Yoursite123 Virus

Home » Browser Hijacker » Yoursite123 Virus

This page aims to help you remove Yoursite123. In the past few days together with the more traditional questions like how to remove Yoursite123, we have received many inquiries with the question “jak usunac yoursite123”, showing that this is a widespread threat. These Yoursite123 removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer as well as every version of Windows.

General slowdown, unwanted toolbars, pup-up and banner Ads appearing on every page. These are all symptoms that a PC is infected with Yoursite123 and are also probably the reason why you are reading this article.

How to Remove Yoursite123
Yoursite123 Removal

As far as online threats go this is fairly high on the danger list and you really need to follow the instructions on how to remove Yousite123 and “jak usunac yoursite123” so that you can have it uninstalled from your machine fairly quickly.

Until you remove Yoursite123 please don’t click on any Ads

The biggest problem with Browser Hijacker is not the damage they can do to your computer – they are actually fairly harmless. It is the dangerous applications that might get hooked to your computer through the Ads you see. Creators of these Ad-based programs make money by signing affiliate contracts with the sites they advertise. Every click on an infected computers earns them a bit of cash. There is nothing wrong with that by itself – all online Ads work this way. The problem is that Browser Hijacker is usually unknown and therefore good, high quality sites seldom advertise through it. When you click on an Ad created by Yoursite123 you are much more likely to end up in some obscure site of questionable quality or into some infected page or be included in a phishing scam. Browser Hijacker is also well known for its practice to advertise bloatware programs. These programs create false positive warnings about potential problems with people’s computers in order to make them believe they need to buy the software. The software doesn’t actually do anything useful – usually it will remove some old unused files that don’t really do anything harmful and proclaim your PC cleansed. These programs are usually powerless to fix any real problems should they happen to occur.

How was your PC targeted by Yoursite123

Browser Hijacker programs don’t specifically pick targets – they are released en masse to as much potential victims as possible. Usually they will hide inside infected executable files and be installed alongside the main program of the installer. Once inside the computer they will attached themselves as add-ons to the most popular browsers – Chrome, Firefox and IE are all equally vulnerable to such backdoor attacks.

Here are some short tips on how to keep your PC safe:

  1. Don’t install programs using the Default installation option. Always pick Advanced, because some installers have more then one program inside of them and they will install those extras without even warning you if you use Default. Advanced gives you the option to remove these extras from the installation list.
  2. Don’t download software from torrents and random blogs or storage sites.
  3. Keep an active anti-virus or anti-malware program on your computer at all times so it can scan all files before you run them.

Now, it is time that we begin with our instructions how to remove Yoursite123 and “jak usunac yoursite123” from your device.


TypeBrowser Hijacker
Detection ToolSponsored


How to Remove Yoursite123 Virus from Chrome/Firefox

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.

For mobile devices refer to these guides instead: –Android , iPhone

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