A malicious virus program such as AggregatorHost.exe can cause numerous issues to your PC and can harm your system and data files in various ways. AggregatorHost.exe is a highly-dangerous malware threat from the group of Trojan horses.

As you likely already know, the Trojan horse virus category is among the worst of the worst types of malware. Its versatile nature and its ability to silently sneak inside most computer systems makes it the perfect malware tool for a wide variety of virtual crimes such as theft, espionage, backdooring for other malware, establishing remote control without the user’s knowledge and so on and so forth.
It’s only logical to assume that AggregatorHost.exe, being one of the newest and likely one of the more advanced representatives of the Trojan horse category, can also be used in those and in many other ways depending on the specific goal of the hackers behind it. If you suspect that this noxious malware threat might have gotten inside your system, you should definitely take immediate action towards detecting the infection and getting rid of it before it has managed to cause any serious damage and harm.
The paragraphs below will offer you insight into the specifics of these threats and will provide you with the information that you might need in order to effectively clean your PC and keep it safe in the future. The AggregatorHost.exe removal instructions are available within the guide manual further down on this page. Inside the guide, you can also find a suggested anti-malware program that you can use as an additional measure against the AggregatorHost.exe infection.
So, if this malicious piece of malware is presently on your machine, we strongly advise you to read through the next lines and then visit the guide down below. Follow the steps in the guide and use the removal tool in case you think you might need additional help and ensure that the infection is taken care of as soon as possible because, as we mentioned above, there are all kinds of harm that this malicious virus might be able to cause to your machine.
Typical characteristics of a Trojan horse
One of the main traits of threats the likes of AggregatorHost.exe or Energy.exe is related to their sneaky and stealthy nature. The usual ways in which such viruses get distributed normally include some form of disguise. It is highly likely that such a malware piece could be presented to you in a seemingly harmless form. Here are some examples of content that can be used for disguising Trojans and making it more likely for the user to allow the malware inside their machines:
- Files or links attached to spam e-mails or some other form of spam online messages.
- Illegal and illegally distributed software that users can download from the Internet.
- Misleading online advertisements that can either serve as direct download links for the malware or that might serve as redirects to malware-infested pages.
- Legitimate websites that have been hacked by the online criminals and set to distribute the virus.
- Other Trojans that can be used for backdoor purposes.
There are, of course, various other popular methods for spreading such cyber threats. The ones we’ve just mentioned are simply the most common ones. Sadly, it can oftentimes be rather difficult to tell legitimate content from such that is potentially harmful. Still, staying vigilant and keeping away from potentially unsafe and unreliable online locations and content is crucial if you want to keep your machine safe in the future.
One other thing that needs to be mentioned here is the fact that a Trojan infection might oftentimes lack visible symptoms which would enable the malware to stay undetected. Regardless, if you notice any unusual system behavior, know that a Trojan horse attack might be the cause behind it. Also, make sure that you have on your PC a good antivirus tool as in many cases this could be the difference between stopping the infection on time and allowing the malware to fully carry out its insidious task.
The damage that a Trojan can cause
As we stated above, AggregatorHost.exe might have a number of different abilities which is the reason why we can’t tell you with certainty what its purpose might be in your particular case provided that the malware has attacked your computer. Data theft, blackmailing, espionage, data and system corruption, distribution of ransomware and other nasty threats and even taking over your whole PC.
However, one thing’s for certain. If you want to prevent any of this from happening to you and to your PC, you should immediately take action and try to eradicate the threat before it’s too late. If you need any further help or have any questions, our comment section is open to you, so do not hesitate to reach out to us with your request.
Remove AggregatorHost.exe Virus
The majority of people who get infected with Trojans are unsure of where to begin the process of removing these threats. Getting rid of malware like AggregatorHost.exe might be difficult, but we’ve created a very detailed removal guide to make things a little easier for you. So, if you want to get rid of AggregatorHost.exe , we recommend starting by checking your list of installed applications for malware (or other suspicious-looking apps). Please see the following short instructions for further explanation on how to do this:
- Once your computer has booted, go to the bottom-left corner of your screen and choose the Start menu button.
- Type Control Panel in the search bar and open the app. Then, click on Programs and Features, then click on Uninstall a Program.
- A list of all apps currently installed on your computer should appear in the new window.
- Perform a thorough search for programs named AggregatorHost.exe and any others applications that seem suspicious.
- If you suspect a software to be harmful, Uninstall it from your computer, as well as any additional components it may have installed along the way.
If a pop-up window like the below appear during the uninstallation of the suspicious software, simply choose NO and continue the removal process.

It’s possible that the Trojan’s core will be destroyed as a result of this action. However, if you want to thoroughly clean your computer, we recommend you to follow the step-by-step instructions in the article below. The Registry, Startup, and other important system locations will be searched and cleaned to ensure that no traces of AggregatorHost.exe remain on the system.

The next step is to restart your computer in Safe Mode (click this link for instructions on that). In Safe Mode, you’ll be able to quickly identify any suspicious activities and applications that may be wreaking havoc on your computer.
This page containing AggregatorHost.exe removal instructions may be saved by clicking the Bookmark button on your browser’s toolbar. Once the computer has been restarted, you won’t have to seek for the removal instructions, but simply click on the bookmark and continue from where you left.

When it comes to malicious processes, Trojan threats like AggregatorHost.exe might use a variety of techniques to mask theirs. That’s why if you have been compromised, it’s important to launch Task Manager (CTRL + SHIFT + ESC simultaneously) and see what tasks are running on your computer when you restart it in Safe Mode.
Make a detailed search for processes that have a strange name, utilize a lot of CPU or Memory, or just appear weird and cannot be tied to any of the apps you regularly have on your computer.
An easy technique to check for malware is to look at a single process, right-click on it and choose “Open File Location” as explained in the picture below.

Next, use our free online virus scanner to check these files for malware:

The scan results will tell you which files are dangerous, so that you can remove them. Before you do that, however, make sure that you end the related process by right-clicking on it and selecting the End Process option.
After you’ve ended the malicious processes in the Task Manager, check the startup settings in System Configuration for suspicious items that AggregatorHost.exe may have installed without your knowledge.
In the Windows Search bar, type msconfig and hit Enter from the keyboard. Next, click on the Startup tab in System Configuration and look at the startup entries that are listed there:

Any startup items that have “Unknown” manufacturer, have unusual names, or otherwise seem dubious should be investigated online before removing their checkbox. If you find enough evidence that the item is connected to a Trojan infection, uncheck the tick mark to deactivate it.
We also recommend checking your computer’s Hosts file for unwanted alterations.
In order to open it, press WinKey and R together and type the following into the Run box:
notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts
Look for Localhost in the text of the Hosts file when it’s open. Odd IP addresses under Localhost, as seen in the sample image below, are a likely symptom of hacking.

Let us know if you see any strange IPs under “Localhost” in your Hosts file by commenting below this post. We’ll get back to you with some recommendations.
As a last step, you should scan the system’s registry for any dangerous entries connected to the virus, and then delete them.
Start with typing Regedit in the Windows search bar and hitting Enter.
Use the CTRL and F key combination to open a Find box in the Registry Editor. To find the Trojan, enter its name and click the Find Next button. You should remove any files or folders with that name that show in the search results since they might be infected.
If nothing comes up in the search, you may manually go to the following folders in the Registry Editor’s left panel:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random
Search for randomly-named items, and if you think they’re part of the Trojan, delete them from the system’s registry.
If you have any doubts about what files you should remove, or if you don’t want to inadvertently damage your operating system by deleting something legitimate, we recommend downloading the anti-virus software listed on this page and running a scan with it. Another tool that we recommend you to use is the free online virus scanner that can check specific files for malicious code. If you need help with the manual removal guide and its instructions, you may always ask us any questions in the comments section below.
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