Category - Tips

This category covers the “Tips” section of HowToRemove.Guide. Our team mainly focuses on our users’ questions about errors, general how to’s and other related issues not clearly defined as malware infections. Over time some of these questions were asked enough times that we felt the need to create specific pages to which we can refer concerned users.

Prominent examples include questions such as:

If you are someone interested to ask such questions, please search this category first and if you can’t find anything answering your query, head on to our Contact page or to the comments section of the post you first encountered on our website.


The Xanory Scam – Report

In this post, I’ll tell you about a recent scam site that I came across called Xanory. It’s designed to look like a legitimate platform for cryptocurrency exchange, but engaging with it and trying any of its services will typically...


The Zomdex Bitcoin Scam – Report

Crypto is no longer something that interests only tech enthusiasts, early adopters, and open-minded investors. Today, many regular people take an interest in cryptocurrency investment, believing it can be a secondary or even a primary income source...

Tips Scam Report

Parking and toll scams have become super common nowadays, and they also seem to be especially effective due to their innocuous and believable premise. Today’s example of such a scam comes from the site. Like, Toll...


Freerobux.scam Report

Recently, I’ve noticed a sudden surge in the number of online scams that target Roblux players. More specifically, these scams promise the users free Robux – an in-game currency that can be purchased with real-life money. At the moment...


The Robux Scam – Report

These days, there appears to be an influx of Robux scams that have managed to trick a lot of people and more are probably falling victim to these schemes as I am writing this post. Robux, the virtual currency of the popular Roblux game, can be...

Tips Scam Report

As long as something on the Internet is popular and used by enough people, someone, somewhere will find a way to make a scam out of it. Case in point, a scam site that I recently came across called tricks Rolox players with promises of free...


The Scam – Report

One of the most universal and widespread scam tactics is to use the name of a well-known brand, company, or institution to reel in potential victims. The scammers create fake social media profiles or entire sites that are made to appear as if they...


The Scam – Report

Everyone wants to be able to make money from their laptop or phone, by simply making smart investments that guarantee large returns while also having minimal risk. To many, getting into cryptocurrency trading seems like a way to achieve this goal...


The Scam – Report

One of the most widespread tactics used by online scammers is to use the name of a famous brand, company, or organization to make it seem like their claims are legitimate. Case in point, is a fraudulent site that misleads you into...


The Scam – Report

One of the most widespread types of Internet scams is when a site offers you a big reward if you are among the first set number of users to register on it. One such site I came across to day is called and it promises you a reward of...