Category - Tips

This category covers the “Tips” section of HowToRemove.Guide. Our team mainly focuses on our users’ questions about errors, general how to’s and other related issues not clearly defined as malware infections. Over time some of these questions were asked enough times that we felt the need to create specific pages to which we can refer concerned users.

Prominent examples include questions such as:

If you are someone interested to ask such questions, please search this category first and if you can’t find anything answering your query, head on to our Contact page or to the comments section of the post you first encountered on our website.


The Scam – Report

If you’ve stumbled across a site called that promises you free Robux in exchange for completing some surveys and providing some type of personal data, know that you should not engage with it – it’s a scam! Recently...


The Scam – Report

If you’ve recently encountered a site called that seems to offer you a quick and easy way to get Robux, V-Bucks, or another virtual in-game currency for free, do not trust its promises! This is a scam site that’s just...


The 92K.Us Scam – Report

Online giveaway scams have always been popular with virtual criminals but in recent days, a particular type of giveaway scam has become especially widespread and many users seem to be falling for it. I am talking about scams that promise you free in...


The Texbiom Scam

The cryptocurrency buzz is real and more and more people are starting to take an interest in it each day, hoping that it will give them access to a new, easily-accessible source of income. However, wanting to make money off crypto and knowing how to...


The Scam – Report

Lately, I’ve been noticing a boom in a particular type of online scam like Ezycoupon that lures in their victims with promises of free coupons, gift cards, and premium subscriptions for various popular services and games. Many of those sites...


The Bloxevent Robux Scam – Report

Roblox is one of the largest and most popular online gaming platforms so it’s bound to be the target of all kinds of hackers and scammers, especially since it’s being used by a lot of children, who are easier to deceive. One of the main...


The Ezyplugin Scam – Report

Recently, I’ve been noticing a significant rise in a particular type of online scam and since many users seem to be falling for them, I had to address and explain the issue. The specific focus of this article is a scam called Ezyplugin, which...


The Xanory Scam – Report

In this post, I’ll tell you about a recent scam site that I came across called Xanory. It’s designed to look like a legitimate platform for cryptocurrency exchange, but engaging with it and trying any of its services will typically...


The Zomdex Bitcoin Scam – Report

Crypto is no longer something that interests only tech enthusiasts, early adopters, and open-minded investors. Today, many regular people take an interest in cryptocurrency investment, believing it can be a secondary or even a primary income source...

Tips Scam Report

Parking and toll scams have become super common nowadays, and they also seem to be especially effective due to their innocuous and believable premise. Today’s example of such a scam comes from the site. Like, Toll...