Omnatuor Virus

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*Source of claim SH can remove it.


Omnatuor is a widespread browser hijacker that aims to mislead users into letting it inside their browsers and then begins to generate obstructive page-redirects and ads. Omnatuor is not harmful to the computer but can make the system vulnerable to more hazardous forms of software.


If this aggressive browser hijacker is attached to any of your browsers, you are most probably noticing random pop-ups, banners, and page-redirects while surfing the web. Those may appear on sites that are typically devoid of obstructive advertising materials. Furthermore, you may receive unwanted notifications even when your browser is closed. All of those are sure signs that one (or more) of your browsers has been hijacked by this rogue software. Additionally, symptoms associated with the Omnatuor browser hijacker are changes in the starting page or the search engine of the affected browser, as well as the installation of unwanted add-ons inside the latter. is the website from which the browser hijacker of the same name originates. is known for using misleading tactics in order to obtain the user’s permission to automatically show notifications, ads, and pop-ups as well as trigger page-redirects inside their browser.

In most cases, people have no idea how or when this rogue website has managed to gain their permission to show notifications and other obstructive content on their screens. There are in fact a couple of common ways this could happen.

The first one is when the user downloads and installs some free app that has the Omnatuor hijacker bundled with it. Such app bundles are very common and are often used to spread and popularize potentially unwanted apps (PUAs) similar to the Omnatuor hijacker. Typically, the bundle contains a main program/app that’s free and that the user is likely to want to install. In the installation file of that app, however, there are other components that are oftentimes undesirable and that are set to be installed alongside the main program/app unless the user manually opts-out of their installation. However, since most users don’t pay too much attention to the setup options in the installers that they run, they often tend to install additional software on their computers that are commonly undesirable. Such is the situation with Omnatuor.

The other very commonly-employed tactic to get the site to show notifications on the users’ computers is to show to the user a notifications permission pop-up window that’s disguised as something else. For instance, you may try to open a video or see an image, but before you are allowed to do that, you are required to click on Allow in a pop-up window that shows up. It may seem that this pop-up window is shown in regard to the content you are trying to reveal, but in truth, it is a way for to gain your permission to show you aggressive notifications. Therefore, clicking the Allow option on any such pop-ups is strongly discouraged.

The Omnatuor Virus

The Omnatuor Virus is a rogue software piece categorized as a browser hijacker, and as such it’s unlikely to cause any direct damage to your system or data. Still, the Omnatuor Virus shouldn’t be underestimated as it could create security weaknesses, making the system vulnerable.

If you encounter it on your computer (see above for common Omnatuor symptoms), you must make sure to delete it alongside any other software, data, or settings related to it. Depending on how it got inside your system, removing it could be done very quickly and easily, or it could be a bit more time-consuming and complicated. In either case, we’ve got you covered – our exhaustive removal guide will show you all the steps you may need to take in order to fully delete this rogue software (and everything related to it) from your computer.

What is is a rogue website designed to spam users with misleading Pay-Per-Click ads and Pay-Per-View page-redirects. proactively seeks to gain the users’ permission to show dubious advertising content inside their browsers, and if it succeeds, it may endanger the entire system.

Though the main goal of this browser-hijacking website is to make a profit through the popularization of different sites, services, and products, the content that it is usually trying to promote may not be the safest or most reliable. Because of this, if you are constantly getting exposed to ads, pop-ups, and redirects coming from, your PC may eventually get exposed to much more dangerous programs, including Trojans, Spyware, Rootkits, Worms, Ransomware, Phishing malware, and more. If you currently have any suspicions that Omnatuor may be in your computer and browser, we strongly recommend following the removal guide included below in order to clean your system. 


TypeBrowser Hijacker
Detection Tool

*Source of claim SH can remove it. removal

The removal is done by eliminating any rogue apps, processes, data, and settings in your system and then cleaning every browser.

  1. Start by searching for recent program installs that may be related to this hijacker and deleting them.
  2. Next, with the help of the Task Manager, quit any process that you think may be from Omnatuor.
  3. Thirdly, clean the computer’s Hosts file, DNS settings, Registry, and Startup items list.
  4. Lastly, go to each browser and clean it from rogue extensions and unwanted settings changes.

To be able to perform those steps without difficulty, we suggest first reading the detailed instructions for each of them that we’ve included below.

Detailed removal instructions

Before you get any further, disconnect your PC from the Internet and keep it disconnected for the duration of this guide – this will help prevent Omnatuor from reaching out to its servers and receiving new instructions from them. To have live access to this page, we suggest opening it on your smartphone or another device that has a connection to the Internet.

Step 1

*Source of claim SH can remove it.

Search for the Control Panel of your computer in the Start Menu (the Control Panel’s icon should be visible in the menu – if it isn’t, use the search bar to look for it). When you open the Control Panel, click on Uninstall a Program/Programs and Features, look through the more recently-installed items, and if any of them seems potentially linked to Omnatuor, select it, select Uninstall, and complete the uninstallation process. Make sure to opt-out of any clauses that may allow data or settings from that program to stay on the computer.

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Step 2

Open the Start Menu again, type Task Manager, select the app that shows up first, and go to its Processes tab. There, look for resource-intensive items that are using up large amounts of your RAM (virtual memory) and CPU and that have questionable/unfamiliar names. To see if any such process may be related to Omnatuor, simply Google its name – if the process is rogue, you will most likely find out that other users and even researchers have warned about it on cyber-security forums and sites.

Another thing we recommend doing to find out whether the process is unwanted is to right-click it, open the File Location folder where its files are stored, and scan those files using the malware detector shown below (it’s free to use). If there are any malware files in the Location folder, this would indicate that the related process is also a threat and must be stopped.

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This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan

Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal’s API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.
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    If you find out that a suspected process is a threat related to the Omnatuor hijacker, end that process and dispose of the Location folder where its files are stored.

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    Step 3

    Go into Safe Mode to prevent the hijacker from launching any more rogue processes that may hinder the rest of the removal process.

    Step 4

    *Source of claim SH can remove it.

    Use the Start Menu search bar to search for and open each of the items shown below, and then follow the instructions provided for each of them.

    • Ncpa.cpl – When you open this and see one or more icons of networks, right-click the one you normally use, click Properties, and double-click Internet Protocol Version 4. Next, click the Obtain an IP address automatically and the Obtain DNS server address automatically, then go to Advanced>DNS, delete any IPs listed below DNS server addresses and exit everything by clicking the OK buttons.
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    • Msconfig – In the System Configuration window, click on Startup, search the list for items you are not familiar with, items that seem linked to Omnatuor, or items with unknown developers, uncheck those, and select OK.
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    • notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts – Check the end of the text in the notepad file that opens, right below the two “Localhost”, for strange IP addresses, and if such addresses are present, copy-paste them in the comment section below this article and wait for a reply from our team, in which we will tell you if those IPs are rogue and whether you must erase them from the file.
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    • Regedit.exe – When you try to open this app, you will probably be asked for an Administrator approval before it would open, so click Yes if that happens. Then, when the Registry Editor app shows up, select its menu labelled Edit, click the Find option, type Omnatuor in the search box, and search for items related to the hijacker. If there is a result from the search, delete that item, and search for other related items. Keep doing this until you’ve deleted everything that’s related to Omnatuor in the Registry, and then manually find and expand in the left panel the next three locations:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Random Directory


    HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main

    Search them for rogue-looking items with names that seem randomly-generated – something like this “23980tu4e98j0ut240fj98t430rj48t90u28rf” for instance. Should you find one or more such items in one or more of those locations, let us know in the comments, and we will tell you if you are supposed to dispose of them.

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    Step 5

    It’s now time to clean the browsers that are on your PC, starting with the main one. First, right-click its icon and go to Properties > the Shortcut tab. Then have a look in the text field next to Target and delete anything that may be written in it after “.exe”.

    Next, start the browser, click the icon of its menu (should be in either top corner of the browser’s window), and go to Extensions (or Add-ons). For users of Google Chrome, they must first open the More Tools sub-menu and in it, they will see the Extensions option.

    On the Extensions/Add-ons page, look for items that are not familiar, haven’t been installed by you, or look undesirable, disable such items, and then uninstall them.

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    Next, click the browser’s menu again, open Settings or Options, and type in the search bar for the browser’s Settings/Options “notifications”. If you are in Firefox, directly click the Settings button next to Notifications. If you are in a browser based on Chromium (e.g. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera), first select Site Settings, and then find and click on Notifications.

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    In the next window/page, regardless of what browser you are using, see if the site is listed among the sites that are allowed to show notifications and if it is, remove it from that list, or better yet, add it to the list of blocked sites if your browser has that option. Also, remove/block any other sketchy-looking sites. In fact, it would probably be best to remove all sites shown on that list so that you won’t be receiving any unwanted notifications in your browser.

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    Finally, go to Settings again, click Privacy and Security (you may first need to click Advanced/Show Advanced Settings), the go to Clear Browsing Data/Clear Data/Choose what to clear, select Advanced is applicable, put ticks in all the boxes except the Passwords one, and clear the browsing data.

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    Once you’ve done everything from this step with your main browser, remember to repeat the process for your other browser as well, regardless of whether they display Omnatuor symptoms or not.

    If the hijacker is persistent

    A common reason why users may have problems with manually removing Omnatuor from their computers is when there’s a second rogue program in the system that may be allowing the hijacker to remain active in spite of one’s attempts to eliminate it. Unfortunately, malware programs such as Trojan Horses and Rootkits are often used for such purposes and those may be significantly dangerous to your system as well as quite difficult to remove without help.

    For those reasons, we strongly recommend using a reliable system-cleaning tool that can simultaneously take care of all unwanted and malicious software that may be in your system. The anti-malware tool we’ve linked in the guide above is ideal for situations like this – it will perform a deep scan of the system, find all potential threats and dispose of them at the same time, leaving no chance for them to assist one another.

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