Impaq Speed Virus

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This page aims to help you remove Impaq Speed “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

If you have recently had a software application called Impaq Speed installed on your PC, then it is likely that you are currently experiencing different kinds of browsing disturbance mostly related to an uncontrolled generation and display of online ads that seem to get all over your screen during each of your browsing sessions. You might be using Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or any other browser while getting these issues and you might be finding it really difficult to get rid of the various pop-ups, banners, blinking boxes, page redirects and intrusive box messages. If that is what your present situation is, know that you aren’t dealing with some nasty malware infection and there’s likely no real reason to worry. Impaq Speed “Virus” is a legitimate software tool, albeit highly irritating, and it will probably not cause any serious problems to your computer system. Here, we will give you some more information with regards to the specifics of this program and also with regards to how you could deal with the unpleasant effects that it might have on your online experience. Therefore, if you currently have this app on your machine and you are facing different browsing disruptions and disturbances due to its presence on the computer, we advise you to read on and acquaint yourself with the main characteristics of this software piece so that you’d know how to handle it.

What’s the actual purpose of Impaq Speed?

According to the description posted on its official site, Impaq Speed is a useful software tool that could allow the user to obtain some important information about the quality of their Internet connection. The main three functions of this program are to measure the current ping value, the download speed and the upload speed of the user’s Internet connection. Surely, this doesn’t sound like much and isn’t really something that most users would deem a necessity but it could still be useful knowing this information depending on the situation. However, the problem with Impaq Speed comes from its other “function” that seems to be its primary purpose – to conduct advertising campaigns and, through them, to accumulate income for its creators. Generation of online advertisements isn’t anything new and a lot of software tools tend to do it as it is a highly profitable method for gaining revenue. However, such methods for making a profit oftentimes cause different unpleasant issues to the end-user and Impaq Speed seems to be no exception to that tendency.

The ads that this program has been reported to generate seem to be highly irritating and obstructive and could really make one’s online experience rather unpleasant. Naturally, nobody would want to have to put up with dozens of different flashy banners, nagging pop-ups and random page redirects each and every time they try to use their browsing program. At this point, it doesn’t even matter if the program in question actually does what it has been promoted to be able to do since the ads would simple make its presence on anybody’s computer more annoying than useful. Again, this isn’t some kind of a virus software piece – it won’t try to attack your computer or the data that’s on it and it will not cause any damage to the system. Still, though, most security experts agree that this piece of software should be regarded as a PUP (potentially unwanted program) and should be therefore removed from any PC where it has been installed. One important thing to be noted here is that it is typically a security hazard to have a lot of ads streamed to your browser because online advertisements are oftentimes used for spreading malware infections the likes of Rootkits, Worms, Spyware, Ransomware, Trojan Horses and so on. The more ads that you see on your screen, the higher the chance of accidentally clicking on some unsafe piece of advertising content which is, in turn, yet another good reason why you might want to get rid of Impaq Speed.

Removing the unwanted app and avoiding future installation of similar software

If you want to uninstall Impaq Speed, follow the instructions from the removal guide manual added to this page. As far as keeping your PC safe and clean in future is concerned, be sure to carefully research the specifics of any new software that you are about to download. Also, make sure to customize the installation configuration of any new program you are about to install from its setup menu. Look if there are any bundled apps added to the main software piece and uncheck them if you feel like the added components might be something unwanted. Finally, and this should go without saying, be sure to stay away from anything that you see on the Internet which might be unsafe to interact with – spam messages, sketchy ads, illegal sites and pages, pirated downloads, etc.

NameImpaq Speed
Detection Tool

Impaq Speed “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

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