RobinHood Ransomware

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RobinHood Ransomware

RobinHood is a very dangerous cryptovirus from the Ransomware type and the reason it has been created is to make money for its authors through a very nasty blackmailing scheme. The threat uses a complex encryption algorithm in order to render the files in the infected computer inaccessible and then asks for a ransom to be paid in exchange for their full decryption.

The security experts inform that the virus is spreading through different infected online message attachments, spam emails, malicious ads, torrents and sketchy sites. Therefore, there is a high chance to land such an infection if you are not careful during your web surfing or if you don’t have reliable security software on your computer (and sometimes, even if you do). One click on one of the numerous transmitters of this malware may oftentimes be is enough to activate the malicious payload and, unfortunately, there are usually no visible symptoms which can alert you to the malawre’s presence until all the files get secretly encrypted. The very moment the virus gets inside the computer, it immediately starts to scan the system for video and audio files, images, databases, archives, documents and other personal files and encrypts them using its complex code. The victims typically notice that there’s a cryptovirus inside their computers only after the Ransomware has completed the encryption process and has placed a ransom-demanding notification on their screen. RobinHood demands that a certain amount of money is paid in BitCoins to a certain cryptocurrency wallet within a given deadline. If the victims don’t follow the instructions given in the notification, they are threatened to never get access to their information again. The hackers who are in control of the infection promise that a decryption tool will be sent to those who fulfill all the ransom demands and instructions. It’s not a good idea, however, to trust the cyber criminals because there is no guarantee that they will actually do what they have promised in the blackmailing note. So, instead of giving them your hard earned money, our suggestions is to remove RobinHood from your computer with the help of the guide below and explore some alternative methods of recovering your information.

What should you do when faced with the RobinHood Ransomware encryption?

The cryptovirus creators advise you to follow their instructions and pay the ransom they demand as soon as possible in order to restore your files. In their attempts to convince you that this is the only way to deal with the Ransomware, they may use threats, different persuasive tactics and even give you to test-decrypt one or two files. Yet, many security specialists, including our “How to remove” team do not recommend trusting them because not only may you lose your money in vain if the hackers decide to just disappear and not send you a decryption key but also the active cryptovirus may encrypt more newly-created or downloaded files in the machine. Therefore, instead of following the ransom demands, you are advised to focus on removing RobinHood and then maybe try some alternative methods of recovering your data through means other than the ransom payment. For that, you will have to first locate the infection-related files by scanning the system with trusted security software and take all the necessary steps to safely remove it. If you don’t know where to start, follow the instructions given in this post, especially if the virus blocks your antivirus or if you do not have such a program. After that, check out the recovery section and see if you can save some of your data without paying the ransom.


Detection Tool

Remove RobinHood Ransomware

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

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