Apple Warning Virus Detected iPhone

Home ยป Mobile Threats ยป Apple Warning Virus Detected iPhone

The article you are about to take a look at is focused on “Warning Virus Detected”. This program is a version of ad-generating software, whose only real purpose  is to display pop-up and various other ads on your screen; to redirect you to many web pages and to set new homepages and default search engines to your browsers. The programs from this software family are called browser hijackers. What else is typical of all of the existing hijackers is to target all your browsers but mostly Safari and modify them in the aforementioned ways. You will find more valuable information about this sort of software in the paragraphs below.

Some general  facts about browser hijackers:

All the programs, considered browser hijackers, have been created to serve as advertising tools. Actually, these ad producing products have this aim ONLY: to broadcast a great number of pop-ups, tabs and/or banners; and to promote various web pages/ search engines and/or browser homepages, as well as different products and services. The people, who are interested in distributing this sort of software, are the manufacturers of the promoted products; the providers of the services these programs are advertising; as well as the creators of these sometimes programs. The first two groups are usually the ones who pay the latter to develop the best advertising-oriented program (the ones displaying the biggest number of pop-ups and causing the greatest number of redirections are considered as such). It is believed that in this way some of the promoted products may be bought by the people who are exposed to the ads; and their manufacturers will thus profit. As you can see, all the parties involved in this ‘pay per click’ system actually benefit from it.

In what ways may Apple “Warning Virus Detected” get spread?

In most of the recorded cases, you could find such software as a part of a contagious web page or a torrent, or as a component of a video-streaming website. As a result, as soon as you visit or load any of them, you may ‘receive’ the hijacker there. Nevertheless, it is common for Apple “Warning Virus Detected” and the similar products to be lurking inside bundles and you may be tempted to install them yourself on your device.

What does a bundle mean?

Bundles are free software mixes that get spread for free, and may incorporate games, programs, apps, Adware and hijackers inside them. In fact, usually there is nothing to worry about when it comes to such bundles. Still, the ad-broadcasting programs inside them could make them a little suspicious. Please, remember that such bundles may contain really fascinating programs and apps and you CAN use them for free, without getting the hijacker inside them. Just make sure that you follow this general piece of advice – whatever you install on your device, always choose the Advanced {or the Customized} wizard option. In such a way, each detail about a given bundle is going to be displayed and you are going to see which programs exactly you really need on your device; and which ones you don’t want there.

Despite the quite confusing and rather suspicious way of spreading “Warning Virus Detected”, it is not malicious:

In spite of the popular misunderstanding, no browser hijacker is malicious. Because of their shady features, these programs have been considered ‘potentially unwanted’, but have never been labeled as viruses. Of course, there is a reason for that – hijackers greatly differ from the usual malware versions you can catch while surfing the web. For example, Ransomware and Trojans as the most dangerous malware subtypes, can hack your system without your knowing or unknowing permission and exploit a program or a system weakness of your device or simply your naiveté. After that some of their most malicious effects may include deleting your data or corrupting it; locking up files and demanding  a ransom in exchange for them; tracking all your personal activities online; hacking your bank deposits, which are available online; as well as your social media accounts and stealing money, or simply compromising your identity. On the contrary, Apple “Warning Virus Detected” and all the other hijackers have NEVER been capable of doing anything like that. They may simply tempt you to install them with the entire content of a software bundle, and later on – just review your tracking history. Nevertheless, no hijacker’s intentions are to steal or spy, but to merely  try to sell you the product or service that you have currently been seeking. In order to successfully remove “Warning Virus Detected”, just scroll down to the Removal Guide below, and strictly follow the instructions it contains.


Name “Warning Virus Detected”
Type  Browser Hijacker

Apple “Warning Virus Detected” Removal

You are dealing with a browser hijacker that can restore itself. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:

  1. Locate and clean up your phone’s calendar events if they are infected.
  2. Find browser extensions related to the threat and how to remove them.
  3. Ensure your passwords were not stolen or tampered with.
    You can find the removal guide here.

2 responses to “Apple Warning Virus Detected iPhone”
  1. Betty Winstead Avatar
    Betty Winstead

    This information was very interesting and I hope I will not need it in the future. However, I am attempting to find anything that will help me remove a virus, malware, hacker, hijacker – whatever I have on my iPhone. All I can see on every app, screen, message, etc. is question marks. They are on the keyboard, under the apps, EVERYWHERE! If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. I can’t get into settings, or any of the defaults. Please someone help me. Thanks!

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Did you try completing our guide on this page? The instructions there are supposed to help users like you who are facing such issues.

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