Jhgn Virus

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*Source of claim SH can remove it. Trial w/Credit card, no charge upfront; full terms.

*Jhgn is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.


Jhgn is a ransomware virus that uses encryption to lock victim users out of their own files. The hackers behind Jhgn can then try to extort money from their victims in exchange for a decryption key necessary to access said files.

The Jhgn ransomware will leave a _readme.txt file with instructions

Unfortunately, ransomware is part of a very popular criminal scheme that has been gaining momentum over the past few years and shows no signs of stopping. Those behind viruses like Jhgn, JhbgJhdd manage to get away with it thanks to the umbrella of anonymity offered by cryptocurrencies, which is exactly how they demand they be paid the ransom. This enables the hackers to escape persecution and continue with their illegal practices and further line their pockets.

This is one of the reasons we always point out to our readers that it’s never a good idea to comply with the ransom demands. Instead, we believe a much better alternative is to remove the virus from your computer first and then try to recover the files that were affected by the encryption process. The former can be done with the help of our special Jhgn removal guide below. And further down we’ve also included some suggestions that may help you regain access to at least some of the lost data.

The Jhgn virus

The Jhgn virus is particularly tricky to deal with because it doesn’t trigger most antivirus programs. Ransomware like the Jhgn virus in fact operates stealthily right under your nose for quite some time until it completes its task.

jhgn virus
The Jhgn virus will encrypt your files

Then, once the job is done, it will usually display a ransom note on the screen of the infected PC. And that is how the victim is first made aware of the presence of this awful piece of malware in their system.

In addition, the hackers may also choose to include various scare tactics to increase their chances of actually getting the ransom payment. They might threaten to delete your data or the decryption key, or they might even say they’ll double the ransom amount if you don’t pay within a certain time frame.

The .Jhgn file encryption

The reason why the .Jhgn file encryption process doesn’t trigger antivirus software is because it’s not in itself malicious. In fact, the .Jhgn file encryption is more of a means of protecting data than anything else. It just so happens that a bunch of cybercriminals found a way to use it for evil.

But essentially, this is ransomware’s major advantage in the face of other types of malware. And the other factor that makes it among the most dangerous types of viruses is that after your files have been encrypted – there’s no telling what’s going to happen to them next. Even the decryption key that the hackers have isn’t guaranteed to work on your data, simply because it’s code and there’s a lot that could go wrong.

Sadly, we cannot guarantee that the restoration methods listed on our site will 100% do the job as well. But it is certainly a much better alternative that’s worth giving a try before you consider sending your hard-earned cash to some anonymous hacker.


Danger LevelHigh (Ransomware is by far the worst threat you can encounter)
Data Recovery ToolNot Available
Detection Tool

*Jhgn is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.

Remove Jhgn Ransomware


This first paragraph contains a link with instructions that can help you restart your machine in Safe Mode. We highly recommend you do that, as this will help you deal with the ransomware more quickly and effectively.

Make sure you bookmark this page by clicking on the bookmark button in your browser’s URL bar before restarting the system. In this way, any time when your computer or browser restarts, you won’t have to search for the uninstallation instructions again, instead, you’ll have instant access to the removal guide.

Once your computer has been successfully restarted in Safe Mode, you can proceed to the remaining Jhgn removal steps indicated on this page.



*Jhgn is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.

Jhgn ransomware typically operates secretly, making it practically hard to detect. That is why such a threat may wreak havoc on the system while remaining undetected for a long period of time.

For this reason, when your computer is infected with ransomware, one of the most difficult tasks you’ll have to do is to find and end any potentially malicious processes linked to the threat. The steps outlined below will help you identify and end potentially dangerous processes on your system, so make sure you carefully repeat them.

Open the Windows Task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, and then select the Processes tab from the top menu.

Make use of the quick menu by right-clicking on any process that consumes a lot of CPU and memory resources, has a strange name, or appears suspicious, and then click on “Open File Location” to view its files.


To be sure that the files connected with the process in question are free of any potentially dangerous code, use the free online virus scanning tool provided below and carefully scan them.

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website’s users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan

Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal’s API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    A potentially dangerous file should be removed as soon as possible and the process linked with it should be ended immediately.

    The right-click menu (right-click on the process) can be used to end processes that contain potentially dangerous files.


    In the next step, you need to disable any startup items that may have been added to the system by the ransomware and save your changes.

    You can do that by typing in msconfig in the Windows search field and then selecting System Configuration from the search results. After that, look through the Startup tab to check if any unusual Startup entries have been added there.


    If you find sufficient information that a startup item is associated with ransomware, you should uncheck the checkbox next to it. Other startup items that you can’t associate with the applications that run when your computer starts up should be researched online as well. The start-up items related to programs that you trust or are tied to the system should not be disabled.


    *Jhgn is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.

    If you want the ransomware to be completely removed from your system and prevent it from reappearing or leaving harmful components behind, you need to carefully search the registry for malicious entries and remove those that are linked to the threat.

    You may instantly gain access to the Registry Editor by simply typing regedit in the Windows search bar and clicking Enter. Next, you can use CTRL and F key combination to search for ransomware-related entries by carefully typing virus’s name in the Find box that appears in the Registry Editor’s window. Right-click and carefully delete any entries that have the same name as the ransomware and repeat the search until no more results are returned.

    Attention! Remove just those registry entries that are relevant to the ransomware. Your system and the apps currently installed on it may be damaged if you remove anything else from the registry. If you need assistance you should know that Jhgn and other ransomware may be safely removed from your computer’s registry by using a professional removal tool, such as the one listed on this page.

    When no more entries are found, exit the Registry Editor and do a manual search in each of the following locations. You can use the Windows search field to type each of them and hit Enter to open them.

    1. %AppData%
    2. %LocalAppData%
    3. %ProgramData%
    4. %WinDir%
    5. %Temp%

    In each location, carefully search for and delete any potentially harmful files or folders that you are sure belong to the threat. Also, delete everything in the Temp folder to remove any potentially harmful temporary files from your system.

    The Hosts file is the next location to look for harmful alterations on your computer. To do that, press the Windows and R keys together to open a Run dialog box. After pasting the following command in the Run box, press Enter:

    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

    The following sample image shows several suspicious-looking IP addresses under “Localhost” in the Hosts file. In case you detect something similar in your Hosts file, the comments’ area below is a great place to let us know if you notice any changes that you weren’t aware of. Our team will take a look at it, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

    hosts_opt (1)

    If your file looks to be in order, you can close it without making any changes.


    How to Decrypt Jhgn files

    Victims of ransomware need to carefully evaluate the available methods of decrypting the encrypted data,  depending on the variant of ransomware that has infected their computer. To correctly identify which Ransomware variant they are dealing with, victims need to look at the file extensions attached to the encrypted files. 

    New Djvu Ransomware

    STOP Djvu Ransomware is the most recent variant of the Djvu Ransomware strain, which attacks computers globally and demands a ransom from the victims in exchange for decrypting the data that has been encoded by its encryption.

    If you think you’ve been infected with this particular strain, look for the .Jhgn file extension at the end of any encoded files. This extension is typically attached automatically to files that have been targeted by this malware.

    Despite the fact that this new danger is tricky to deal with, since decrypting files of new threats is normally difficult, if an offline key has been used to encrypt your files, you may have a high chance to decrypt them. The following page has a decryption tool that you may access by clicking on the link:



    After downloading the decryption program from the URL mentioned above, you must click “Run as Administrator” on the downloaded file and then confirm with “Yes” to launch the program. Please read the short instructions and the license agreement on your screen before proceeding, as this is essential.

    After that, you need to press the Decrypt button to begin the decryption process. The decryption of the encrypted data should start after that. Please note that this application may be unable to decode data encrypted with unknown offline keys or online encryption. If you have any questions or find yourself in trouble, please let us know in the comments below, and we will do all we can to assist you. 

    Important! Before attempting to decrypt the encrypted data, scan your computer for any hidden ransomware-related files and hazardous registry entries. On our site, you will find an online virus scanner and  an anti-virus software that will help you eradicate Jhgn and other dangerous computer infections.

    4 responses to “Jhgn Virus”
    1. Sarthak patel Avatar
      Sarthak patel

      Hello my computer has the same djvu virus with .jhgn extension.
      I tried to decrypt my file with emsisoft
      Software buy it didn’t work.

      How can I decrypt my files?
      Please suggest me the solution

      1. George Slaine Avatar
        George Slaine

        Hi Sarthak patel,
        do you know if you are infected with an Online ID? If you are infected with Online ID, unfortunately decryption is impossible.

        1. Patricia Guadarrama Avatar
          Patricia Guadarrama

          y como saber eso de infectado con una identificación en línea?

          1. George Slaine Avatar
            George Slaine

            Siga este enlace, lo dirigirá al sitio donde se encuentra el software de descifrado. Tienes que cargar un archivo encriptado y luego te dirá qué tipo de encriptación es.

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