How to Remove ExtraFastApps (Everything You Must Know)

Our quest to find the latest cyber threats and help our readers deal with them led us to something called ExtraFastApps. Not much is known about this piece of software, other than it’s linked to PC Accelerate (a potentially unwanted program). However, we are fairly confident it’s a type of Trojan Horse that spreads via file bundles, unsafe game mods (Roblox mods in particular), and cracked games. Several security programs detect it as malware which means you really don’t want ExtraFastApps on your PC.

The exact goal of this Trojan remains unknown, mainly due to the versatile nature of this type of threats. Trojans can be used for anything from data theft, cryptocurrency mining, espionage, and more. But no matter what this particular one is set to do in your system, you’ve got to remove it ASAP.

extrafastapps virus
ExtraFastApps employs many tricks to make its removal as difficult as possible.

How to Get Rid of Extra Fast Apps

If you are struggling to delete this malware, we’ve got your back. Many users have complained that they are unable to get rid of ExtraFastApps no matter what they try, and we fully understand their situation. If you are among them, the next guide is specifically designed to let you liberate your PC from the rogue malware presence and secure your system.

Note that you must complete all sections of the guide in the exact order they are given or else the malware may be able to evade your removal attempts.

Detection Tool

Check the Task Scheduler

If you simply try to delete ExtraFastApps files and uninstall its malicious app, the Trojan may re-introduce itself into your system if it has created a scheduled task. Therefore, your first job should be to check your Task Scheduler:

  1. Type Task Scheduler in the Start Menu, press Enter, and select the Task Scheduler Library from the top-left.
  2. Carefully examine all tasks listed in the right panel.
    extrafastapps task scheduler
  3. Do you see any ExtraFastApps entries or other ones with suspicious names? If yes, right-click the suspicious task, and click Delete.
  4. If you aren’t sure, right-click the task, open Properties, and check, go to Actions, and see what it’s set to perform. If it’s set to install or run something questionable that could be linked to the Trojan, you must delete that task.
  5. Bonus Step: Go to the path of the program which the task is set to run/install and delete everything there.

We strongly recommend performing the Task Scheduler cleanup once again after you’ve completed the entire guide.

Search for Rogue ExtraFastApps Processes

Now it’s time to carefully look through the Task Manager, find all processes linked to ExtraFastApps, and stop them, while also deleting their files. Note that there could be other rogue processes or the ExtraFastApps one could have a different name. Some other names you may also come across are “PC Accelerate”, “PC Accelerator Pro”, “QuickTuneComputer”, “au_.exe”, and “estimate speed”, and there could also be others:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager and click on More Details in case you don’t see the full list of processes.
  2. Look for a process named ExtraFastApps or something similar. Also, look for any other of the rogue processes mentioned above. If anything, right-click it and open its file location.
    ExtraFastApps task manager
  3. Without closing the folder that appears, return to the Task Manager, right-click the rogue process again, and click End Task.
  4. Quickly go back to the file location folder, press Ctrl + A to select everything and then press Del to delete its contents.
  5. If you aren’t allowed to delete one or more of the files, download the free Lock Hunter tool, and install it on your PC.
  6. Then right-click the files and folders you aren’t allowed to delete, select the “What’s locking this file/folder” and then click on the Delete It option in the window that opens.

Once you delete all files in the ExtraFastApps file location, repeat steps 2 through 6 for all other suspicious processes you find in the Task Manager.

Uninstall Extra Fast Apps and Other Malicious Programs

Once you’ve cleaned the malicious processes and deleted their files, it’s time to uninstall any rogue apps that might be on your PC. Some users report finding multiple malicious applications and not only ExtraFastApps, so a thorough cleanup is essential here:

  1. Open the Start Menu, type Apps & Features, and press the Enter key.
  2. Now sort the apps shown in the list by date of installation and pay attention to the most recent ones.
    extrafastapps application reddit
  3. If you find ExtraFastApps or anything with a similar name, click it, click Uninstall, and complete the steps to delete the app.
  4. Note that it’s possible ExtraFastApps is shown under a different name, so pay attention to the other listed installs. “PC Accelerate”, “PC Accelerator Pro”, “QuickTuneComputer”, and “estimate speed” are examples of other rogue apps you may find and must uninstall.

Once the rogue processes are stopped, their data deleted, and the rogue apps are uninstalled, ExtraFastApps should no longer be on your PC. However, it could still have leftover entries in the Registry, so you must clean that too.

Registry Cleanup

The Registry stores important settings that dictate how your system operates, so you must be very careful when cleaning it from rogue items. Only delete things that have the virus name on them:

  1. Type regedit in the Start Menu, right click the Registry Editor, and select Open as administrator.
  2. Click Edit > Find, type ExtraFastApps, and press Enter.
    extrafastapps registry
  3. If the search finds anything, delete it, then search again to delete the next rogue item. Keep going like this until there are no more results for this search.
  4. Also search for each of the following: “Extra Fast Apps“, PC Accelerate”, “PC Accelerator”, “QuickTuneComputer”, “Quick Tune Computer”, and “estimate speed” and delete any related items you may find.

With the Registry cleaned, your PC should be back to normal and there should no longer be any malware on it.

Run an Anti-malware Tool (Optional)

If the guide wasn’t enough, and you didn’t get rid of all the malware, we recommend that you use the removal tool posted on this page. Trojans like ExtraFastApps will sometimes create backup files in various folders on the PC (system folders included!). This makes it very difficult to hunt them all down and delete them manually. In such cases, it’s best to use a professional anti-malware solution that can take care of the malicious files for you and clean your PC from every last bit of malicious data.

What Type of Malware is ExtraFastApps?

We already said that Extra Fast Apps is a Trojan, but this could mean many different things and doesn’t explain the malicious program well. To be fair, we don’t expect ExtraFastApps to directly harm your system or data, at least not in its current state.

As we mentioned, Trojans are versatile and can be used in many different ways. In the case of ExtraFastApps, the malware uses the disguise of PC Accelerate Pro (a sham PC optimization app) to appear legitimate and spread to more systems via file bundles. The optimization app serves as a front that hides the true functions and goals of the malware.

The Trojan could secretly use your system’s hardware resources for cryptocurrency-mining, keep tabs on your online activities to gather telemetry data, or introduce more rogue software into the PC. No wonder people who have this Trojan report getting several suspicious applications installed on their machines.

Ultimately, no good could come from the presence of ExtraFastApps on your PC so you are strongly advised to remove it ASAP if you haven’t already done so. Again, refer to the guide above in case you need assistance with the removal or directly use the professional anti-malware tool that you’ll find on this page.

How Did You Get ExtraFastApps?

It should come as no surprise that most people who have this malware got it from shady downloads that they allowed onto their computers. Pirated content, cracked games in particular, is a major source of Trojan threats like ExtraFastApps. People often get such malware after downloading something from Steamunlocked – a popular site for pirated games – but there are many other similar sites that can also get you infected.

Another group of users who got infected with ExtraFastApps are ones who’ve installed Roblox mods or mods for other games. Such downloads aren’t illegal – it’s perfectly okay to enhance your games with fan-made mods. The problem is that the people who create them aren’t always well-meaning and could easily introduce malicious code into the mods they create. The end result is the same – your PC gets infiltrated by a Trojan. Always make sure to first check the reviews of mods you want and read what the game’s community has to say about them.

Some free programs that are technically legitimate can have “bonus” components integrated with them. Those components could sometimes be potentially unwanted or even malicious. Always pay attention to the installation settings before you start the process in case there are any extra components you may want to leave out.

About the author


Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.


  • I found out I’ve got this malware called Exztra Fast Apps on my computer. I’m trying to get rid of it, but when I try to uninstall it, I keep getting this error message: “Unable to find (File Location). Make sure you typed the name correctly.”

    Has anyone else had this problem or knows how to fix it? Any tips would be awesome!


    • Hi Hunter
      where do you receive this error massage? Does this show up, when you try to uninstall it from the Apps menu ?

    • Hi Atticus,
      try this. Sometimes, the hijacker protects its registry keys by denying you access to them. This is how you solve it:
      Right-click the parent key that contains the one you must delete. Select Permissions > Advanced > Change. Change the owner by typing everyone, clicking on Check Names, and then on OK.
      Put ticks in the two Replace options, then click Apply and OK.
      The rogue key should now be deletable, so go ahead and delete it. Same thing with all other rogue keys.

    • Hi kirklyn parker,
      can you give me more details on what files you have deleted and what does it exactly mean, that you already did delete them ?

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