MySafeSavings/My Safe Savings Malware

Home » Adware » MySafeSavings/My Safe Savings Malware

This page aims to help you remove MySafeSavings. These My Safe Savings removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Is MySafeSavings annoying you? Then you are in the right place

MySafeSavings refers to the class of adware that displays unwanted advertisements. You may have heard that adware is often blamed for using annoying, and at times very intrusive methods for ads displaying. Before speaking more about this, let’s first put some light on the adware in general. The word adware comes as a combination of the words advertisement and software. Its purpose is to display different types of ads in the form of banners, pop-up messages, promotional links and web pages. This is exactly what this program is created for. The thing is, such actions are often categorized by the online users as undesired distractions and also referred to as potentially unwanted programs (PUP).

If My Safe Savings is potentially unwanted program, then does it mean it is also virus? No, definitely not. It is legal and free software that serves the advertising industry by generating targeted advertisements. Developers have found that there is money in it when the Pay Per Click (PPC) method is incorporated. It works by generating income for them with every click the displayed ads receive. That’s why they are using some aggressive strategies when showing ads on your screen. Yes, at their best, adware can be quite irritating to the viewers, but it really doesn’t mean to do any harm to their system. Viruses, in comparison, can do significant damage and are self-replicating, also able to infect new machines on their own.

However, with the aim to display relevant ads, some advertisers develop adware that may compromise users’ privacy and track their online activities. The potential danger may appear when some private data, collected by the adware, may later be easily reached by people with not so noble intentions. If this happens, the software is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a virus.

Can you name some common symptoms?

Online advertising industry becomes more complex with every single day. So do adware and the techniques they implement. Experts have detected some more common symptoms adware such as MySafeSavings may have on users PC. In its most classic form, it may flood the users screen with an endless stream of unwanted pop-ups. Distracting banners may appear, interrupting the users’ current activity. There is a chance popping messages come as entire series, where it becomes a real struggle to close them. It often may happen that closing the one will open another text message or a web page. Another annoying thing this Adware does is to keep track of your browsing history. In its attempts to figure out what ads to display, it may collect information about users’ last web searches and browser activity. Most people don’t really enjoy these actions and are seeking to uninstall he program from their PC.

How may My Safe Savings result on your system performance?

When your device system is always busy loading ads, you may notice its speed may decrease and the overall performance may become laggy. Not only that, but it may also hit your wallet. If you are paying for internet bandwidth, it is good to know that ads eat up your data and may increase unnecessarily your mobile internet bill. Maybe it is a good idea to consider removing MySafeSavings and any other such adware if you want to save up a few more MB for actual work.

What can you do about it?

Checking your browser security settings is a good idea. Set your Internet Explorer (IE) security level and disable access of extension you don’t recognize. Consider switching to alternative browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and keep a close eye to their extensions and functionality.

It is very important not to download suspicious programs on your PC. Always run a virus check up with your antivirus program. Be very attentive when visiting websites with pop-up messages asking you to download software. They should not be trusted unless you know what the software is. A useful tip is to always go for the advanced installation option when installing free software. This way you can manually select or unselect potentially unwanted applications packed inside the installation wizard.

Be careful what adware you install on your PC. Make sure it is from a reputable company and read carefully the privacy agreement that comes with it.

How do you remove MySafeSavings?

To remove this program, you’ll probably need a detailed guide. Below we have prepared a quick step by step solution for you. It is worth to follow it. Should you need any other help, do not hesitate to write us. We would be glad to help.


Type Adware
Detection Tool

Remove MySafeSavings

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

32 responses to “MySafeSavings/My Safe Savings Malware”
  1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hello, please clarify. Or simply provide a screenshot of your hosts file, if you are not sure what to do.

  2. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hello, you need to delete them from your hosts file.

    1. Sheena Gillmore Avatar
      Sheena Gillmore

      Thanks for the reply. How do I delete them?

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team


        Just as you would delete anything from a normal .txt file.

  3. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi there, most definitely stay away from any such pages. Look through the installation menu more carefully – at some point it asks something that will open these pages for you. Read through every line and select the proper option that will not open the pages.

  4. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Move on with rest of the steps. This is probably a trick by them. Just move on, you’ll find and delete the files manually.

  5. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi there, you can’t really delete ab (default). Searching the store is basically the same, but if you want the classical run menu hit Win button+R.

  6. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    You shouldn’t delete Ab (default). This is part of the system.

  7. Anthony Avatar

    Hi, having the same problem. Mine is shown as a level 3 threat in AVG. I have no way to delete it, please help

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi, Anthony, sorry for having to ask this, but what do you mean by “having the same problem”? There are many comments currently on the page, most of them with some sort of problem, so I can’t really know which one you refer to. Please, be specific in your answer.

  8. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    You are most welcome Jacob. If you happen to stumble upon a problem with some malicious content involved, remember to contact us, we will be glad to help you.

  9. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi there Jacob,
    at this point is probably best to download our software from one of our banners above. After you download SpyHunter you can use the free scan feature. It will locate the infected files where you can delete them manually. About the DNS Unlocker we have a guide for it too And you don’t need to purchase another PC, you can restore to factory settings or simply reinstall your Windows but i don’t think it is a good idea to keep any files, unless they are too valuable to you, and if they are you should scan them for viruses before you upload them somewhere else. Keep us posted for further help !

    1. Jacob Avatar

      When ever I go to network connections, it says “There are no items to display” (step 3 on guide for DNS Unlocker)

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        Hi Jacob,
        could you please tell me what type of OS are you operating on?

  10. Manny Rodriguez Avatar
    Manny Rodriguez

    Hello, I am using a Windows 10
    I am currently on step 5 and when I attempt to permanently delete the file I was lead to it won’t let me delete it do to it being open as .exe file and another one saying it is being prevented because it is open in Windows Account Manager

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi Manny,
      can you please type the name of the file? Did you manage to follow the steps in Safe Mode ?

  11. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Jacob,
    take a look on your Task Bar and if you are using Wireless Network click the Wireless icon or you can Right click the small computer icon which says Network on it and then click Open Network and Sharing center. Your Network Connections should be there. Keep us posted for further assistance.

  12. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Roger,
    is your keyboard wireless by any chance? Are you using laptop or desk computer ?

    1. Roger The Alien Avatar
      Roger The Alien

      Desktop with a wired keyboard. I managed to work around it by enabling the on-screen keyboard at the lock screen since it still acknowledged input from my mouse. Thanks for the guide, mysafesavings was really annoying me with all the random IE browser pop-up ads.

      1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
        HowToRemove.Guide Team

        You are most welcome. Contact us if you have further issues.

  13. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    You are welcome Jacob. If you have any other issues we will gladly help 🙂

  14. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Dandoon’
    did you try to kill the process first and then delete it ?

  15. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Anonymous,
    did you try to clean your browser too? Extensions, change the home page ?

  16. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi there Ghost,
    did you try to follow the path C:/Users/!!!!USER NAME!!!!/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data. where !!!!USER NAME!!!! should be the name you put on your computer. Keep us posted if you have further questions 🙂

  17. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Michele,
    did you follow the steps in Safe Mode ? Did you find any step difficult to execute ?

  18. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Ynnel,
    can you post your IPs here so we can check them? Or give us a screenshot.

  19. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Cole,
    can you provide us with a screenshot? Or post the IPs here so we can check them?

  20. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi phantom miner,
    did you manage to complete the guide ?

  21. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi phantom miner,
    did you manage to complete the guide. We also have guide on how to enter in Safe Mode in Windows 8.1.

  22. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi phantom miner,
    are you using a wireless mouse ?

  23. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi phantom miner,
    at this point i would suggest to you to download SpyHunter from one of our banners above and use the free scan feature. The scanner will locate any infected file where you can delete it manually. Keep us posted if you have further questions.

  24. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi Ghost Cakes,
    ok i will try to explain this. So we have this C:/Users/!!!!USER NAME!!!!/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data . First thing you do is open My Computer. There are going to be, lets say Local Disc (C:) and Local Disc (D:) by default. So here is where we start from. You go in Local Disc (C:) and there some Folders. You are going to look for folder named “Users” and when you go in that Folder the path will be C:/Users. After that you will look for the Folder that says YOUR NAME ( by your name we mean the name of the computer, or how you nicknamed it) when you get in that folder your are going to look for Folder named AppData and when you go in that Folder the path will be C:/Users/USER NAME (the nickname you gave to your computer)/AppData and so on. Try this try to complete the guide in Safe Mode and if you have further questions we are here to help you 🙂

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