Chrome Search Today “Virus”

Home » Browser Hijacker » Chrome Search Today “Virus”

This page aims to help you remove Chrome Search Today “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Browser hijackers are among the most common advertising programs on the internet. You can get them from a number of places and most of the time users don’t even have a clue about it until they’re faced with the unwanted changes to their Chrome, Firefox, Edge or other browsers. Such are a new homepage or default search engine, as well as frequent page redirects to various sponsored websites that appear to be promoting certain products or services.

Furthermore, the majority of users affected by browser hijackers also report seeing a large number of online ads on their screen ever since the program in question was installed on their computers. We’ll have a closer look at what software of this type is really capable of on the example of “Chrome Search Today” – one of the latest browser hijackers we have been receiving complaints about from our readers. In addition, we will also provide a detailed removal guide with step-by-step instructions on how to locate and remove “Chrome Search Today” without a trace, as the process is actually somewhat more complicated that uninstalling any regular program.

What is the purpose of programs like “Chrome Search Today”?

Browser hijackers and other advertising software are developed for the sole purpose of gaining higher exposure for certain products, services and websites. In doing so, the developers of this type of software can profit from paid clicks or paid views, which is actually a very popular way of doing business in the online marketing industry. However, be that all as it may, hijackers have garnered the reputation of being highly invasive and, frankly, just annoying. In addition to that, many security experts classify these programs as potentially unwanted, and there are actually a number of good reasons for this.

For starters, browser hijackers like “Chrome Search Today” often have the ability to tamper with your system registry files to make their advertising processes possible and more effective. This can potentially result in your system becoming less adequately equipped to fight off any external threats, like virus infections, for example. Hence, your computer could become more vulnerable to those and could end up contaminated. That’s not to say that “Chrome Search Today” is itself also a virus, and it certainly cannot be compared to serious malicious programs out there like Ransomware and Trojans. But you can, say, as a result of all the redirection processes potentially bump into malware or a virus of that rank. After all, there’s no telling which web locations are secure and which aren’t and which of them you may be sent to.

Another reason why hijackers are thought of as PUPs is the fact that they can gather browsing data about users and then transmit it back to the developers, who can in turn sell it further to third parties. Although this is done for marketing purposes only and with the intention of optimizing the ads on your screen so they can fit your personal preferences better, it’s still an unpleasant idea and if more people knew about such processes running in the background of their computers, they probably wouldn’t be too happy about it.

This leads us to the next point. Since hardly anyone would willingly put up with a program like “Chrome Search Today” and seek it out for download and installation, browser hijacker developers need to get creative. So they’ve invented a rather popular method of distributing software that no one would normally want – program bundles. These nifty little things are basically just the process of attaching one or more programs to the installation manager of a program that users would normally want to download on their own. This could be a game, some free media player or a conversion tool, for example. So, once downloaded, if you were to run the default or recommended setup, chances are you would also install every added program in that bundle as well.

So, this can very easily be avoided if you invest a little more of your time in the installation process itself. And you can do that by selecting the more detailed ‘advanced’ or ‘custom’ installation option. This will consist of more steps and will require you to make more decisions along the way, but that also includes making the decision of whether to allow the added components to be installed on your PC or not.


Name“Chrome Search Today”
TypeBrowser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Chrome Search Today “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

One response to “Chrome Search Today “Virus””
  1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Make sure to delete those IP’s from your Hosts file – they aren’t supposed to be there and should be removed.

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