AdBlock 360 Extension

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AdBlock 360

AdBlock 360 is an unwanted software app designed to put ads inside your browser and to redirect the online searches you make. Experts put AdBlock 360 under the infamous junkware category known as Adware and advise users to uninstall it from their computers to avoid complications.

AdBlock 360
The AdBlock 360 extension virus mysteriously spamming browser with hundreds of ads, pop-ups and banners

A number of complaints have recently been registered with our “How to remove” team regarding a program, called AdBlock 360. According to the reports that we have received, the web users are facing difficulties to browse the web in peace because the above-mentioned program is mysteriously spamming their browser with hundreds of ads, pop-ups, banners, colorful messages, and automatic page-redirects. If you also have landed on this page because AdBlock 360 has taken over your Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Explorer browser, then we suggest you read on the information that follows. There, we will explain to you what kind of software AdBlock 360 really is, how dangerous it could be, and what are the most effective ways to have it uninstalled from your computer.

The main issue with this strange program is its aggressive ads generation. It is capable of flooding the users’ screen with various irritating, hard-to-remove commercial messages and sponsored links, without asking for permission. This usually happens each and every time you try to use the default browser, which, naturally, could prevent you from surfing the web effectively. Such a behavior is generally typical not only for AdBlock 360 and Pusnotstudio but for many other programs, which fall under one software category, known as adware. The adware applications could really get on one’s nerves with their ads and redirects, but, luckily, this is the worst thing that they are capable of. These pieces of software are not related to any virus-like activities and are not created to harass the web users like Ransomware or destroy their PC like the Trojan horse infections. That is quite good news because you will most likely be able to get rid of the adware from your computer without facing any serious negative consequences. What is more, you may not even need the help of a security professional to uninstall them. The instructions in the removal guide below would most probably be enough to help you rid yourself off AdBlock 360 all on your own. You can also free yourself from the endless stream of ads by scanning your PC with the professional removal tool on this page and forget about the adware-related issue in no time. 

Is AdBlock 360 safe?

Adware programs like AdBlock 360 are relatively harmless. However, AdBlock 360 extension may oftentimes be confused for a virus infection due to it’s aggressive online advertising activities.

Such pieces of software could really go out of their way to display different sponsored commercials during your web browsing sessions and there is a good reason for that. In most of the cases, the adware applications are used as tools that promote certain products, services, other tools, browser add-ons, free applications and sites directly on the users’ screen. They usually are linked to some online advertising platforms, which generate pay-per-click profits. That’s why, in the majority of the time, the adware apps may spam you with paid commercials and may prompt you to click on them in order to generate profits for their developers. Another thing that they may do is, they may try to research your preferences by keeping a track on your recent search queries, likes, shares, bookmarks and browsing history. This is an online marketing method, which provides the marketing agencies and online advertisers with valuable information about the users’ demands and interests. It also helps them to later feed their screen with relevant commercials and offers, which they might be interested to click on. Such activities are, technically, not malicious or illegal, but could be seen as potentially unwanted due to the constant interruptions and irritation that they may cause to the normal web browsing. Yet another good reason not to keep programs like AdBlock 360 on your PC is the uncontrolled nature of the content that they can display on your screen. The adware typically generates random pop-ups or sponsored links, but their reliability may not be proved. That’s why there is always a risk of clicking no something inappropriate, irrelevant or even malicious. In fact, some of the nastiest computer threats such as Ransomware and Trojans frequently use fake ads or misleading links as transmitters of their harmful payload. That’s why clicking on everything that AdBlock 360 delivers on your screen might not be a good idea, even if you are trying to close them.


Name AdBlock 360
Type Adware
Danger Level Medium (nowhere near threats like Ransomware, but still a security risk)
Symptoms  The screen of your browser may get spammed with hundreds of nagging pop-ups, ads and banners.
Distribution Method Software bundles, spam messages, ad-supported sites, torrents, freeware platforms, automatic installers. 
Detection Tool

Remove AdBlock 360 Extension

To try and remove AdBlock 360 quickly you can try this:

  1. Go to your browser’s settings and select More Tools (or Add-ons, depending on your browser).
  2. Then click on the Extensions tab.
  3. Look for the AdBlock 360 extension (as well as any other unfamiliar ones).
  4. Remove AdBlock 360 by clicking on the Trash Bin icon next to its name.
  5. Confirm and get rid of AdBlock 360 and any other suspicious items.

If this does not work as described please follow our more detailed AdBlock 360 removal guide below.

If you have a Windows virus, continue with the guide below.

If you have a Mac virus, please use our How to remove Ads on Mac guide.

If you have an Android virus, please use our Android Malware Removal guide.

If you have an iPhone virus, please use our iPhone Virus Removal guide


Some of the steps will likely require you to exit the page. Bookmark it for later reference.

Reboot in Safe Mode (use this guide if you don’t know how to do it).



Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC at the same time and go to the Processes Tab (the “Details” Tab on Win 8 and 10). Try to determine which processes are dangerous. 


Right click on each of them and select Open File Location. Then scan the files with our free online virus scanner:

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website’s users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan

Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal’s API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    After you open their folder, end the processes that are infected, then delete their folders. 

    Note: If you are sure something is part of the infection – delete it, even if the scanner doesn’t flag it. No anti-virus program can detect all infections. 


    Hold together the Start Key and R. Type appwiz.cpl –> OK.


    You are now in the Control Panel. Look for suspicious entries. Uninstall it/them.

    Type msconfig in the search field and hit enter. A window will pop-up:


    Startup —> Uncheck entries that have “Unknown” as Manufacturer or otherwise look suspicious.


    Hold the Start Key and R –  copy + paste the following and click OK:

    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

    A new file will open. If you are hacked, there will be a bunch of other IPs connected to you at the bottom. Look at the image below:

    hosts_opt (1)

    If there are suspicious IPs below “Localhost” – write to us in the comments.

    Open the start menu and search for Network Connections (On Windows 10 you just write it after clicking the Windows button), press enter.

    1. Right-click on the Network Adapter you are using —> Properties —> Internet Protocol Version 4 (ICP/IP), click  Properties.
    2. The DNS line should be set to Obtain DNS server automatically. If it is not, set it yourself.
    3. Click on Advanced —> the DNS tab. Remove everything here (if there is something) —> OK.

    • After you complete this step, the threat will be gone from your browsers. Finish the next step as well or it may reappear on a system reboot.

    Right click on the browser’s shortcut —> Properties.

    NOTE: We are showing Google Chrome, but you can do this for Firefox and IE (or Edge).


    Properties —–> Shortcut. In Target, remove everything after .exe.

    Browser Hijacker Removal Instructions

    ie9-10_512x512  Remove AdBlock 360 from Internet Explorer:

    Open IE, click  IE GEAR —–> Manage Add-ons.

    pic 3

    Find the threat —> Disable. Go to IE GEAR —–> Internet Options —> change the URL to whatever you use (if hijacked) —> Apply.

    firefox-512 Remove AdBlock 360 from Firefox:

    Open Firefoxclick  mozilla menu  ——-> Add-ons —-> Extensions.

    pic 6

    chrome-logo-transparent-backgroundRemove AdBlock 360 from Chrome:

    Close Chrome. Navigate to:

     C:/Users/!!!!USER NAME!!!!/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data. There is a Folder called “Default” inside:

    Rename the Folder to Backup Default

    Rename it to Backup Default. Restart Chrome.


    Type Regedit in the windows search field and press Enter.

    Inside, press CTRL and F together and type the threat’s Name. Right click and delete any entries you find with a similar name. If they don’t show up this way, go manually to these directories and delete/uninstall them:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory. It could be any one of them – ask us if you can’t discern which ones are malicious.
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random

    If the guide doesn’t help, download the anti-virus program we recommended or try our free online virus scanner. Also, you can always ask us in the comments for help!

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