*Source of claim SH can remove it.
Secure Captcha
Secure Captcha is a plug-in for popular desktop browsers that hijacks the browser’s settings and begins filling the screen with advertising messages and page-redirects. While not directly harmful to the computer, Secure Captcha can end up linking you to sites with unsafe content, thus exposing the system to harm.

The application which responsible for the irritation is called Securecaptcha and it is a representative of the browser hijacker category of potentially unwanted software. This Securecaptcha application typically integrates with the main browser inside the system (it could be Chrome, Firefox, Explorer as well as others) and sets a new search engine tool or a sponsored homepage domain, which automatically start to page-redirect your searches to different sponsored sites, ads, pop-ups, banners and new tabs.
As a result of that, every time you open your main browsing program, you may start to experience aggressive exposure to hundreds of sponsored commercials of all kinds, regardless of the adverts-blocking tools and features that you may have installed. The continuous pop-up advertisements which Secure Captcha or Captcha Safe may generate may slow down the performance of your PC and may cause issues like sudden browser crashes, unresponsiveness and freezing of the screen, which may seriously interrupt your normal browsing activity. Despite the rather irritating effects of the browser hijacker inside your system, however, we still need to mention that this is not the most hazardous and troublesome piece of software that you may encounter. In fact, compared to commonly-encountered malicious applications such as Ransomware, Trojans and other nasty viruses, Secure Captcha is more or less harmless. It cannot encrypt your data, blackmail you or corrupt vital system files. Still, if the homepage of your browser gets its address replaced with some obscure ad-generating page that and if the web pages that you visit constantly get covered with pop-up ads, then you may be interested in learning how to remove those nagging ads and how to uninstall the browser changes. That’s why we suggest you take a look at the instructions that follow and use the manual removal guide or the automatic removal tool to quickly deal with Secure Captcha and its associated activities.
Secure Captcha top
Secure Captcha top is not a nasty computer infection but its presence on the system might be highly undesirable. As most browser hijackers, Secure Captcha top is aimed at earning revenue for its creators from sponsored ad-generation, page-redirects and aggressive pay-per-click commercials.
That’s why what you should expect from it is to constantly prompt you to click on various paid advertisements and to show lots of sponsored search results on your screen during your regular browsing sessions. If you don’t want to deal with this activity, the best way to stop it is to remove the browser hijacker that is initiating it. The successful uninstallation of this software, however, typically requires some specific steps because, unlike most computer programs, the browser hijackers do not normally have an uninstallation kit and cannot be found under the Control Panel program uninstallation settings. That’s why, in order to remove them and get rid of all the associated files, you may need to go through various manual removal steps. Professional removal tools such as the one that you will find in the removal guide above, may also help you eliminate the unwanted software. Such tools are great options for detecting and removing browser hijackers and can also scan your system for other unwanted pieces of software, including viruses and malware like Trojans, Rootkits and Spyware.
*Source of claim SH can remove it.
Remove Secure Captcha Virus
A large number of users claim that Secure Captcha is a tough to uninstall hijacker. However, you may be able to remove the unwanted program if you give a try to the instructions below:
- First, open your browser and click on the main menu icon that is typically found at the top right corner.
- Search for More Tools (or Add-ons) in the main menu and click it.
- Search for Secure Captcha or other unknown extensions in the Extensions tab/sub menu.
- Use the Remove/Trash bin button to get rid of anything you suspect is causing your browser to lag or become unresponsive.
Afterward, see whether the affected browser performs any differently and if the problem with Secure Captcha is resolved. Here are some more explanations on how to remove Secure Captcha from some of the most commonly used browsers:
Remove Secure Captcha from Internet Explorer:
Start IE, click and select Manage Add-ons as shown below:

Use the Disable button to disable any add-ons that you can link to the Secure Captcha’s activity. After that, go to once again and this time select Internet Options.
Next, check for changes in the homepage URL and if you see an address that is sponsored, remove it and type a homepage URL that you trust. Click Apply when you are ready.
Remove Secure Captcha from Firefox:
Start Firefox, head to the top right corner to click and then select Add-ons > Extensions.
Then, disable and remove any extensions that you believe are associated with Secure Captcha.

Remove Secure Captcha from Chrome:
Quit the Chrome browser if it is open and manually go to this location:
C:/Users/!!!!USER NAME!!!!/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data.
In User Data, find the Default folder and rename it to Backup Default, then start the browser to see if that makes any difference.

If this doesn’t remove the annoying pop-ups, advertisements, and alerts that the hijacker is spamming you with, then you may follow the thorough Secure Captcha removal steps below .

To complete the guide, first, quickly bookmark this page and then restart your computer in Safe Mode.
After you restart your computer in Safe Mode, enter appwiz.cpl in the Windows search bar that is found in the Start menu and press Enter.
Check to see if anything new has been added to the list of programs on your computer. Uninstall any suspicious or potentially unwanted software you find there, especially if you suspect it has anything to do with your hijacking problems.

*Source of claim SH can remove it.
If you’re having trouble getting rid of an application, it’s possible that certain background processes are interfering with its removal. To check if this is the case, open the Windows Task Manager, by using the CTRL, SHIFT, and ESC key combination, then choose Processes from the tabs at the top.
Right-click on any process that you think could be a source of your disturbance and choose Open File Location to see its files.

Run all the files associated with that process through the powerful online virus scanner below to see whether they truly are harmful:

If the results from the scan are indicating that there is a problem with any of the files, end the process they belong to and remove them. You can end a process by right-clicking on it in the Processes tab and then selecting End Process from the pop-up menu.

When a browser hijacker is installed on a computer, it often adds start up items that allow it to function immediately after the system starts. To search for such items, type msconfig into the Start menu search area and choose System Configuration, then the Startup tab.

If you find any startup items that you can link to your recent ad-generating and page-redirecting experience, make sure that you uncheck it by removing the checkmark from its box. Then, click Ok to save your changes.

*Source of claim SH can remove it.
Additionally, a hijacker such as Secure Captcha may alter the Hosts file to include certain suspicious-looking IP addresses. Copy the line below into the Start menu search box and press Enter to see whether any such changes have been made in it:
notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts
Specifically search for IP addresses that seem suspicious or strange under Localhost. If you detect anything out of the ordinary, please let us know in the comments!

Next, using the Start menu, find and open Network Connections.
After that, right-click on the Network Adapter you’re using and choose Properties.
With the cursor, highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (ICP/IP) and then click on the button that says Properties at the bottom.
In the new window make sure that the dot is on Obtain DNS server address automatically if it isn’t already chosen and then click on the Advanced button.
In the new window, select the DNS tab and remove any rogue DNS that might have been added in the text box. Apply your changes by clicking on the OK button.

Aside from trying the steps from the beginning of this guide, here are some additional instructions that you should apply to all your browsers in order to fully get rid of any potential alternations that Secure Captcha might have made.
NOTE: The example images below show Google Chrome, but the same instructions can be applied for Firefox and IE (or Edge).
Right click on the browser’s shortcut icon on your desktop and select > Properties.
Inside the Properties window, open the Shortcut tab. Then, check if anything has been added after .exe in Target, and if you find something, remove it.

Many browser hijackers add registry entries to ensure that they stay on the system for as long as feasible. For this reason, if you want to eliminate Secure Captcha once and for all, you need to open the Registry Editor (type Regedit in the Windows search bar and press Enter) and carefully search for hijacker-related remnants in the registry.
We normally don’t recommend our readers to make changes and deletions in the registry if they are not professionals because this hides risk of accidental system corruption. Therefore, on this page we have included a powerful removal tool that can scan the system, including the registry, and clean any hijacker-related files without a risk.
If you know what you are doing, however, you can use CTRL and F, type in the hijacker’s name in the Find box, and then start a registry search. Carefully remove the entries that you are sure belong to Secure Captcha.
The following registry locations may also be manually searched for traces of the hijacker by navigating to them from the left panel:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory.
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random
Search for entries with unusual names and remove anything that you are 100% sure belongs to the hijacker.
Please, don’t hesitate use the anti-virus application provided on this page or try using the free online virus scanner if you aren’t sure what has to be removed from the registry or if the manual instructions aren’t enough to totally remove Secure Captcha. If you have any questions, please post them in the comments section. We’ll do do our best to reply to them shortly.
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