Windows Update 800B0109 Error

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Windows Update 800B0109

Windows Update 800B0109 Error usually happens when your Windows update components are corrupt or when there is a Malware infection. Trojans that infect Windows Update 800B0109 are versatile malware programs and can be used for data theft, Ransomware distribution, system corruption, and more.

The Windows Update 800b0109

There are many different symptoms that can be associated with a Trojan Horse infection. One of the most typical ones are BSOD crashes and frequent errors that seem to occur for no apparent reason. Screen freezes and an overall slow-down of the system are also possible when there’s a Trojan in the computer. However, all of these symptoms are quite generic and can be associated with a number of other problems as well. For instance, hardware issues such as bad RAM sticks or some problem in the hard-drive can also trigger similar issues. 


Other more specific red flags you can expect from a Trojan like the newly released Windowsupdate_800B0109 are modified or corrupted files or programs, deleted or moved files, inability to open some of your data due to encryption, and even alert messages that aren’t coming from your actual antivirus and which warn you about a virus infection in your computer and try to get you to purchase some obscure security program in order to “secure” your computer. All of those and many more symptoms might show up if you have a Trojan threat like Windowsupdate_800B0109 in your system. The symptoms typically depend on what the Trojan is actually being used for. Note that in some instances, there may be no symptoms whatsoever. For example, if the virus is used as an espionage tool, you are unlikely to notice any strange or questionable activities in your system. In other cases, the infection signs might be all over the place, but you might not be able to do anything about them. Some Trojans, for example, are known for blocking the antivirus in the system, and also for preventing the installation of new security programs. In such cases, it might seem that there’s nothing you could do to deal with the infection. However, even if the situation looks really bad, there are still steps you can take to ameliorate it, and we are about to tell you about those steps.

The error 800B0109 

Regardless of what a Trojan like the error 800B0109 is trying to achieve – to steal your banking credentials, to insert Ransomware in your system, to use your computer as a cryptocurrency mining tool, or something else, you must not give it any time to complete its task. The quicker take actions against the error 800B0109, the greater your chances of bringing things back to normal are.

The first thing you need to remember if Windows Update 800B0109 is currently messing with your computer is to stay calm. We know that it could be quite stressful when you realize that your computer has been infected and that your whole virtual privacy might be at risk, but panicking won’t get you anywhere. However, this doesn’t mean you should be careless with the removal steps we are about to present you with – follow them carefully, and only delete what you are certain belongs to the malware. If you have any doubts about a given piece of data, ask us in the comments if it really needs to be deleted. Note that deleting something you aren’t supposed to may cause just as much harm as the virus infection (if not more). Also, in case you really don’t think you can take care of this problem yourself, try the recommended removal tool you will find in the guide – it is tested against such threats and should be able to quickly resolve the Windows Update 800B0109-related problem you are currently struggling with.


NameWindows Update 800B0109
Detection Tool 

Remove Windows Update 800B0109 Error Code


Before you go any further, please Bookmark this page in order to be able to refer back to it during the removal of the Windows Update 800B0109 Error Code.

Now, to remove the Windows Update 800B0109 Error Code, the first thing that you need to do is to enter your computer in Safe Mode. This will allow you to run the most essential system processes and eliminate anything that may potentially interfere with the removal process.

This link will show you how to reboot in Safe Mode if you are not sure how to do that. 



In the second step, you will be requird to open the Task Manager app. To do that, hold together the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC keys from the keyboard simultaneously. Once the dialog box opens, go to the Processes Tab. There you will see a list of processes that are running on your computer. From that list, try to determine which processes could be relate to the Windows Update 800B0109 Error Code and could be dangerous. 


Pay special attention to resouce-consuming processes or those that seem unfamiliar or unusal to you. If you detect anything questionable, Right click on it and select Open File Location.

Once you get to the file location folder, terminate the processes that are infected and delete the files contained in their folders. 

Attention! In case that you strongly believe that a certain process is linked to the current infection, make sure that you delete it, even if the scanner doesn’t warn you about it. Sometimes, new and advanced threats may not get catched even by the most reliable antimalware scanners.



In the third step you need to open the Run dialog box by holding the Start Key and the R key together. Once the dialog opens, in the empty filed type appwiz.cpl and click the OK button at the left bottom corner.



By running this command, you will get in the Control Panel. There, you will have to carefully look for suspicious entries. Once you detect somethign questionable, uninstall it. If a dialog box like the one shown below appers on your screen when you click the Uninstall option, make sure you choose NO:





In the Start Menu search field, type Run. Then, in the text filed inside the Run dialog type the msconfig command and hit Enter.  You will see the System Configuration dialog pop-up on your screen: 



Tap on the Startup tab from the tabs that are available. A list of entires with checkmarks will show up under this tab. Take a carefull look to all of them and uncheck the checkmark before the entries that have “Unknown” Manufacturer or appear suspicious.

After you do that, open again the Run dialog by pressing the Start Key and the R key. In the empty text box inside the dialog, copy and paste this:

notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

Then, click Ok to run the command.

If you have done the things right, the Hosts file will show up on your screen. Check the “Localhost” section of the file for any additional IP addresses. If you detect any (as shown onthe image below), this means that you might have been hacked. In such an event, leave us a comment under this article so we can assist you on how to remove them.

hosts_opt (1)




Finally, in the Windows Search field, type Regedit and hit the Enter key from the keyboardThis will lead you to the Registry Editor.

Once you get there, search for the virus’s name. You can do that  quickly by pressing the CTRL and F keys together and typing the name of the threat in the text box. Delete the results from the search by right clicking on them and selecting the Delete option. Do the same with any entries you find with a similar name.

The last thing that you need to do is to manually go to the directories listed below and delete their content:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>*Questionable Directory. 
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Run>*Questionable Directory
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Internet Explorer>Main>*Questionable Directory

In case that the malware has some folders in these directories, they most probably will be named in a strange way or contain some unusual combination of letters, symbols and  numbers that make no sence. In case you aren’t certain about a given folder, leave us a comment and we will assist you.

6 responses to “Windows Update 800B0109 Error”
  1. mizan Avatar

    # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
    # localhost
    # ::1 localhost

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi mizan,
      are there any suspicious entries below these?

  2. Tarun Avatar

    There are these IPs

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Tarun,
      yes, you can remove these IPs.

  3. jane Avatar

    how do i know the processes that are dangerous?

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Jane,
      one of the most common ways is when you open your Task Manager and look all the processes there. The one that takes most of your resources like RAM, is the culprit.

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