Category - Mac Virus

Mac Virus


*Source of claim SH can remove it. InetImprovmentfld InetImprovmentfld is a type of application that fills user browsers with various online ads. Chrome, Safari, and Firefox are the usual target of InetImprovmentfld and once the program integrates...

Mac Virus


*Source of claim SH can remove it. AdvancedSprintfld AdvancedSprintfld is software that can annoy its users through frequent page redirects and an endless stream of ads, pop-up notifications, new tabs and banners all over their web browser’s screen...

Mac Virus

ConfigTypefld Mac

*Source of claim SH can remove it. ConfigTypefld ConfigTypefld represents a very common class of software more widely known as browser hijackers. Browser hijackers like ConfigTypefld are considered to be potentially unwanted programs or PUPs. And it...

Mac Virus

App_assistant Mac

*Source of claim SH can remove it. App_assistant App_assistant is an advertising application that spams Mac browsers with aggressive web ads and seeks to redirect users to sponsored sites. App_assistant is known as a browser hijacker and once...

Mac Virus


*Source of claim SH can remove it. ValidBoostfld ValidBoostfld is a Mac application that is used to redirect user searches to specific websites. Normally ValidBoostfld would facilitate some new search engine or a homepage and will start to spam...

Mac Virus

Apple Security Alert Scam

Apple Security Alert Apple Security Alert acts as an advertising tool for Mac computers. Specifically, Apple Security Alert integrates with Mac-compatible browsing program such as Safari, Chrome and others. And once there, Apple Security Alert then...

Mac Virus


Actionstepforward Actionstepforward is a browser-hijacking add-on for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari that “steals” the settings of the affected browser and replaces them with its own. Actionstepforward then begins to display online ads with the help of...

Mac Virus


*Source of claim SH can remove it. InitialProgramfld InitialProgramfld is a browser hijacker that infects the browsers installed on computers operating with MacOS. InitialProgramfld is compatible with most browsing programs out there, including...

Mac Virus

OpticalUpdaterfld Mac

*Source of claim SH can remove it. OpticalUpdaterfld OpticalUpdaterfld is a browser hijacker that is specifically aimed at browsers on Mac computers. Thus, OpticalUpdaterfld can infiltrate your Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or other popular web...

Mac Virus


*Source of claim SH can remove it. ExploreSyncfld ExploreSyncfld is a type of ad-displaying software that security researchers categorize as a browser hijacker. ExploreSyncfld will hijack browsers like Safari, Firefox, or Chrome and force them...