 that we know of. We will keep looking and in the meantime, what you can try is use the Shadow-Copy restoration tool mentioned in the current article as it may allow you to bring at least some of your data back.

    2. Mohamed Avatar

      please contact with me
      uask 2010@gmail. com

  211. Omran Avatar

    Hi, anything about (.2k19sys) please?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We haven’t been able to find a decryptor for this specific Ransomware yet. For now, the only other option we can offer you is the Shadow-Copy restoration tool that you can find in the article above.

  212. NIyas Avatar

    Please help me, my file for decrypt .muslat files.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If none of the decryption options we have offered in this article have helped you in any way, there is little else we can do to assist you.

      1. Chidi Avatar

        When you say if none of what we have offered can help, there is little else that could be done. On this same page, I have read in about 3 different places one could get all his files back when payment is made. Please confirm if that is true because I need to get my files back. Thank you.

        1. Brandon Avatar

          In all of our articles, we advise our readers not to pay the ransom demanded by the hackers. If you pay, you may get your files back but there is no guarantee that this will happen and that the hackers will send you the decryption key. If you pay, you are risking your money – it is up to you to decide whether or not you are willing to take that risk. We cannot confirm anything related to the ransom payment – each situation is different and paying may get you your the files back in one case and be an utter waste of money in another. But there are no guarantees and there’s always a risk of not getting anything for the money you send, which is why we advise against paying the ransom.

          1. Chidi Avatar

            So, the implication is that one has to keep waiting until there is a decryptor for .gerosan files?

          2. Brandon Avatar

            It is up to you to decide what to do. We cannot tell you with certainty what will happen if you pay and when or if a decryptor is going to be released. If your locked files aren’t super important or if you don’t need them right away, it’s probably better to give it some time and see if a decryptor gets released some time in the future.

  213. Avdhesh pratap singh Avatar
    Avdhesh pratap singh

    Hi there, just wanted to know that i m being infected with ransamware creating the files with extension ‘. rezuc is there any decryption available

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If the suggested decryptors from the list on this page can’t help you, you should try the Shadow Copy restoration method.

  214. giovanni Avatar

    hi , i have a file cryptated on .harma .

    1. Usman Avatar

      Have you found any solution regrading .harma infected files

  215. Lương Thanh Tùng Avatar
    Lương Thanh Tùng

    My data as effected ransom-ware Its showing .n2L3ms
    you can suggest any tool for this Please replay.

  216. Muminul Haque Avatar
    Muminul Haque

    My HDD is infected by ransomware named dalle and all the files are encrypted with the extension .dalle. How can I decrypt them?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      if the Shadow-Copy recovery tool from this article and the list of decryptors didn’t help you, there isn’t much else we can offer you as an alternative solution. You can wait until a working decryptor for this threat gets released but it cannot be said when that would happen.

  217. Franklin Avatar

    any news for .DOCM decryptor?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sadly, we currently have no information about a decryptor for this Ransomware virus.

  218. Hairiazwan Avatar

    my HDD was infected by ransoeware .litar.. how do i decrypt the files??

    1. Jorave Avatar

      Do any know it?
      I was infected by it too

    2. waffle Avatar

      Have you found a solution?

  219. shafiq Avatar

    How to decrypt my data that are encrypted by ransomware with extionsion “.pidon”. They left massage as below


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    https:/ /we .tl/t -7AKxZTQTdy
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    gorentos@ bitmessage. ch

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    stoneland@f iremail. cc

    Our Telegram account:

    Your personal ID:

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If the decryptors in this post or the Shadow-Copy recovery tool didn’t help you in any way, there isn’t anything more that we can offer you at the moment.

    2. Raphael Avatar

      I used Stop Decrypter and it recovered a lot of data. They have 3 version, the last one has 64 keys to decrypt and it works. By the way I`m still waiting for news keys to solve my problem

  220. Jo Avatar

    Hi,does anyone has decrypt for .litar?
    Thanks in advance

  221. Jo Avatar

    Hi, my computer hit by ransoeware added all my documents .litar behind.
    Can I change is there ways to decrypt it?

  222. Waffle Cat Avatar
    Waffle Cat

    Is there a decryptor for .litar files?

  223. Muhammad Junaid Avatar
    Muhammad Junaid

    I have encountered with .besub ransomware. it has corrupted all files. how I can decrypt my files. plz help

  224. Ramender Sharma Avatar
    Ramender Sharma

    My files are infected with .docm ransomware. Is there any solution for decryption of the data??

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Sadly, if none of the decryptors from our list has worked for you and if the Shadow Copy tool didn’t help you, there isn’t much else you can do at the moment.

  225. chehape Avatar

    hi guys, sadly 3 days ago i faced with this one ,this randsom encrypted my old photos, some of my documents and i couldn’t find any answer to it.

    All your files, documents, photos, databases and other important
    files are encrypted.

    You are not able to decrypt it by yourself! The only method
    of recovering files is to purchase an unique private key.
    Only we can give you this key and only we can recover your files.

    If you are ready to buy unique private key send an email including you ID to happyless@protonmail. com or happyless@tuta .io
    Your personal ID: 3E825511-ECE5-16EE-9A25-3B8DA842DDF6

    * Do not rename encrypted files.
    * Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software,
    it may cause permanent data loss.
    * Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may
    cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can
    become a victim of a scam.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If the decryptors here didn’t help you and the Shadow Copy recovery method wasn’t effective, we cannot offer you much more at the moment that can help you bring your data back to its accessible state.

      1. Naveed Ahsan Avatar
        Naveed Ahsan

        Hi I have got my laptop infected by .nelasod ransomware virus. I have tried all methods available but unable to remove this virus or recover data.Kindly help me out how to get rid of this .nelasod ransomware virus

        1. George Slaine Avatar
          George Slaine

          Hi Naveed Ahsan,
          try to remove the virus with our guide and follow every step carefully. After that visit our “How to Decrypt Ransomware” page so you can try to recover your data.

          1. Naveed Ahsan Avatar
            Naveed Ahsan

            I have done all the steps but nothing worked. I am still having the same issue of encrypted by nelasod ransomware.
            Please help me now

  226. TA Avatar

    Hi .
    how to decrypt data .Adame


    1. romario roges Avatar
      romario roges

      im waiting too.

  227. Aeritheon Avatar

    I am try to help my good friends out. If I could get your expertise on this, I would appreciate it. Nothing has been tried yet. Here is what I know so far.

    Example Encrypted File:
    www .hbr1. com. mp3 .id-C0DD5634.[[email protected]].bat.crypt

    Extension of encrypted files: .bat.crypt

    Abusers email address:
    sqlbackup4@mail .fr

    Abusers Bitcoin address:

    https: //www .bitcoinabuse .com/reports/1DvueRH5ybVBEtDCYGGXRgRVs6AVa3bcT1

    Message: ALL FILES ENCRYPTED “RSA1024”

    The perpetrators claim the files have been encrypted twice.

    Any identification and help would be appreciated. Thank you much in advance.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If nothing has been tried so far, maybe you should try some of the decryptors here and/or the Shadow Copy recovery tool posted above. However, remember that yous should first remove the cryptovirus before you try to recover your files.

  228. Tentsaku Avatar

    I can’t find any decryptor for .berosuce file.
    Anyone can help?

  229. Papai saha Avatar
    Papai saha

    .adame virus incrypted files how I dyscripted??

  230. LN patel Avatar
    LN patel

    My all data is encypted with .gasau extention, and there nothing about to solve this, plz help me

  231. Younis Avatar

    Hi ,

    Is there any decryptor for .gusau

    Pls help me out of this.


  232. Dario capriolo Avatar
    Dario capriolo

    Good morning, there are a software for decripter file .73c91h7 ?

  233. Prakash Avatar

    Isn’t there any decriptor for .bopedor rensomeware? Am I the first one to be infected by this………..

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If none of the decryptors from the list on this page have worked for you, then you will have to wait until a working decryptor for this virus gets released.

  234. Prakash Avatar

    Hello! is there anyone to help me. my system is infected by a ransomware virus and my all file is ecrypet into .bopedor do anyone have idea to get my file back. i need help.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      If the Shadow Copy method from this post didn’t work, and if none of the decryptors from the list managed to help you, there isn’t much else we can suggest at the time.

  235. Aryan Verma Avatar
    Aryan Verma


  236. Omarelkerdawy Avatar

    i have ransomware viruses named (access) there is no extension for it .. please some one help me

  237. jawad Hussain Avatar
    jawad Hussain

    my files are encrypted with ndarod extension. how can i recover my data. plz help need.

  238. amel Avatar

    Please Help for this Ransome

    ID : 130k4s7fs7348gdfvS3iNXrZw6Ex5PBa9JSE3ARZZnJTYR61PcMAvLKr
    extention: .access


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    http s:/ /we. tl/t-2P5WrE5b9f
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    gorentos @ bitmessage. ch

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    gorentos2@ firemail .cc

    Our Telegram account:
    @ datarestore
    Mark Data Restore

    Your personal ID:

    1. Raj Kumar Vemula Avatar
      Raj Kumar Vemula

      Same Problem to me also.

      If you get any solution please tell me also…

      1. Ahmed Yaseen Avatar
        Ahmed Yaseen

        I’ve got the same problem dude
        If you solve it please inform, please….

  239. Raj Kumar Vemula Avatar
    Raj Kumar Vemula

    Please Help for this Ransome

    ID : 130k4s7fs7348gdfvS3iNXrZw6Ex5PBa9JSE3ARZZnJTYR61PcMAvLKr
    extention: .access


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    http s:/ /we. tl/t-2P5WrE5b9f
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    gorentos @ bitmessage. ch

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    gorentos2@ firemail .cc

    Our Telegram account:
    @ datarestore
    Mark Data Restore

    1. Demon Salvatore Avatar
      Demon Salvatore

      Hi, Raj

      Do you find any way to recover data? If yes then plz help me.

    2. Sushil Avatar

      Hello Raj,
      Do you find any solution ? If yes than tell me, how to remove it. My pC also infacted 2 days before

  240. Christine Downing Avatar
    Christine Downing

    Has anyone heard of the ransomware tabufa? I am finding little to no information on this.

  241. ms Avatar

    hi may of our office PC infected with .harma files. Can you suggest if it is possible to decrypt the same and which decrypt tool

    1. elvo75 Avatar

      Any news in regards to this topic and decryption of .harma infected files?

  242. Dogan Avatar

    My computer has been infected with the “.id [88931A65-2288]. [[email protected]] .banjo” extension. How can I clean it with what tools?

  243. Andes Gillion Avatar
    Andes Gillion

    Any idea ho to recover files infected by .horon and .peekaboo

  244. Pramod Simkhada Avatar
    Pramod Simkhada

    Hello sir, my files are encrypted with .cosakos, .mosakos extension. how can i recover my data. plz help need.

  245. YA Avatar

    Hello, have you found a solution to decrypt files encrypted by ([email protected]) .HRM? I believe it’s Hermes 2.1…

  246. Kimeu Avatar

    Masok ransomware has got all my files too, any advice on this would be life changing.
    Please assist.

  247. Warnaka Senanayake Avatar
    Warnaka Senanayake

    server infected with .BRUSAF randsomeware. pls let me know an updated tool to decrypt files

    1. Emisedaaap Avatar

      How are you lasted?

  248. Rayalaf Avatar

    Hi ,

    i need decryptor for .prandel

    please help me


  249. jcd Avatar

    i need decryptor with .coharos

    thanks i advance

    1. Ahmad Fahrurroji Avatar
      Ahmad Fahrurroji

      same problem, my pc was infected too at same day. It’s still no found for decryptor.

  250. bipil istv Avatar
    bipil istv

    hi, i need a decrypter for .mtogas ransomeware. all my files are encrypted and cannot open and got an extension .mtogas

    1. yasser gaber Avatar
      yasser gaber

      please keep in touch if you found something, i have the same problem. eng. yassergaber@gmail. com

  251. Zuber Avatar

    My computer files is infected with .adame virus , file extension is id[D88CEDC5-2275].[[email protected]].Adame , do we have free decryptor for ransomware

    1. romario roges Avatar
      romario roges

      same here, man. I think this is a new kind, so, for a while there is no decryption to it. we have to wait..

  252. KHLS Avatar

    Need a decryption for ransomeware .vesrato (STOP DJVU), any recommendation? Thanks

    1. sunnyleone Avatar

      yeah i too need this

    2. sam Avatar

      have you got the solution?

      1. ahmed Avatar

        You’re doing a GREAT job helping lots of ppl around the globe, so do we have any hopes to get this decryptor released soon?

  253. gov Avatar

    Hello ,

    kindly share the details to decypt .masodas ransomware.

  254. Vu Avatar

    I have big problem with ransomeware .Masodas. Please help me. Thanks

  255. Umar Avatar

    Need a decryptor for .carote ransomware. please help me. Thanks.

  256. Umar Avatar

    My pc is encrypted with .carote ransomware. Anyone help me please

  257. Ehsan Avatar

    my PC infected with .cetoi virus how to find decryptor ?
    thank you so much.

  258. issan franz Avatar
    issan franz

    do you have anything on .PEDRO?

  259. bakir Avatar

    My pc is encrypted with hese ransomware. Anyone help me please

  260. Arshad Avatar

    my pc is encrypted with gero type file…especially for word,pdf,photo and others apps..

  261. Jameson Avatar


    My system is infected with .hese ransomware and all my files have been encrypted. I am in big trouble. Kindly help me.

    1. revanth kumar Vanjarapu Avatar
      revanth kumar Vanjarapu

      any luck for .hese

  262. S.Sadaf Avatar

    Please provide a decrypter for .SETO encrypted files. I’ve successfully removed that virus from my PC but unable to recover the affected files..
    Please it’s a humble request.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Unfortunately, we can’t do anything more than what we have already written as instructions. If none of the decryptors here work for you, and if the Shadow-Copy recovery tool doesn’t help, all you can do is wait for a new decryptor to get released.

  263. mf Avatar

    My pc is encrypted with .MOKA ransomware.

    1. Nitin Avatar

      Same here.. My D Drive all files with .moka ransomware .. Striked on 12th September. I think we will have to wait till they find some fix.
      Right now i am not getting any solution anywhere.

    2. FDaw Avatar

      me too .. any luck with a decryptor

  264. ren Avatar


    Any update for djvur decryptor?

    Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

  265. Jack Avatar

    May Day, May Day, Infected by ransomware STOP (Djvu)

    Ramsomware: STOP (Djvu)
    Need help to decrypt: .meds
    Code: 162Ad768734uygjdfg6rZnuSeQy0f64eq4ZLMVexCF8816XOmnD8nGdEch

    Anyone out there have a working decrypter please help

    1. laila Avatar

      hi mine is also infected with med virus that encrypted al my important docs kindly if you have any solution guide me as well.thank you

  266. Yasir Avatar

    Hi my files are encrypted with .kvag extension. What should i do for decrypt all files.

    1. x Avatar

      me too, do you get any solutions?

  267. Alituma Avatar
    Alituma files encrypted with .DOMN ransomware I tried the steps on decryption it but its doesn’t have result please help

  268. Alituma Avatar

    I’m not sure but I think I found the key for encrypted files with .DOMN extension by using the was written in the last line of every program with personal ID but can I decrypt the files with that key without using any program? please answer me

  269. Rafiq Avatar

    my laptop attacked by ransomware .seto demanding 980 $ to decrypt data. is there any solution to recover data from infected files.
    only the attack time data infected on 7th september 2019 thereafter protection obtained and infection removed but data yet at large

  270. charbel abdo Avatar
    charbel abdo

    my files have been encrypted with .KVAG extension please help me i have important information that has been locked away

  271. Gilmar Avatar

    Good Morning
    I would like to know if the paid version of Data Recover Pro decrypts the extension .kvag ransomware

    1. Brandon Avatar

      We cannot give you any guarantees about that. You should ask that the developers of the program.

  272. sabir Avatar

    karl file extension and solution

  273. Sonia Avatar

    My pc is full of karl virus .plz help me to fight with thi virus.

  274. Medhat Darewish Avatar
    Medhat Darewish

    Hi! all…




    The message was:


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    https ://we. tl/t-UV4s8jgncB
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    gorentos @ bitmessage .ch

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    gerentoshel p@ firemail .cc

    Your personal ID:

    Can the decryption work on this?

    1. Raha Avatar

      Dear Medhat Darewish

      could you solve your PC with nesa. malware?
      If yes. Please guide me.

      Thank you so much

  275. Raza Avatar

    Hi brother
    Brother i want help from ur hand my pc has attacked by .karl my all data convert to .karl extension how can i decrypt it again in orginl format i have big trboul please help

  276. Rupam Gaur Avatar
    Rupam Gaur

    Hi my files are encrypted with .kvag extension. What should i do for decrypt all files.

  277. Joseph Laurent C. Marrero Avatar
    Joseph Laurent C. Marrero

    i follow the steps. but i cant recover my files with .karl file extension. can anyone pls help me. TIA

  278. Luca Di Santo Avatar
    Luca Di Santo


    My hdd has been infected with FTCode. I have been able to isolate the files that were infected on time before taking it to a step further, however partly the damage has been done.
    Some of my Excel SHEETS HAVE BEEN DAMAGED. They have been encrypted with all sort of mumbojumbo.
    Although I have been doing research I can’t seem to find a decent decryptor to bring back the excel sheets to their natural standard and with readable information.
    I wonder if you can recommend any software available.

    Thanks for your help.

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Hi, Luca, all the software we could recommend has been posted on the current article. Sadly, not all Ransomware versions have a corresponding decryptor tool, so if none of the decryptors here have worked for you, there isn’t much else that could be done. You can try the Shadow-Copy recovery tool from the start of this article, in case you haven’t already done so – it may be able to bring back some data.

    2. Alessio Genova Avatar
      Alessio Genova

      Hello Luca,
      we get FTCODE virus too, just today.
      We’re trying to recover old file deleted so to get old xls files.
      At the moment we didn’t find any type of decryptor, if you get it please let us know. We’ll make the same.

      Best Regards,

  279. marjus Avatar

    hi my file encrypter domn virus how to encrypt file

  280. marjus Avatar

    how to decrypt file dom virus

  281. ashwani saini Avatar
    ashwani saini

    i have hese ransome ware how can decyrpet plz tell

  282. felix mar fernandez Avatar
    felix mar fernandez


    all of my files were corrupted and change to .hofos, how can i recovery that file?

    i already re-install my windows, and backup all the data but nothing happen..

    Thank you for your helping

  283. Haroon Rasheed Avatar
    Haroon Rasheed

    Please check if you have a decryptor of .banta encryption.

    Haroon Rasheed

  284. Mahmoud Avatar

    What about .noos and .money?
    Is there any hope?

  285. Dariel Avatar

    Hi all the redme file in my pc is this one but I cant find any descriptor for this pls help

    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    https ://we .tl/t-vzAZbtWtGh
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    gorento s@bitmessage. ch

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    gerentosrestore@ firemail .cc

    Your personal ID:


    Hi, all of my files change to RICO files
    and I find a message in all my folders like that

    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    https ://we. tl/t-vzAZbtWtGh
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    gorentos @bitmessage. ch

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    gerentosrestore@ firemail .cc

    Your personal ID:

    IS there any hope to recover my data back. please reply

    1. Mary Avatar

      hey did you figure out how to decrypt .reco file. if so please let me know. All of my files are corrupted and have extension .RECO too.

  287. Serg Rud Avatar
    Serg Rud

    Good day! So need some help from knowing people!
    trying to decrypt our *.KRAB files, which are crypted with GANDCRAB v4. But i got a problem, cause manual of an decryption utylity ask me to show ransome note.
    But all i have – is ID and email, that looks like “[[email protected] ]” (while original file was “passwords.xlsx”).
    So i mailed to this address and got such answer:

    decrypt files
    after payment we will send you a decryption tool with instructions.
    our bitcoin-purse – 13LhzonyZ47nK28ko2PD12gvjEgH8bLbNE
    all information about bitcoins is here -
    bitcoins are bought here –
    https ://localbitcoins .com/
    https:/ /www. bitpanda. com/
    https ://paxful. com/
    https ://www .abra .com/
    Do not rename encrypted files.
    Do not try to decrypt your data with third-party software, this can lead to permanent data loss.
    With this letter the deadline begins


    I appreciate any help and tips, what in fact i got to do, because i found no manual in this case, when there is no ransom note and only mail.
    Thanks in advance!

  288. Aamir Avatar

    HI All.
    My All file in system is locked and every file created (.hese) extension

    plzz help

  289. djamel Avatar

    hello is there any news about LETO virus ?

    1. Ciphe_Cue Avatar

      Ys……my Laptop is attackd with LETO…….Any decrypting tool to recover my data back

    2. jenggot Avatar

      same with me, all files encrypted with extension filename.etx.leto

  290. Ashpak Avatar

    Please do you have solution or decryptor of .BORA VIRUS ?? encryption.


    1. yasir Avatar

      same with me.. all files converted to .bora

  291. ebru Avatar

    how we can fix our files. Is There a Decoder Program for .nols

  292. kalpesh jani Avatar
    kalpesh jani

    same with me, all files encrypted with extension filename.etx.leto Any decrypting tool to recover my data back

  293. Tyo Budi Avatar
    Tyo Budi

    Please help me, do you have solution or Decryptor of .money virus?

    1. Abdul khaliq Avatar
      Abdul khaliq

      if you have solution then kindly provide me also

  294. Venkatraman Iyer Avatar
    Venkatraman Iyer

    my Laptop is attackd with LETO. Need Help please. Tried with Emisoft Decryptor but no use

  295. Kaitokid Avatar

    hi, i wanna ask here. do you have any solution for .coot virus ?

    thanks in advance

    1. sadiq Avatar

      I am also waiting for the solution for .coot virus? Any suggestion please?

  296. Dilshan Avatar

    Hello do you have any tool for .BORA virus decrytion ??

  297. Mirza Avatar

    Is there any info about decrypting .DERP files? 🙁

    1. max Avatar

      Any help, updates??… on decrypting .derp files ??…

    2. cungduocha Avatar

      me too

    3. Juan Avatar

      Hi. All my files were converted to .peet extention. Is there any solution to restore them?
      Please, i´m desperate.

    4. jb Avatar

      help me you all .if u got solutions

  298. Thomas Avatar

    Solution for decrypt files .danger? Thanks

  299. amar Avatar

    my Laptop is attackd with LETO. Need Help please. Tried with Emisoft Decryptor but no use

  300. rafiq Avatar

    thanks to emsi soft 50%data recovered stored in folders not moved. it will be more helpfull if file by file decryption processed

  301. Sanawar sekhon Avatar
    Sanawar sekhon

    How to recover files infected with .karl extenstion

  302. Mirek Avatar

    The HDD has been infected and encoded all files with the meka extension. There is some protection against it

  303. Muhammad Asif Avatar
    Muhammad Asif

    i gott attack derp, nawk ransomeware.
    plz help me


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    https:/ /we .tl/t-IbdGyCKhdr
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    salesrestoresoftware@firemail. cc

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    salesrestoresoftware@ gmail. com

    Your personal ID:

  304. penang Avatar

    My file has been encrypted with .toec
    Please help to find solution how to decrypt this ransomware


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    https ://we. tl/t-h159DSA7cz
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    salesrestoresoftware@firemail. cc

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    salesrestoresoftware @gmail. com

  305. irfandy Avatar

    My file has been encrypted with .lokf
    Please help to find solution how to decrypt this ransomware,thank you so much

    1. Andrei Avatar


      My computer has been envrypted with the same .lokf
      Did you found any solution?
      Thank you!

  306. Yogananth Youganathan Avatar
    Yogananth Youganathan

    My file has been encrypted by .meka
    Please help to find a solution how to decrypt this ransomware

  307. Aryz Sermonit Avatar
    Aryz Sermonit

    Guys Do you have decrypt for .meka files?

  308. Hugues NDONG Avatar
    Hugues NDONG

    My computer is infected by Lokf ransomware
    I got registerd version of SpyHunter and UnHackMe, did scans but my files remain unusable.
    How to restore my files please. Any idea will be welcome for me.

  309. Wemi Avatar

    I have been battling with a virus .mosk, please how do I get out all my files back?
    I need a trusted, and tested and guaranteed info and tool to solve this issue.
    thank you

    1. Bruno Avatar

      I’ve been infected with mosk too
      I think sometime soon there will be decryptor for this ramsonware

    2. Rico Avatar

      i am joining the queue, this .mosk malware so iritating. waiting for pros to solve this issue.

  310. Bruno Avatar

    Is there any decryptor for the .Mosk extension??

  311. swaroop Avatar


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    http s://we .tl/t-sTWdbjk1AY
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    gorentos@ bitmessage. ch

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    gerentoshelp @firemail cc

    Your personal ID:

    1. BVS Prasad Avatar
      BVS Prasad

      Have you succeeded in resolving it? I am also facing same problem. Please let me know.

  312. Butch Avatar

    Is there anyone experience that your file change to ” . nesa “.
    If so, can you please help me how did you recover or get back your files to normal.
    Thank you.

  313. kbank Avatar

    help me ransomware .lokf personal id = oSK4sJCwHYXheXNQ8q9zCU1ngjEkh8u3TDk8VY1K

  314. Sushil Avatar


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    https ://we .tl/t-7cpJN3gq4f
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    restoredatahelp @firemail. cc

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    gorentos @bitmessage. ch

    Your personal ID:

  315. Sven Avatar

    Hello, i attacked by .peet ransomware. How to decrypt my files?

  316. Sarfraz Avatar

    Hi. How to removea and decrypt .grod file
    plz help me.

  317. Gustaf Avatar

    my PC is attacked by MOSK FILE VIRUS. I need assistance to recover my datas please. any solution?

  318. Beej Avatar


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    https ://we. tl/t-7cp JN3gq4f
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    restoredatahelp @firemail. cc

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    gorentos@ bitmessage. ch

    Your personal ID:

  319. SWETHAA RAYA Avatar

    is there no decryter for grod

  320. Isabella Avatar

    .peet …..anyone have the solution to decrypt?

  321. BVS Prasad Avatar
    BVS Prasad

    My all files are encrypted with .mded extension. What is the best removal process I should follow? Thank you in advance.

    1. BVS Prasad Avatar
      BVS Prasad

      it is .mbed

  322. BVS Prasad Avatar
    BVS Prasad

    Sorry it is .mbed extension

    1. Manish Avatar

      My System is also infected by .mbed extension. I tried many Anti-Virus and Decryption Tool but till now not success.

      1. mayur Avatar

        yes same here

  323. Said Nurahman Avatar
    Said Nurahman

    how to get back file by virus Ransomware

    extension virus : x2fn7s4rr7

  324. Irakli Avatar

    we need revil / sodinokibi decryptor :(((

  325. Ado Avatar

    hello my computer infected by ransomware. all the file extention become .zobm and i can’t access all my file. anyone here know how to remove the virus and recover my files? i appreciate any help because i’m so frustated with this:(

  326. jc Avatar

    Hello, i attacked by .peet ransomware. How to decrypt my files?

  327. Sivasakthi Avatar

    Has .mbed decrypt with onlinekey has been solved. Please help us all Professionals. Thanks

  328. Reymon Avatar

    Hi I was attacked by ransomware GROD.file. do you some decryptor for this?

  329. Gabriel Avatar

    Hello my computer infected by ransomware. All the file extension become .zobm and i can’t access all my file. Anyone here know how to remove the virus and recover my files?
    I tried Emsisoft Decryptor tool but can’t i got the message like:
    Error: Unable to decrypt file with ID: tLEWg7wZGeoDP7apOb0DQhjL56joI9MIaeABM2Zh

    My personal ID of zobm is:

  330. Ahmed Avatar

    Hi, i attacked by .mbed ransomware. How to decrypt my files?

  331. Ashutosh Buyre Avatar
    Ashutosh Buyre

    my pc infected with .grod virus. how to decrypt those files. please advise

  332. Indah Avatar

    how to get back file by virus Ransomware

    extension file : .rote

  333. brahmaji Avatar

    i also have same issue. i tried to scan using spy hunter, later by qh bt it is not showing anything. kindly help me out

  334. Ahmed Nafi Avatar
    Ahmed Nafi

    Hello, i attacked by .rote ransomware. How to decrypt my files?

  335. yogesh Avatar

    system attack by .rote ransomware . need help!!!!!

  336. krishna kumar sharma Avatar
    krishna kumar sharma

    my all files become .rote file extension what should I do I m very upset I need ur help please give me a solution for this trouble.

  337. yazhi Avatar

    help I was attacked by ransomware
    extention: .msop
    How to decrypt my files?

  338. the people Avatar
    the people

    anyway to decrypt .Adame encrypted files yet ?

  339. jg Avatar

    Please help
    My computer is infected by .leto ransomware
    I got version of SpyHunter, did scans but my files remain unusable.
    How to restore my files please. I need these files its very important for me

  340. dina Avatar

    my pc and our server is infected by online key .ROTE Ransomware.. please help me to decrypt it please…

  341. mayur Avatar

    .mbed files convert any solution pls let me know

  342. Sajan Kasula Avatar
    Sajan Kasula

    Hi, I am attacked with the ransomeware named .MSOP. The problem is that all my backup files were also infected as I was working by using backup files. All my documents of 8yrs have been infected. Please help me to get my documents back. Plzzz! ?
    Thank you in advance.

  343. harkat Avatar

    hi, i was attacked by ransomware .derp, and i have formatted my system bat i have saved all my files, how to decrypt please save me?

  344. dina Avatar

    my pc was infected with .rote online key ransomware in november 24, 2019, has anyone find a solution?also our server is infected, please help me

  345. Rin Avatar

    I can’t decrypt all of my files please help me. The type of my files are changed to .HETS file

  346. Ommie Bhatt Avatar
    Ommie Bhatt

    my all files become .rote file extension what should I do I m very upset I need ur help please give me a solution for this trouble.

  347. Praveen Kumar Avatar
    Praveen Kumar

    My file has been encrypted with .toec
    Please help to find solution how to decrypt this ransomware


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    htt ps:// we. tl/t-h159DSA7cz
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:
    salesrestoresoftware@firemail. cc

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:
    salesrestoresoftware@gmail .com

    Your personal ID:

  348. Flo Avatar

    My machine infected with a .fl5m5kdh4 I believe this a new ransomware virus. Can someone find a solution for us.. Thank you in advance.

  349. Bhargav Baraiya Avatar
    Bhargav Baraiya

    My system all FILE .DERP PLEASE help

  350. kripanidhan Avatar

    How i can solve my prob.. lot of my files,program.Iso file have changeed in RIGH formate ???

  351. Okonkwo Tochukwu Daniel Avatar
    Okonkwo Tochukwu Daniel

    Please I have this issue, mine is .hets. I need solution because all my files have been encrypted by the virus.

  352. david fernandez Avatar
    david fernandez

    hello, how to remove ransomware .mbed and .roger and then how to recovery the encripted files by them

    1. DH Avatar

      David, did you have any luck?
      I just got hit with the .ROGER extension.


        has anyone managed to decrypt .ROGER?

        1. Antonio Giordan Avatar
          Antonio Giordan

          Hi i have the same problle,
          Did you solve it?


          someone has been lucky with .ROGER

      2. Antonio Giordan Avatar
        Antonio Giordan

        Did you solve your problem?

  353. ric Avatar

    pls help i am with gesd ransome

  354. furat Avatar

    Please help me solve my problem
    My computer was infected by ransomware and all data was encrypted to redl type file
    Please help me to return the data because all kinds of decryption did not work with me

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello furat, if you don’t see a decryptor on our page unfortunately your files cannot be recovered.

  355. nj ben Avatar
    nj ben

    hi my files are infected by .ndes and .gesd ransomware, how can i recover them

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello nj ben, if you can’t find a decryptor on our page there is no way to recover your files.

  356. Hylton Avatar

    please help me decrypt a .NBES file

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Hylton, I’m sorry but if there is no decryptor on our page your files can’t be recovered.

    2. Jose Tadeu Avatar
      Jose Tadeu

      hey Hylton
      did you find the solution?

  357. Izharulhaq Avatar

    Hi, My Data encrypted with gesd ransomeware. If there any update regarding gesd decryptor. Waiting for your prompt response. Thanks.

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Izharulhaq, if our page doesn’t have a decryptor your files cannot be recovered.

  358. Younes Avatar

    HELP ME PLEASE FOR : .REDL ransomware .. all my files are crypted.
    contact me if you know any soulution please, i really need my files, am graduating this year and all my work is crypted.
    [email protected]

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Younes, if there is no decryptor on our page the files cannot be recovered.

  359. hieupham Avatar

    hello petov, I am currently encrypting files by .derp virus. I have reinstalled Windows and backed up the files to another data drive. Can you tell me any software to recover encrypted files?
    -I use google translate to translate. Hope you can understand me. Sincere thanks

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi hieupham, try to look for a decryptor on our page. If you cannot find one matching the extension, your files have been encrypted with unfortunately they cannot be recovered.

  360. Temka Avatar


    I got a problem, Is seems as if our ESXI has been hacked. The host contains of two terminal Server which can’t be started anymore. following message ist displayed: to decrypt contact falcons@cryptmail[.]com enter password:
    Also all my shared folders are gone which are located on my Synology nas and they were mounted to one server. Especially all my local backups and cloud backups deleted too.

    Is this a known situation and is it possible to decrypt vm-files?

    Kind regards

  361. NT Avatar

    Hi. is there any information about a decryption for nsou extension

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi NT, unfortunately this ransomware extension is not yet decryptable.

  362. Riza . Avatar
    Riza .

    Any update how to decrypt .adame files?

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hi Riza, unfortunately this ransomware extension is not yet decryptable.

      1. Riza . Avatar
        Riza .

        okay thanks dude

  363. Ran Sacal Avatar
    Ran Sacal

    guys any solution to decrypt .btos virus.
    I need to recover some Business documents , I really need help.

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Ran Sacal, the .btos is one of the newest Ransomware version right now and it is still impossible to decrypt your files.

      1. candra Avatar

        how long till i get decrypt my files? mine is infected by btos too.. how long does it take??

        1. George Slaine Avatar
          George Slaine

          Hi candra,
          you can try the other methods that we have listed here, or check this page often for updates.

  364. Ran Sacal Avatar
    Ran Sacal

    Hope to a have a solution for that.
    these lowlife are ruining my business and my kids’ future.

  365. Ion Avatar

    Is there any hope for .gesd 2.0 decryptor please?

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi Ion, if you do cannot find the decryptor you are looking your files cannot be recovered.

      1. Ion Avatar

        Hi Petkov.
        Can I send you same clean and infected files ?
        Thank you!

  366. gian Avatar

    all files of my pc gone to .pint extension.Any decrypt tool for .piny ransomware virus

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello gian, If you cannot find the decryptor you are looking for on our page then there is no existing one.

      1. Gian Avatar

        I tried this method of data recovery but file still same (encrypted form).any tool to decrypt (working) .piny files

    2. khaled samir Avatar
      khaled samir

      did u fix it ??

  367. madboy Avatar

    i am in deep trouble
    bro my whole data inffected by .alka virus
    can you plz give me a fix to get the data back

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hello madboy, the .alka is one of the newest Ransomware version right now and it is still impossible to decrypt your files

  368. someone Avatar

    please any robbinhood decryptor ?

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      did you try with the methods listed here? If you’ve already tried, then to this point this is all we have. Check this page often for other solutions.

  369. BJ Avatar

    Is there any method for decrypting .topi ransomware

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hello BJ, try to look for a decryptor on our page, if you cannot find one I’m sorry but your files cannot be recovered at this point.

  370. Gevorg Martirosyan Avatar
    Gevorg Martirosyan

    Hi Guys, please help with the cerber3. Have you found a solution for that virus? Thanks in advance.

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Gevorg Martirosyan, if you cannot find a decryptor in our page I’m sorry but your files cannot be recovered yet.

  371. Zdeněk Avatar

    Hello, what about .Adame ransomware decryption tool?

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi Zdeněk, look for a decryption tool on our web page, if there is none then file recovery for .adame is not yet possible.

  372. Rushabh khane Avatar
    Rushabh khane

    How to decrypt .bboo ransomware

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Rushabh,
      first you can try downloading the first decrypting program from Emsisoft and if that does not help, you can try the other methods.

      1. Somtea Avatar

        I have the same problem. Did Emisoft work for decrypting .bboo?

  373. Aldo Avatar

    Hi brothers, today I find my PC with all files crypted. Ex: “filename.pdf” becomes “filename.pdf.b75876”. All files changed extension in .b75876.
    Does somebody help me, please?

  374. Muhammad Hamza Avatar
    Muhammad Hamza

    my laptop is infected by randsomeware (extension .t4ouy9) please suugest way how to decrypt my files. i have lost my important data. reply please

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Muhammad,
      there are a couple of methods on this page. You just need to follow the steps.

  375. Janet Huston Avatar
    Janet Huston

    Do you have a way to decrypt .bed3 extension. Thanks Janet

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hi Janet, look for a decryption tool on our web page, if there is none then file recovery for .bed3 is not yet possible

  376. jhon Avatar

    theres a decryption for (foop type ransome) thers is somthing importhan file for me

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hello John, if you cannot find a decryptor in our page I’m sorry but your files cannot be recovered yet

    2. Andri Avatar

      I’ve been attacked that foop too dude, i don’t know how to fix this,,

  377. Arpad Avatar

    Y have the same *.foop extension

  378. Caner tuncay Avatar
    Caner tuncay

    I was attacked by ransomware
    extention: .lokd
    How to decrypt my files?

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hello Caner tuncay, if you cannot find a decryptor in our page I’m sorry but your files cannot be recovered yet

      1. george00223 Avatar

        I have the same .lokd extension

  379. Danilo Avatar

    I need help with Ako / MedusaReborn. How to decrypt my files?

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hello Danilo, firstly, we advise you to complete the guide from the current page in order to remove the malware and clean your PC. The best thing to do is back those files up onto another drive for safe keeping until a decrypter becomes available.

  380. Ana Avatar

    I think I was attacked by a ransomware. It added an extension to all my data files name – “.ooss”
    Is there any decryptor for . ooss?
    Thank you.

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Ana, look for a file decryption tool on our page, if you cannot find one matching the extension your files have been encrypted with, I’m sorry but your files cannot be decrypted at this point.

  381. Ehab Avatar

    My files were crypted with a ransom virus which changes the extention of files to .remk – it is an online virus as I researched and it has no solving ways. How can I restore my .remk files? it attacked my photos and videos! Please inform the people who could help us find a way to decrypt this online .remk virus.

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Firstly, we advise you to complete the guide from the current page in order to remove the malware and clean your PC. Next, The best thing to do is back those files up onto another drive for safe keeping until a decrypter becomes available.

  382. Pulitore Avatar

    Please help i was hacked by the sodinokibi and renamed all my files to .70h49 extension.
    If anyone has any idea how to decrypt the files, please let me know. Thanks a lot.

  383. rafael gomez Avatar
    rafael gomez

    Hello! I was hacked by a virus with the extension .npsk, do you know any program that decodes this type of file?

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Rafael Gomez, you have been infected with one of the newest DJVU Ransomware and decrypting your files is impossible for now.

      1. Shoaib Avatar

        Yes, My computer also has been attacked by DJVU Ransomware and I’ve tried different descriptors but I’m unable to recover my files.
        Pls advice

        1. George Slaine Avatar
          George Slaine

          Hi Shoaib,
          did you try the suggestions on this page ?

    2. Cucu Avatar

      I also got this virus. let me know if there is a solution

  384. Dudu Avatar

    Hi bro, how to Decrypt: *.OPQZ file please…,


    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hi Dudu, we advise you to complete the guide from the current page in order to remove the malware and clean your PC.The best thing to do is back those files up onto another drive for safe keeping until a decrypter becomes available.

  385. Topizio Avatar

    I got Phobos
    This is an example of a file[00532425-2275].[[email protected]].help

    I can’t fine any decrypt tool
    It’s so sad

    1. Saravana Avatar

      I am also having the same issue. If there any solution let me know.

    2. garaw Avatar

      me either i get hacked just like you and all my files with .help extension …still no solution for the moment

    3. p.raindeit Avatar

      Likewise, I also have been hit with id[00D00D6B-2275].[[email protected]].help. I can’t find any decryption software for it. I really need help urgently for this.

  386. Khoo Avatar

    How to recover .mado file…all my documents, pdf, doc file …
    anyway to help? please…

  387. khoo Avatar

    i use Stellar, Emisoft…decrypt same mado file =.=ll
    like example 123.pdf.mado —> Stellar decrypt —> 123.pdf.mado (same mado file too and cannot open even i remove file name .mado)

  388. SANJAY RANA Avatar

    my files are .opqz format. i have use the complete process told by you but no file decrypted. my computer currept my files on 28.03.2020. please tell me decrpted tool to get my files back. please help me

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Sanjay
      .opqz virus is still a new and there is no decryption for it yet

  389. Nash Avatar

    by mistake i have click on a link on a web site something got downloaded and installed on my pc

    and my external HDD was connected with all my files and software.

    All my files got encrypted with an extension .mpaj (DJVU).
    i have been looking for a software to decrypt the files but can find one which really work
    can someone help me to find a decrytor


    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Nash,
      Mpaj Virus is a new variant of the DJVU Ransomware family and there is no decryption for it yet.

      1. Parham Avatar

        Usually How long does it take to make one??
        I decided to delete my files except music and pictures.

        1. Petkov Avatar

          Hello Parham, I’m sorry but we don’t have that answer, it’s different with each ransomware virus so the best thing you can do is keep those files in a backup hard drive and have patience.

  390. Ali Avatar

    hi im searching decryption for “.~~~~”

  391. akash Avatar

    any decryption tool for .mpaj files

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello akash, so far there is no decryption tool available for this ransomware virus.

  392. User Avatar

    its very bad when this worm called mpaj virus plays with windows users like this , must solve !

  393. ionut pavel Avatar
    ionut pavel

    for phobos (eight) ransomware is possible to recover ?

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Ionut,
      you can try the methods on this page.

  394. wajid ali khan Avatar
    wajid ali khan

    any decrypter for .mado my whole PC is infected, i formatted C drive but still cant open files on other partitions
    plz help its very sad that im not perffect computer man.

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hi, Wajid Ali Khan, unfortunately at this point file recovery from this particular ransomware virus is not possible. Our advice ,and the best thing you can do for now, is back those files up onto another drive for safe keeping until a decrypter becomes available.

  395. Jose Tadeu Avatar
    Jose Tadeu

    please can you help me to decripter files with .nbes extension?

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Jose Tadeu, unfortunately this file extension is one the newer variants and is not yet decryptable. The only thing you can do is wait for a decryption program to be released.

  396. anand Avatar

    I will affected by .lalo
    Anyone have decrypt file for this virus

  397. Carlos Lindman Avatar
    Carlos Lindman

    Please someone help me , i´ve gotten ( .jope ) anybody get any Decryption ?

  398. wajid ali khan Avatar
    wajid ali khan

    thank you, for ur reply.

    when cam i have the dycrypter for .mado etension files.

  399. Horváth Istvan Avatar
    Horváth Istvan

    Hi there at april 10 my pc was infected with .mpaj ransomwere virus .I copy my important encrypted folders and the readme text the personal id and the sydtem id files to an usb stick then i reinstal windows10. The question is later when the decryption method was find for .mpaj can i decrypt files from stick?

  400. hamza Avatar

    my pc get this virus which is called .qewe and i didn’t find a solve for it please if you have it share it with me on [email protected] .
    and thanks.

  401. RAFIK23 Avatar

    Hi , any one have decryptor Zepplin program , or anyone have a solution share with us plz

  402. Muhamed Avatar

    My file has been encrypted with .qewe
    Please help to find solution how to decrypt this ransomware


    Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
    All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
    The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
    This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
    What guarantees you have?
    You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
    You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
    Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
    Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
    Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
    Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

    To get this software you need write on our e-mail:

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:

    Your personal ID:

  403. ion Avatar

    my laptop was infected with LEZP. i received the same message like Muhamed. i try to watch at we. tl/t-nb2ThWY25i, but is nothing there. however, i find in ProgramData a text where is a long key and at the final the ID online. it is any method to use the key and to decrypt my files?
    my key: “public_key”:”—–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—–\\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA1ewBWQBGSHhqzybNr4BO\\n7DwMJkGdr63DA6Lf+6hko\/acLiUignfAtHMMwoGqbtXnZnRjXk4lDJxOa3uj6K5K\\nxTEufzxVhgOKdZnCtneKiNBXhmNHfhUgUL8Mp98JhRkCYhYI1e7+dd6ujeqOB2qd\\nOkrABdQz9uLsgd+ZyMVzJ9B1QtJa+X3+ZuDEX2tIrRt2z8mTL2otJh5FCK2YfCT9\\nsZOWS7xY99xgxQQXgs\/r3biXto6yqTm7Urfq7rEzVOr222BGwe6VKjhOBOJgH\/cP\\n6qILyJlCodK6EvGfeh3ZaHkxZt2wOHtWXSVIUbBHrGVQroSbaSXV0DlnSYJohUb\/\\nGwIDAQAB\\n—–END PUBLIC KEY—–\\n”

  404. Ahmad Rezaa Avatar
    Ahmad Rezaa

    My PC is infected by a qewe extension and I lost every important data.
    I check all the options to recover data but still I can’t recover the data.
    Please help me , what should I do.
    My data is very important.
    I reinstall the windows too and I scan full PC with several anti-virus and antimalware.
    My new added data is healthy but my previous data is still encrypted.
    Help me and show me a solution to decrypt all my files.
    Also I test some decrypting tool that didn’t work.
    The Ransome message says that your personal ID is 0222xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvt1
    Please help me.

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hi Ahmad Rezaa, the .qewe STOP variant is new and is currently not decryptable. Unfotunately, the best thing to do is back those files up onto another drive for safe keeping until a decrypter becomes available.

      1. Ahmad Rezaa Avatar
        Ahmad Rezaa

        Hi Valentin Slavov, If my data can recover in the future, this is not problem, I can wait.
        In your view, the decrypting tool for qewe will come 100% or maybe come.
        If it will come, when is the approximately time.

  405. Chris Avatar

    I got a virus on my pc that I got rid of but cant find a decrypt tool anywhere.
    Below is the file type:
    .[[email protected]]
    It is a MAKOP file type
    Please let me know if you have a decrypt tool for this.

  406. Imran Avatar

    My laptop infected by .MAKOP file type
    Please let me know if you have a decrypt tool for this.

    I dont find decript tool for thise type of file

    Please help

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi Imran, unfortunately there is still no existing decryption tool for your encrypted files.

    2. atique ahmed Avatar
      atique ahmed

      I Imran, are you found any solution of your problem regarding makop. if yes please contact me at [email protected]

  407. sipho mdunusana Avatar
    sipho mdunusana

    greetings everyone,my pc was attacked by a file called sqpc and all my filed are turned into sqpc ,its even worse i cant open or use my files.please help,how do i fix sqpc crisis

  408. Shalam Avatar

    I think that the Ransomware .sqpc its a new one. I’ve got one too. Approximately on May 7.
    They asked me $980. I’m sorry, guys, I don’t even have a dollar.

    “To get this software you need write on our e-mail:

    Reserve e-mail address to contact us:


    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Shalam, the ransomware variant you describe is indeed new, there is no decryption yet, and even if you can pay the hackers do not, as that is no guarantee that they will give you decryption software.

  409. Christopher Avatar

    *.ADHUBLLKA this ransonware infected my files pictures of my family 🙁 please help 🙁 im trying to use bitdefender for gandgrab but nothing change…

  410. ibaad Avatar

    Hello my drive and files has been encrypted with this ext nlah its from dju family and i have all decrypt tools none are working 🙁 any hope people please help me out

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi ibaad, it seems your files have been encrypted by one of the newest Ransomware Virus from the DJVU family and there is no existing decryption tool yet. The best thing to do is transfer your files to an external HDD and wait for such a tool to be released.

  411. sele Avatar

    My pc was attacked by PEZI virus and documents can not opened. Does anybody have/had the same problem? Plz I kindly need any advice?

  412. Bergoc Avatar

    .id-C46444E7.[[email protected]].pgp
    any decrypt??

  413. angel Avatar

    is there’s any decryptor for . leto virus yet ?

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi angel, I’m sorry but your files are still undecryptable, you have to wait more time for a decryption tool to be released.

  414. AMIT SINGH VIG Avatar

    Hi there, is there a decryptor tool for avdn virus? kindly let me know as I have urgent files to decrypt.

    1. Petkov Avatar

      hi AMIT SINGH VIG, you can try the Rakhni decryption tool which is on this page.

  415. SY CHERIF SALIF Avatar

    Hi, Brandon Skies,
    My name is Cherif Salif Sy, I live in Senegal, West Africa.
    All the files on my computer (6 HD, 10 TB in total) are encrypted with the extension “erif”.
    What advice do you give me to decrypt my files?
    I am a retired teacher. These disks contain a large part of my work for decades.
    Thank you very much!

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi SY CHERIF SALIF, unfortunately the .erif extension is not decryptable and you have to wait for a decryption tool. I would advise you to keep your files until such a tool has been released to the public.

  416. Chérif Salif SY Avatar
    Chérif Salif SY

    Thanks a lot Petkov.
    I will wait ! Regards !

  417. Chérif Salif SY Avatar
    Chérif Salif SY

    I want to ask ; so what to do for your video ;

  418. Siga Avatar

    How to decript .nile file

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi Siga, the .nile file extension is still not decryptable, I suggest you move your files to an external HDD and keep them there until such a decryption tool is released.

  419. Kingi Avatar

    Infected with .NUSAR. Hope to see a Decryption tool soon. Its been over 12months and still looking for any viable solutions, but nothing seems to work so far. Hopefully the experts can assist.

  420. Pallavi Avatar

    All my files are encrypted with the below extension, please help me with the decrypting & give the solution for the same. Thanks in advance.

    Note:[email protected]

  421. Allan Avatar

    my files got converted to .vvoa

  422. szteve Avatar

    Hi, any update on Mpaj extension ransomware ?-decryption,?

  423. Mikel Avatar

    Now my files are .booa

  424. Tome Joe Avatar
    Tome Joe

    my files have been encrypted, and according to pCloud Rewind cloud, can I upload the files and they are encrypted, and then got them after remove the virus? will these files have the virus during uploading?

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hi Tome Joe, you can backup or it would be better if you can clone your infected hard drive to other drive.
      And waiting for further info related to decryptor.

  425. Andrea Avatar

    My computer was infected with a ransomware, the extencion il .qlkm. Every crypted file is 334 Bytes bigger than normal file. Is there any solution about it or any program for decriptyng? Thank you

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi Andrea, the .qlkm extension is one of the newest ransomware variants there is and it is not decryptable yet. What you should do now is clean your PC from the virus it is infected with and after that save your files on a portable HDD. If you want them decrypted you need to wait for a decryption tool to be released.

  426. b dh Avatar
    b dh

    i have been making fun of people who get/got viruses for decades now. well, my turn! never thought it would happen…ha.

    anyway, CADQ (djvu family i think) hit me. emsisoft decrypt softwaremsays key is online therefore impossible. any thoughts or ideas.

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hi b dh, I would advise you to get rid of the ransomware virus which has infected your computer. You can try to do that by following the removal guide in this article. After you clean your system you should transfer your encrypted files on a secure location like a portable HDD and wait for a decryption tool to be released to the public.

  427. A Avatar

    All my files are encrypted with the .lockbit extension. Is there any tool to decrypt them? Thanks

  428. Ramesh Guguloth Avatar
    Ramesh Guguloth

    plz sir .ribd tool option

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Ramesh Guguloth, unfortunately .ribd is one of the newer ransomware variants and there is no decryption available yet.

  429. Akamaru Avatar

    Greetings, my personal laptop was infected by a ransomware and most of its files are being encrypted into .enfp file, I have removed the virus itself by using anti malware software, I would like to know if I could possibly decrypt all of the encrypted files and possibly with a solution, Thank You in advance

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Akamaru, .enfp is one of the newest ransomware variants and it is still undecryptable. I would advise you to backup your encrypted files and wait for a solution.

      1. Akamaru Avatar

        Ah thank you for replying, I will make sure to pay a visit to this site to see updates about this type of file, Good Day!

  430. Mayakoua Avatar

    I have a problem of enfp with my computer. I am looking for a solution to restor my files.
    Please, can you recommend an efficient solution.
    Thank you in advance for your kind diligence.
    I look forward to ear about you.
    Best regards

    1. Petkov Avatar

      Hello Mayakoua, unfortunately .enfp is not yet decryptable and it would be best for you to transfer any encrypted files to a backup storage and wait for a decryption tool to be released.

  431. joseph Rivera Avatar
    joseph Rivera

    any help to decrypt .urnb files.. thank you

  432. kevin Avatar

    .wrui know if it can be decrypted?

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      .wrui is a new variant so there is no decrypter yet.

  433. jeison Avatar

    new virus .wrui, that not have solution.

  434. Αναστασία Κυμπάρη Avatar
    Αναστασία Κυμπάρη

    Good Evening
    I’m infected.
    I deleted stop djvou and formatted the discs.
    files that do not work and have an additional extension .rejg how can I restore them?
    are video photos and the most important .prproj file
    thank you

  435. Roberto Avatar

    My system has been infected with EHIZ ransomware. Can any of your tools decrypt my files to recover them?

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Roberto,
      EHIZ ransomware is a new variant of the Stop/DJVU ransomware family and there is no decryption for it yet.

  436. jay Avatar

    please suggest mppq file decryption tool , my system got infected by latest randsomeware .

  437. Arizia Malito Avatar
    Arizia Malito

    Hi Brandon! I have been hit by those guys. My file in txt, pdf, jpeg, doc, etc all now have this .nusm extension at the end. I have tried everything I could get on the internet but failed. Used Emisoft to remove the virus malware but could decrypt my files. Please can help decrypt and recover these files with .nusm extension. Help if you can.

  438. luc Avatar

    quel decrypteur pour le Ransomware : STOP (Djvu)
    qui donne l’extension : .aeur

    J’ai utiliser SpyHunter5 pour scanner et nettoyer, il me reste à essayer
    un decrypteur adéquat pour ce ransonware STOP (Djvu) qui a chiffré tous le fichier en donnant l’extension .aeur

  439. Rudy Avatar

    Please help me… my laptop got infected by .muuq, and its ID is Online

  440. Carlos Avatar

    Please help me… my laptop got infected by .nooa, and its ID is Online

  441. renan Avatar

    meus hds foram infectados por un ransomware do tipo stop.

    Todos meus arquivos ficaram com a extensão .nooa

  442. Shane Wong Avatar
    Shane Wong

    Hi All Champion,
    My PC has been infected by .gujd ransomeware. I am trying my level best to find a descriptor remain unsolved.

    Anyone can help?

  443. dhodz Avatar

    hi there please help me, my computer files got infected by .efdc file extension. is there any solution to fix this problem and recover my important files. i tried emisoft but says its online key. please help me

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi dhodz,
      unfortunately if it is an online key, decryption is impossible.

  444. tcr Avatar

    i need decrypt to .lockbit, all my files are encrypt. Can someone help?

  445. Huszar Avatar

    I caught the virus too. My files have become .tisc, can this be decoded back?

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Huszar,
      it can if you are infected with offline ID, you can use the Emsisoft Decryptor. IF you are infected with online ID decryption is impossible.

  446. Samba SIDIBE Avatar
    Samba SIDIBE

    Hi Brandon, our system has been attacked by loki locker randsomeware. Files extnsions are (.adair). Have you got an idea how to decrypt?

    Thanks a lot.

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Samba SIDIBE,
      Did you try any of the decryptors on this page ?

  447. Jean Hernandez Avatar
    Jean Hernandez

    Hi Brandon, our system has been attacked by loki locker randsomeware. Files extnsions are (.loki). Have you got an idea how to decrypt?

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Jean Hernandez,
      did you try the methods described on this page ?

  448. Luis Avatar

    Good morning,

    We are looking for software to the Mac osx to decrypt Deadbolt Ransomware.Raw and .jpoeg files .

    Can you help


  449. Mark Avatar

    METOO, tool for decrypt .deadbolt files? taken on qnap ts-228
    kaspersky rakny still doesn’t know it

  450. ANWAR ZEB Avatar


    my files have been encrypted by a ransomware and all are converted to .u2k extension, I would like to hear from you how to decrypt these files and restore them.

    Best Regards

  451. naveed Avatar

    hi, dear sir, i have .obz ransoware attack which affected my computer and converted my all files extention to .obz and i coud not found any decryptor tool on internet taht new type of ransomware attack and there is decryption develop yet or not please make it clear sir,????

    All your files, documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted

    The only method of recovering files is to purchase an unique decryptor. Only we can give you this decryptor and only we can recover your files.

    The server with your decryptor is in a closed network TOR. You can get there by the following ways:


    1. Download Tor browser – *******
    2. Install Tor browser
    3. Open Tor Browser
    4. Open link in TOR browser: *******
    5. and open ticket


    Alternate communication channel here: *******

  452. Ruslana Avatar

    Hello, how to decrypt .jypo ransomware ?

  453. Alfredo hernandez Avatar
    Alfredo hernandez

    Hola buen dia, puedes decirme y si existe una herramienta para descifrar archivos infectados por QOTR y QOQA ramsonwere, gracias

    1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
      Valentin Slavov

      Hola, Alfredo Hernandes, lamento decirte que no existe una herramienta disponible en la actualidad que pueda descifrar archivos afectados por QOTR y QOQA ransomware de forma gratuita. Estos tipos de ransomware utilizan algoritmos de cifrado fuertes que hacen que sea muy difícil o imposible recuperar los archivos sin la clave de descifrado.

      Sin embargo, te recomiendo que no pagues el rescate exigido por los atacantes, ya que no hay garantía de que te devuelvan los archivos o te proporcionen la clave de descifrado después de haber pagado.

      En su lugar, te sugiero que busques asistencia de profesionales de seguridad informática. Algunos proveedores de antivirus y empresas de seguridad ofrecen servicios de descifrado de ransomware, pero estos servicios pueden tener un costo. También puedes consultar con expertos en seguridad informática que puedan ayudarte a evaluar las opciones de recuperación de datos.

      En cualquier caso, es importante que tengas precaución y tomes medidas preventivas para proteger tu sistema de futuros ataques de ransomware, como mantener tu software y sistemas operativos actualizados, realizar copias de seguridad de tus archivos de manera regular y evitar abrir correos electrónicos o archivos sospechosos de origen desconocido.

  454. klash Avatar

    how to decrypt the new malox file

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi klash,
      unfortunately, there is no free tool that can decrypt files encrypted by Mallox, at this point.

      1. klash Avatar

        is there any paid one ?

        1. George Slaine Avatar
          George Slaine

          Hi klash,
          i can only suggest you try Recuva. At this point there is no other tool that can help you.

  455. Ion Avatar

    Para archivos infestados con la extensión IOTR. existe programa para descifrar?

    1. Ivert R Avatar
      Ivert R

      tengo el mismo problema con la extension iotr lograste descifrar tus archivos?

  456. Kursad Avatar

    .peet …..anyone have the solution to decrypt?

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Kursad,
      you have to check if you are infected with Offline key. If you are infected with Online key, decryption is impossible. You can check that with EmsiSoft decrypter.

  457. Alban Avatar

    I wanted to ask you for some help if you can.
    I, who am writing to you, am a blind person/can’t see.
    In August last year, I formatted my PC with Windows 10.
    when I was trying to install a crack in a software, a ransomware called
    flamingo was introduced and it encrypted most of my necessary files, it
    also created a txt file in each folder.
    in this txt file, when I open it, it instructs me to pay money.
    Do you have any solution to recover the documents by removing the second
    suffix with a decryptor?
    the second suffix placed on the file is: .lAeSUZDqb
    I also reformatted it to remove the ransomware, but I saved the
    encrypted ones on another external ssd.

  458. Roland Avatar

    Hi my files are locked with the extension .gujd can ayone help me decrypt them please or any tool can decrypt this extension. Thank you.

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Roland,
      did you try any of the decryptors on this page?

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