Uninstall SpyHunter

Home » Tips » Uninstall SpyHunter

Step 1:

Press R together with the the Start (Windows) key.

A box will open – type appwiz.cpl inside and press OK.

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Step 2:

Navigate through the list of programs installed on your computer until you find SpyHunter. The list is sorted alphabetically, so scroll down to the programs starting with “S” and select Spyhunter.

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Step 3

Double-click on Spyhunter and select preferred language, then confirm that you want to remove SpyHunter.

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Step 4

Spyhunter has one last offer for you. If you are set on removing the program select “Proceed with Uninstall” and Spyhunter will be removed from your system.

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Step 5

Spyhunter will require for your computer to be rebooted in order to complete the uninstallation process. Save all open files and click on the reboot button when you are ready. Your computer will now reboot and Spyhunter will be completely removed once it starts up again.

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7 responses to “Uninstall SpyHunter”
  1. Frank Coleman Avatar
    Frank Coleman


    1. maria Avatar

      how do i unstall wavebrowser didn’t need to the wavebrowser thank you

  2. Tim Avatar

    How can I use Spyhunter on my Android.
    I can’t open the file.

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Tim,
      i am sorry to inform you, but there is no SpyHunter for Android. Probably you have downloaded something totally different.

  3. Everett Perry Avatar

    Hi Brandon,

    I had downloaded Spyhunter ony to realise that I have to pay for using this. I already have Norton on my laptop so I want to delete Spyhunter. I followed the normal steps, but for reasons I don’t understand, it has not been deleted. Can you please direct me as to how I can permanently remove Spyhunter?

    Best wishes,

    Everett Perry

    1. George Slaine Avatar
      George Slaine

      Hi Everett Perry,
      can you be a little more specific? What exactly is holding you down from deleting SpyHunter?

  4. Ray Carroll Avatar
    Ray Carroll

    I Need help to uninstall Spyhunter from Windo1 10. When I try to use Control Panel and uninstall the program uninstall window coms up and gets to 12.12% and then stops and gives me a Message

    SCREENSHOT – https://prnt.sc/K0pN2JMWG1-M

    This screen stops for several minutes and then another window opens that says Setup Failed – Failed to stop service : EsgShKernel

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