Token Factory Iframe Mac

Token Factory Iframe

Token Factory Iframe is an unpleasant and potentially hazardous add-on for Mac browsers that generates obstructive ads and makes unauthorized browser changes. Token Factory Iframe is oftentimes distributed with the help of misleading links and clickbait ads as well as using file-bundles.

Token Factory Iframe Mac
Apps like the Token Factory Iframe virus may be very intrusive

Annoying ads, banners and pop-ups all over your screen? Token Factory Iframe might be the program that is generating them. Other visible symptoms that could give the presence of this program away may be related to the sudden change in the browser’s homepage, or to the replacement of your default search engine with another one, which constantly initiates sponsored page-redirects.

The Token Factory Iframe download

The common term that describes the Token Factory iframe download behavior, and is used to classify programs of this type, is Browser Hijackers. In the next paragraphs, you will learn more about the nature of the Browser Hijackers and their typical symptoms, as well as about the methods you could use to effectively deal with the Token Factory Iframe download, and with the changes it has imposed on your Safari, Chrome, Firefox or any other main browser.

In fact, below you will find a detailed removal guide and a professional removal tool, both of which can help you quickly remove unwelcome browser add-ons, such as the one that we are talking about right now.

Token Factory Iframe on Safari

Token Factory Iframe on Safari is one of the many browser hijacker apps for macOS computers that try to take over the browser and inject it with ads. Token Factory Iframe on Safari will not directly cause harm to the system of your Mac but its presence there is still unwelcome and might lead to more serious problems.

The initial reaction of most people who encounter the nuisance of Browser Hijackers is usually the same – they think that their computer might have been infected with a strange redirect virus or with some unfamiliar malware piece similar to Ransomware or Trojans. Luckily, this is not the case with Browser Hijackers. Those programs are much different than the computer viruses you fear of since they are typically incapable of causing system damage, corruption of files, or other destructive issues.

What is Token Factory Iframe?

Token Factory Iframe is a page-redirecting app that will immediately begin to reroute your web traffic the moment it gets installed in your browser. Token Factory Iframe has been categorized as a browser hijacker that aims to aggressively promote sponsored sites on the user’s screen.

The main activity of these apps is related to online advertising and, for as long as they operate on your computer, most Browser Hijackers will only spam you with different sponsored ads, pay-per-click messages, pop-ups, banners, and redirects to predefined web pages. A real virus, on the other hand, is a threat that would do much more than simply spam your screen with commercials. For instance, a Ransomware infection can not only sneak in the system without any visible symptoms, but it can render your files inaccessible until you pay a ransom for them. A program like Token Factory Iframe is far less problematic and will never do such a thing, even if it tends to be extremely annoying and unpleasant to have in your browsing program.

The TokenFactoryIframe app

The TokenFactoryIframe app is an obstructive and unwanted piece of software that injects ads into the browser search results and changes the default homepage. The TokenFactoryIframe app is not an application you should keep on your Mac as it might potentially lead to exposure to malware.

TokenfactoryIframe 1024x268
The TokenFactoryIframe download from Outlook

Not being a direct security threat, however, does not mean that the Browser Hijacker should remain on the system. Such software may still create a lot of disturbance not only in your web browsing experience, but also in the system’s performance. Apps like Token Factory Iframe and Navlibx for instance, may be very intrusive in their attempts to make you click on certain ads and sponsored links. They may literally flood your screen with colorful pop-ups, banners, and clickbait boxes that just won’t stop showing in your browser. Sometimes, they may not even wait for you to click on something but may automatically redirect your web searches to some predefined pages, again, with the goal of to landing you on some promotional message. Therefore, we usually advise our readers to uninstall programs like Token Factory Iframe, and uninstall their changes as soon as possible. You can do that with the help of the instructions in the removal guide below.


NameToken Factory Iframe
TypeAdware/Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Token Factory Iframe virus from Mac

There have been a number of reports that the instructions below can help you get rid of Token Factory Iframe from your Mac. Therefore, we encourage you to give them a go before going through the extensive removal instructions that follow.

  • The hijacked Mac browser should be opened.
  • Next, click on the menu icon (typically located top right), then select Preferences.
  • Select Extensions and see if Token Factory Iframe has been added to the extensions list.
  • Highlight the undesirable extension and remove it from the browser if you find it.
  • If there are any other extensions or add-ons that you’re not sure about, do the same.

Detailed instructions on how to remove Token Factory Iframe from Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox are provided below.


To complete the next steps, make sure that you Quit the Safari browser if it’s open. The Force Quit option can be used if Token Factory Iframe is preventing the browser from shutting down normally.

You can access Force Quit from the Apple menu >> Force Quit.



Next, open Finder and navigate to Applications, then Utilities, then the Activity Monitor.

You should be able to see all of your Mac’s active processes once you get there. Highlight Token Factory Iframe in the processes list and then click the “i” button at the top. The screen should display an information box similar to the one below:


Click the Sample button located at the bottom of the page. This technique will be used to generate a sample file of the selected process. This is a sample of a Google Chrome process that has been selected:


Next, scan the sample file with the fee virus scanner below:

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website's users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal's API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    Stop the related process if the sample is detected as a threat by the scanner. You can repeat this method for any other processes that you consider to be causing you problems or are tied to the browser hijacker.


    Start Safari by pressing and holding the Shift key on your keyboard until the browser opens. This action is supposed to prevent any sponsored hijacker-related sites from loading automatically when the browser starts.

    If a page loads automatically despite holding down the Shift key, try forcing Safari to quit and disconnecting your Mac from the internet. To disable Wi-Fi on your Mac, go to the Apple menu and select “Wi-Fi off”. Alternatively, you can disconnect the computer’s internet cable by unplugging it from the computer. After that, restart the Safari browser while holding down the Shift key again. This should prevent any opening of sponsored pages.


    Remove Token Factory Iframe from Safari

    Once Safari has opened in the manner described above, select Preferences from the Safari Menu.

    Preferences in Safari

    Click on the Extensions tab next.

    extensions in safari

    Uninstall any extensions that you don’t recognize or that appear to have a connection to Token Factory Iframe.


    Return to the Preferences menu and select the Privacy option.

    Privacy in Safari

    Select “Remove All Website Data” then click on “Remove Now”. This action will delete all previously stored data, including your saved passwords and login credentials. Keep this in mind the next time you visit any of these websites, as you will have to re-enter your login credentials.

    When you’re finished, go back to the Preferences menu and click on the General tab:

    General Tab in Safari

    If the Homepage section has been altered by Token Factory Iframe and you want to use a different homepage URL, remove the sponsored one and add an address of your choice.

    Default Home Page

    In the main menu, select Clear History from the drop-down list in the History menu. The pages loaded by Token Factory Iframe will be completely removed from your computer when you perform this step.

     How to Remove Token Factory Iframe From Firefox in OSX:

    Open Firefoxclick on mozilla menu to open the main menu. If you want to clear your browser of any traces of Token Factory Iframe, choose Extensions from the Add-ons drop-down menu and click on it.

    pic 6

    Remove all extensions that are clearly responsible for your browsing disturbance or have a relation to Token Factory Iframe. After that Refresh Your Firefox Settings.

    How to Remove Token Factory Iframe From Chrome in OSX:

     Start Chrome, click chrome menu icon and you will see a slide-down menu. From the menu, select More Tools. Then, use the panel on the left to open Extensions. There,  search for Token Factory Iframe and  select  chrome-trash-iconto remove it.

    pic 8

     Click chrome menu icon again, open the Search tab by clicking on Settings and then clicking Search. To see if any new search engines have been added by Token Factory Iframe, select Manage Search Engines. Select a search engine that you’re confident in, and remove any other suspicious search engines you see. At the end, Reset Your Chrome Settings to complete the action.

    If the problem with Token Factory Iframe persists after you’ve followed the manual instructions on this page, you may want to use our free online virus scanner or the recommended professional removal tool and run a scan of your machine. Browser hijackers, like this one, may embed helper components in hard-to-reach places on your computer. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the steps in this guide, please leave a comment below and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

    About the author


    Brandon Skies

    Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.


      • Hi Phillip,
        your problem could be a Microsfot Outlook bug that appeared on your Mac. Do you still have the TokenFactoryIframe error present?

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