.CCC Virus

Home » Ransomware » .CCC Virus

This article was created to users remove .CCC Virus File Extension from their respective systems. We found many pleads to “.ccc 病毒” signifying the virus is extremely well-spread throught the entire world, not just western nations. The .CCC Virus File Extension is typical of a brand new and improved breed of the TeslaCrypt ransomware, but this time poising as CryptoWall, just to further make the thing especially difficult to remove.

.CCC Virus File Extension is a type of virus from the Ransomware variety. If you are already aware of its existence the most likely case is because it has made all of your files inaccessible by adding a strange extension to them. .ccc 病毒 claims that you must pay a certain amount of ransom in bitcoins (up to $200-$400 depending on the version of the ransomware) or your files will remain encrypted and inaccessible forever. 

.CCC File Extension Virus

The hackers also likely claim that if you try to recover the files in any other way then paying the ransom they will be damaged or deleted. The last part is a total lie and its aim is to scare you into paying the blackmail. Nothing will happen to your data if you try to recover it yourself – as long as you do not delete or rename the files (the methods described here do neither). If the worst comes to pass and you are unable to recover your data by alternative means you can always try paying as a last resort.

.CCC Virus File Extension – method of operation

Ransomware viruses are usually installed with the help of Trojans – malicious applications that have already bypassed the security of your system and work as a backdoor for the virus. Alternatively .ccc 病毒 may be distributed via email attachments or downloaded and installed directly from in infected sites or dangerous internet Ads.

When the .CCC Virus File Extension is inside your computer:

  1. It will make a detailed list of all your valuable data files, which are not also system files.
  2. .CCC Virus File Extension likes to encrypt data, not files needed for the operation of programs.

Once this list is compiled .CCC Virus File Extension will begin encrypting all files on this list. This is a process that transforms the readable data into unreadable gibberish via the help of a code /key/. This key is a random long string of characters, it is completely unique for every encryption and without it the encrypted file is completely worthless. Once each file is done encrypting the original copy of the file is deleted and only the encrypted copy remains on the system.

Should you pay the .CCC File Extension’s creators?

Remember that you are dealing with anonymous criminals that are blackmailing you for money. They are under no obligation to keep their end of the bargain. Also any dollar you pay will then be re-invested in the improvement and refinement of the virus and it could target you again and again.

  • Paying should only ever be your very last resort option. Try the recovery methods outlined below first.

How to recover files overtaken by the .CCC Virus File Extension?

The first thing you need to do is to remove .ccc 病毒 itself. More details on this in the guide below, keep reading for now.

What the hackers are trying to make you pay for is the key needed to decrypt these remaining files and indeed they are correct. Unless the algorithm used to generate the key is discovered by the anti-malware community the only way to decrypt your files is to obtain it from the hackers – usually in exchange for a hefty sum of cash. But this is not to say there are no other options.

The alternative involves the restoration of the deleted original files. This is pretty similar to what you need to do if you accidentally delete one or more files from your computer. These methods are not 100% foul proof and may not be able to recover all the missing files for all users, but hopefully can let you recover the most valuable stuff and avoid paying the hackers. If you had a lot of free space on your HDD and if you attempt to recover the delete files shortly after their deletion you have the best chance of recovering everything.

Detection Tool

.CCC Virus

You are dealing with a ransomware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to decrypt and recover your encrypted files (if it is currently possible).
You can find the removal guide here.

5 responses to “.CCC Virus”
  1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    If this has happened, there’s no way (for now) to recover them. I honestly feel bad I can’t help you :(. If you can’t revert back, then you can:
    A/ Pay up… I hate it as an idea, but you should get your files back.
    B/ Wait for someone to crack the encryption algorithm. This can take from months to years.
    C/ Forget the files and do a fresh reinstall of your system.
    All of the instructions above concern the removal of the core virus, or restoring your files through going back. I’d gladly help you if I could, absolutely for free, but the encryption algorithms are the real deal.
    If you decide to go without wiping your system and reinstalling, come back and try to look for other viruses. Ransomware always come with a trojan (or almost always) so your system may not be safe.

  2. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Yes, it is entirely possible a flash drive can infect you.

  3. Karina Dvornina Avatar
    Karina Dvornina


    all my files contributed .ccc extension. Is it even possible to save them, and what should I do?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      As written in the guide, you should try to revert to a previous restore point. Check Step 5 for more information.

  4. Grazina Avatar

    How to remove “ransomware?

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