Best Clever Captcha Virus

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Best Clever Captcha

Best Clever Captcha Virus is a potentially unwanted add-on for Windows browsers that spreads via file-bundles and misleading/disguised notification requests from obscure sites. The main purpose of Best Clever Captcha Virus is to use your browsers as advertising platforms and generate revenue on the Pay-Per-Click basis.

Best Clever Captcha
The virus will display pop up ads and messages

Browser hijackers like Best Clever Captcha Virus are recognized by the obvious changes they tend to make to users’ browsing apps. For instance, Best Clever Captcha Virus may have added a new toolbar, replaced the homepage and even set a new default search engine.

The main reason most users come to our site is because they have a problem that is normally related to some unwanted and oftentimes dangerous piece of software: a Trojan horse, a ransomware cryptovirus or some other malware program. However, the fact that you have unwanted software inside your system doesn’t always mean that your machine has been attacked by some nasty and highly dangerous virus. In fact, in many cases (such as the current one), the software that is causing issues in the system is actually rather harmless in and of itself.

Here, we will tell you about Best Clever Captcha Virus – a recently discovered and reported browser hijacker. The usual symptoms related to this application are the unauthorized changes the homepage, the new-tab page, the search engine and the toolbar of browsers like Chrome and Firefox as well as constant generation of page redirects, pesky ads, flashy banners, obstructive pop-unders and pop-ups and many other similar commercial materials.

Noticing that this is what’s going on inside your browser may indeed raise some concerns especially within the less experienced users. This is why many people jump to conclusions such as that their machine has gotten attacked by some scary Trojan horse infection or some nasty and insidious ransomware program. However, as mentioned before, the fact that some unwanted application is operating inside your browser doesn’t necessarily mean that your machine is in any immediate danger.

In the case of Best Clever Captcha Virus , while this is neither the safest nor the most desirable piece of software, it still isn’t something that you should be overly worried about, especially considering the fact that the guide below will help you eliminate the nagging app with ease. Just follow the detailed instructions and do not hesitate to ask questions in the comment section in case you are stuck at some of the removal steps.

What the most commonly used hijacker distribution methods are

It is surely important to remove Best Clever Captcha Virus from your computer so that the nagging ads stop flooding your screen and so that your browser gets back to normal. Another good reason to remove the hijacker is the potentially questionable quality of some of the ads. Some of them may be misleading and deceitful and in some cases even unsafe.

However, another really important aspect of keeping your computer safe and clean is ensuring you don’t’ get any more such software on it. To avoid hijackers, we recommend that you never open any online messages that look like they could be spam and also to stay away from any questionable web adverts, offers, update requests, sites and pages. Additionally, it is of great importance that you always explore the advanced setup settings of any software installer that you open on your computer. Oftentimes, different software installers contain added (bonus) applications bundled with the main program and this software distribution method is oftentimes used to spread browser hijackers like Best Clever Captcha Virus as well. This is why you really need to pay close attention to what exactly you are installing on your computer so as to avoid any unpleasant surprises.


NameBest Clever Captcha
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Best Clever Captcha Virus

Best Clever Captcha Virus is a hijacker that many people find difficult to get rid of. If you’re willing to give the short instructions listed below a go, they may be able to assist you swiftly remove the unwanted program.

  • As a start, open your affected browser and click on the main menu.
  • Search for More Tools (or Add-ons) in the main menu and open it.
  • Best Clever Captcha Virus or other unusual extensions may be found by opening the Extensions tab or submenu.
  • Click on the Remove/Trash bin button to remove anything you believe is causing your browsing issues. Afterwards, see whether the impacted browser operates normally.

If you see no change in the way the browser operates, you may want to use the more in-depth steps below to remove any hijacker-related entries from the system.


The first thing you should do is restart your computer in Safe Mode (click this link for instructions on that).

Next, you should save the link to this removal guide as a bookmark, so you can have quick access to it and complete the remaining steps.

After you restart your computer in Safe Mode, enter appwiz.cpl in the search bar in the Start menu.


Check to see if anything new has been added to the list of programs installed on your computer. Uninstall any suspicious or potentially unwanted software you find on the system, especially if you suspect it has anything to do with your hijacking problems.



There may be processes operating in the background that are preventing you from uninstalling the software you want to get rid of. Pressing down CTRL, SHIFT, and ESC together and selecting Processes in the Windows Task Manager window will provide this information.

Right-click on any process that seems to be troublesome and select Open File Location from the pop-up menu that appears.


After that, use the powerful online virus scanner below to see whether any of the files associated with that process are indeed hijacker-related:

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website’s users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan

Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal’s API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    If the results of the scan are alarming, stop the process (right-click on it >>>End Process) and remove the potentially harmful files from their File Location.


    When a browser hijacker infects a computer, it often adds startup items so that it may begin working as soon as the machine starts up. These settings may be discovered under the System Configuration>>Startup tab by typing msconfig into the Start menu search bar.


    To prevent any hijacker-related entries from running, uncheck the boxes next to these items in the Startup Items list and click OK.


    Additionally, a hijacker like Best Clever Captcha Virus may add some suspicious-looking IP addresses under Localhost in the Hosts file. Try pasting the following search string into the Start menu search field and opening the result to see whether this is the case on your computer:

    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

    Check for suspicious or odd IP addresses under Localhost and let us know if you detect anything (as in the sample screenshot below).

    hosts_opt (1)

    Next, go to the Start menu and search for Network Connections.

    1. Right-clicking on the Network Adapter that is in use will bring up its settings window, where you should select Properties.
    2. In the Properties window, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (ICP/IP) with the cursor, then select Properties at the bottom.
    3. Make sure that Obtain DNS server address automatically is selected and click on Advanced.
    4. Select the DNS tab in the new Advanced settings window and remove any rogue DNS, then click OK.


    If you’re still having trouble getting rid of Best Clever Captcha Virus after following the steps at the beginning of this guide, you may try these more sophisticated instructions.

    Right-click on the hijacked browser’s shortcut icon to bring up the context menu. Go to the Properties option and open it.

    Select Shortcut from the tabs at the top and then remove everything that you find after .exe in the Target section.

    Browser Hijacker Removal Instructions

    ie9-10_512x512  Remove Best Clever Captcha Virus  from Internet Explorer:

    If you are using IE, what you can do aside from removing any extensions from the Manage Add-ons list is to click  IE GEAR and go to Internet Options.

    There, search for changes in the homepage URL and remove the sponsored address that has been added by the hijacker, then click on Apply.

    firefox-512 Remove Best Clever Captcha Virus  from Firefox:

    In Firefox, after you click  mozilla menu  and navigate to Add-ons —-> Extensions, you may need to first click on the Disable button in order to remove extensions that don’t want to be removed.

    pic 6

    chrome-logo-transparent-backgroundRemove Best Clever Captcha Virus  from Chrome:

    In Google Chrome, you may want to try this:

    Close the browser and go to this location:

     C:/Users/!!!!USER NAME!!!!/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data. 

    In User Data, find the Default folder, select it and change its name to Backup Default. Then save the new name and restart the browser.

    Rename the Folder to Backup Default


    Many browser hijackers modify or add entries to the system registry. Hence, if you want to thoroughly get rid of Best Clever Captcha Virus , launch the Registry Editor (enter Regedit in the Windows search area and press Enter) and look for hijacker-related remnants there.

    Using CTRL+F and typing the hijacker’s name into the Find box will start a registry search. Best Clever Captcha Virus -related entries should be removed if they are discovered.

    Additionally, you may do a manual search of the registry in the following locations by using the left-panel navigation:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory.
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random

    Search for unusually named files that have been added around the time that the hijacker started to disturb you, and make sure they aren’t left on the computer.

    Please use the anti-virus application provided on this page, or try using the free online virus scanner if you aren’t sure what has to be removed from the registry or if the manual removal method doesn’t work for you. Also, feel free to ask us any questions in the comments section. We’re here to assist in any way we can.

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