Anubis Malware

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Anubis is a malicious piece of software that is capable of stealing personal information from your device, damaging important files, corrupting your software and even inserting Ransomware inside your system. According to security experts, Anubis is classified as a Trojan horse and should be removed at once.

The Anubis Malware can steal your credentials



One of the most dangerous pieces of malware ever created is the threat we will speak about in this post. The name of the fearful malware is Anubis and it is part of the infamous Trojan horse family. The way Anubis works is precisely like the wooden horse from the Ancient Greek myth about the Trojan War. The infection pretends to be an intriguing piece of web content that usually comes to you for free and silently, without any hint or sign hits your machine with a malicious process. Typically, such a Trojan often brings a buddy along and this is normally a Ransomware virus or some spyware, the purpose of which is to further harass you. In the following article, we will try to clarify the impact of Anubis on your machine and the methods that you can use to safely remove it.

How can you get infected with Anubis?

A malicious program such as Anubis may hide inside different software installers, torrents, freeware websites for free download services, different web pages for file sharing, spam emails and their attachments, malicious ads and more. Honestly, if your machine has already been infected, you cannot be sure where this Trojan may have come from. What’s very worrying about this malware’s delivery is that it may take advantage of all the vulnerabilities your device has. You may be unaware that your operating system or any of the software installed on it is actually vulnerable, but if it is, Anubis is definitely going to exploit those vulnerabilities to infiltrate your device and possibly sneak Ransomware or another virus in along with it. And speaking about vulnerabilities, one of the most common examples is a non-existent or an outdated anti-virus tool that does not protect your OS fully. Therefore, never miss updates or license renewals because you may risk being compromised by a variety of malware in this way.

What damage may Anubis cause?

As a new representative to the Trojan horse category, Anubis has all the usual characteristics of any Trojan horse virus. In reality, its possible uses could be very different depending on the intentions of the hackers who control it. Most Trojans, including Anubis, are well-known for their multifunctional nature and they are used most widely for disruptive actions like stealing credentials and passwords, spying on the victims’ video and audio correspondence, draining their online bank accounts and credit cards and destroying a variety of digital information. In some cases, your identity could become the target of the hackers behind the Trojan. The criminals may use such malware to collect all your personal information, including your address, your place of work, details about your family members, a full list of your contacts, your social media profiles or any other personal details. The harassment that can be triggered by such a virus could also be physical, as, with all this sensitive information at hand, the hackers can conduct blackmail and even burglary. This is hopefully not your case but is definitely one of the most terrible scenarios. Deleting files, crashing or turning your entire device into a bot, is another possible consequence of having a Trojan like Anubis in your system. In such a scenario, the hackers typically don’t really have bad intentions like spying or stealing money but they can turn your device into a completely unusable piece of hardware.  Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for something this bad to happen to remove this cyber nightmare. Just use our set of removal instructions to eliminate Anubis from your machine.



Remove Anubis Malware 

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

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