Loadus.exelator.com Malware

Home » Browser Hijacker » Loadus.exelator.com Malware


Browser hijackers like Loadus.exelator.com are designed to promote various products and services by displaying ads on users’ screen. Programs like Loadus.exelator.com do this by integrating with the main browsing program on the infected computer.


The passages below are entirely focused on one of the most well-known forms of online irritation nowadays – ads, such as banners and pop-ups in your browser tabs and windows each time you make an attempt to browse the Internet. The reason for this strange behavior all your browser apps (Firefox, Chrome, and Edge) might have is the contamination with a browser hijacker version called Loadus.exelator.com.


In the text below we will share what you need to be aware of when it comes to such infections as Loadus. For example, some of their probable effects are the sudden redirecting processes and the setting of some totally unfamiliar homepages like Loadus and search engines to all of the browsers you use.

The programs that have been classified as hijackers are known to generate too many online ads inside all types of browsers. Such programs can only influence your browser apps, though, and no other aspect of your PC will ever be compromised by their effects and actions.

Loadus exelator

As a wonderful example, we will compare Loadus exelator and a standard form of malware – a random ransomware file-encrypting virus. The consequences that may result from the infection with Loadus exelator include the non-stop generation of pop-ups (as these programs are normally programmed to advertise services and products effectively).

Furthermore, all programs in the hijacker category are for the most part perfectly legal. The process of promoting services and/or goods has always been an important part of the marketing industry in general, and as such has always been seen as legitimate.

Are hijackers really harmless?

Quite honestly, if we do not count the probable irritation you might experience, browser hijackers have never been regarded as software causing any negative effects to you and/or your PC. You need to bear in mind that no hijacker will ever be categorized as a virus. There are major differences between malware, such as Trojans and ransomware, and browser hijackers. Therefore, one should not be mistaken for the other.

Other things that an ad-generating program may perform while installed on your device is the monitoring and analysis of your most recent search requests. Relax, no actual personal data or sensitive credentials that you have used while browsing the web are available to any hijacker. What interests the makers of this type of software is the pattern in your searches as by finding it out, they will be able to display only the ads that are relevant to your supposed preferences.

On the other hand, a ransomware virus normally secretly sneaks inside your device and launches a search process for the particular data you use the most. Following the completion of that, all such files are rendered inaccessible by a very strong encryption process. After that, the criminals behind this malware demand a ransom from you in order to give you back access to your sealed files.

If Loadus.exelator.com isn’t a virus, how did the infection happen in the first place?

To make that clearer, we have to take a look at the probable sources of hijackers. They might be very diverse, but usually they include torrents, shareware, spam emails, ads, infected web pages, sometimes browser extensions and add-ons. Hijackers are mainly included in program bundles, though. These are free software packages you might come across and download from the web. The real problem with them does not really come from simply downloading one. In reality, it is the way you install such software combos that makes the difference. Generally, the wizards will have two sorts of options:

  • the detailed one {Custom/ Advanced/ Customized} that allows more more control over the installation;
  • and the recommended ones, likely to automatically install the entire program bundle with all its added features {the Automatic/ Recommended/ Default ones}.

The key to avoiding ad-displaying software such as Loadus.exelator.com, Poisism.com, loadm.exelator.com is to learn to choose the options in the first group – the ones providing you with the opportunity to select what to leave behind and what to really install on your PC.

Basic points of prevention

As we have already said before, you first need to start properly installing software you download from the web on your devices. The second important aspect of prevention is to invest in a good anti-virus tool because a top-quality program will be able to detect ad sources and may automatically stop them.


TypeBrowser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Loadus.exelator.com Virus

To deal with Loadus.exelator.com quickly, we recommend you try to remove any components that are connected to Loadus.exelator.com from the Extensions settings in each of your browsers.

  • Start with launching the default browser and selecting More Tools (or Add-ons) > Extensions from the drop-down menu.
  • Look through the list of extensions to see if there are any unfamiliar or questionable ones that were added by the hijacker. If so, remove them.
  • Uninstall any browser extensions that you don’t want to keep or don’t plan on using in the near future.
  • Finally, make sure your browser is up to date and get the latest version.

If this simple fixe above didn’t work and Loadus.exelator.com is still interfering with your browser, then we recommend you follow the more detailed removal instructions listed below.


We recommend that you bookmark this page before you begin the advanced steps below so that you don’t lose it when you shut the browser and restart the computer.

When you reboot the computer, make sure that you enter in Safe Mode. This will run only the most necessary processes and programs and will allow you to easily detect any hijacker-related activity in the system.



Next, you’ll have to mess around with system processes to get everything working properly.

Task Manager’s Processes tab shows what’s running in the background. To open the Task Manager, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

Then, check if you see any unfamiliar processes consuming a significant portion of your RAM or CPU in the Processes tab. You may want to research online even further to determine if the process in question has been reported as potentially unwanted or harmful. Any such processes should be checked by right-clicking on them and selecting Open File Location.


The files in that folder should be scanned using a sophisticated online scanner like the one available below:

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website’s users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan

Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal’s API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    Once you’ve run the scanner and found any potentially unwanted code in the folder, you should End the running process associated with them and delete all files in the selected folder.

    If the hijacker has made modifications to your system that prohibit you from doing this, consider deleting as many files as you can from the destination folder before continuing. Then, return to this step when you complete the rest of the instructions in this guide and try to delete the File Location Folder of the questionable process.


    Go to your PC’s Control Panel >>Programs and Features and choose Uninstall a Program from the list of available options. Take a look at what software was installed on your computer around the time you started to experience hijacker symptoms and remove any programs that appear undesirable or strange to you by clicking the Uninstall button and completing the removal process.

    A warning pop-up window may ask if you want to keep program settings or temporary data after the software has been removed. Make sure that you select NO and complete the removal process.

    In the windows search bar (in the Start menu), type msconfig and press enter. Go to the Startup tab and remove the ticks from any Startup items that you don’t recognize or that seem suspicious, and then click on OK to save the modifications.



    In the fourth step, carefully repeat the following instructions:

    Press the WinKey + R together, copy the line below, paste it into the Run box, and then press Enter.

    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

    If you see some strange-looking IP addresses or other unusual content below Localhost at the bottom of the text in the notepad file, please share it with us in the comments. After we examine it, we’ll let you know if anything needs to be done.

    hosts_opt (1)

    Next, in a new Run box (WinKey and R), enter ncpa.cpl and press Enter.

    Then right-click the network icon (the one now in use), and choose Properties from the menu that appears. Highlight the Internet Protocol Version 4 (ICP/IP) in the list of items, then click the Properties button. After that go to the Advanced settings in the new window. Next, in the DNS section of the new window that opens, remove any IP addresses that are listed there.



    In this step, we will show you how to make sure you thoroughly clear up each browser on your computer from traces of Loadus.exelator.com to ensure that nothing has been left behind.

    As a start, select the shortcut icon of the browser and right-click on it, then open Properties.


    In the new Properties window go to > Shortcut and then remove anything added after “.exe” in the Target box. Then click OK.

    Browser Hijacker Removal Instructions

    After that, open the web browser that is hijacked and choose the menu icon from its toolbar (on most browsers it is in the top-right corner; if you are using Opera, the menu is in the top-left).

    Go to the menu and choose Extensions (or Add-ons). To access Extensions in Chrome, select More Tools and then Extensions.

    When you’re on your browser’s Extensions tab, check for anything that seems shady or suspiciously tied to Loadus.exelator.com. Such things should be disabled and then removed from the browser if found.

    The next step is to go to the browser’s menu and choose Settings (or Options).

    Look for an option titled Clear browsing data (or a similar one) under Privacy and Security, and click on it. 4

    Clear Data/Clear Now will start the action. Put a checkmark on all the options except Passwords in the next window and then wait for the selected data to be cleared.

    Note! Remember that to clear Loadus.exelator.com successfully, you need to repeat the instructions above to all browsers that have been installed on your system, regardless of how often you use them.


    To avoid accidentally deleting anything important from your computer’s Registry, be sure you know what you are doing before you start this step. If you remove the incorrect thing, your system may be corrupted in a serious way. That’s why, if you’re unsure about anything in the Registry, we recommend that you use a professional removal tool or contact our team by leaving a comment below.

    Enter regedit into a new Run box (WinKey + R) and click OK to start the Registry Editor. When Windows asks whether you want to launch the Registry Editor, choose Yes.

    Шгех press Ctrl and F simultaneously while inside of Registry Editor and write the hijacker’s name in the search box. Run a search by selecting Find Next and delete the first entry you see. Then, write the hijacker’s name again and search for another entry to delete. Continue with this action until you no longer get any results from the search.

    Next, visit the following three directories that may be found in the Registry’s left-hand panel:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory.
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random.
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random.

    Look for keys (folders) with unusually lengthy names, or those whose names include strange and apparently random combinations of letters and numbers. Delete everything that fits this description from your registry.

    A professional malware removal tool may be required if the issue with Loadus.exelator.com persists. To identify and remove any harmful files from your computer fast, it is advisable to scan and clean the system with the help of the program recommended on this page. This software will also protect you from future attacks.

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