Always Weather 1.0.2 Virus

Home » Browser Hijacker » Always Weather 1.0.2 Virus

This page aims to help you remove Always Weather. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Always Weather and Browser hijackers in general are certainly among the most annoying pieces of software on the web and getting infected by one is bound to mess with your patience. Programs of this type integrate with your Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge or other popular browser and begin to impose their own settings. For example, among the first symptoms of an infection with software of this type is the change in your browser’s usual homepage and a new search engine being set as the default one. Soon after it’s also common for users to start noticing unauthorized page redirects to various web locations, seemingly out of the blue. We’ve created this article in regards to one specific browser hijacker that’s been irritating quite the number of online users lately and it’s called Always Weather. We have been receiving complaints about this particular browser hijacker and people have been asking us to provide a working solution to this infection – and that’s what we’re here to do. Below is a removal guide containing detailed instructions on how to locate and remove all the files that have to do with Always Weather. Once you have successfully deleted them, you will once again be able to enjoy ad-free browsing.

What do browser hijackers do? Are they dangerous?

Usually, when people encounter software of this type, they might at first think they’ve been attacked by some virus or malicious program. Thankfully, that’s not the case here and you don’t need to worry about any direct harm coming to your system, files, personal data or anything else. Though despite not being inherently harmful, security experts do still have concerns with programs like Always Weather due to the rather shady techniques they employ in the name of generating higher profits for their developers. Hijackers and other advertising software integrates with your browser to make it generate online ads, initiate page redirects to sponsored sites and otherwise see to the promotion and advertisement of various products and services. The more times you happen to land on a certain web location or click on a certain online ad, the more revenue the developers earn.

So with the above in mind, you can see how they will be trying to squeeze the most out of their browser hijackers. So oftentimes they program them to keep track of your browsing patterns and even record certain information that may seem valuable to them. For example, this can be data related to your online search requests, the type of content you like and share on social media, etc. A program like Always Weather can use this information to determine which of its popups, banners and box messages are likely to be more appealing to you. So once it has that perspective, it can start changing things up on your screen, so that you become more exposed to the ads it thinks you will be more prone to interact with.

And as you can see, it’s a fine line between merely wanting to maximize profits and intruding in people’s privacy. But that’s not the worst of it. Unfortunately, in trying to as effective as possible, browser hijackers like Always Weather have also often been known to mess not only with your browser settings, but with system registry files, as well. In short, this enables them to display more and more advertising content, but aside from that it also makes it easier for external threats like Trojans, ransomware, spyware and other viruses to attack and infiltrate your machine. Not to mention how much slower its performance can become and system crashes, lags and other unpleasant things can become your everyday companions.

So with all this on the table, you can clearly see the benefits of just deleting this program and not having to worry about potentially landing a more serious infection. Our advice to you would be to ensure that you don’t get any more browser hijackers installed on your PC. You can do this by avoiding spam messages, shady offers online and similar content. But the primary source for such infections are other programs that you install without checking the advanced settings. A browser hijacker can be attached to pretty much any program you downloaded for free, so be sure to always customize the setup, so you can be aware of any added components, should there be any.


NameAlways Weather
TypeBrowser Hijacker
Detection Tool

How to Remove Always Weather

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

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