LockBit 2.0 Ransomware

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*Source of claim SH can remove it. Trial w/Credit card, no charge upfront; full terms.

*Source of claim SH can remove it.

LockBit 2.0

LockBit 2.0 is a Ransomware infection developed to make its creators wealthy through a money-extortion scheme. LockBit 2.0 uses file encryption to convert user files into unreadable bits of data and then demands a ransom for providing the decryption key for them.

LockBit 2.0
The LockBit 2.0 ransomware encrypt the files stored on the hard drive with a strong encryption algorithm

Over the last years, such Ransomware infections have become the most popular type of malware on a worldwide scale. The way these threats work is they encrypt the files stored on the hard drive with a strong encryption algorithm without the knowledge of the users. Infections like LockBit 2.0 or Moqs can even change the extensions of the encrypted files, rendering them unrecognizable to any application. In this way, the files become unreadable, and upon the completion of the entire encryption process, the Ransomware reveals itself with a notification appearing on the screen of the victim. The ransom note typically contains information on the ransom amount required for the decryption of the files and instructions on how to transfer the money. The victim is usually given a period short time to pay.

The LockBit 2.0 Ransomware

The LockBit 2.0 ransomware is an advanced cryptovirus that encodes user files and demands a ransom for them. The effects of the LockBit 2.0 ransomware attack are revealed on the screen of the victim through a ransom-demanding message.

The problem is that, without advanced anti-malware technology, it is really hard to detect Ransomware infections like this one and to remove them on time. Typically, threats such as LockBit 2.0 arrive with some genuine-looking spam emails. It can also be delivered via infected social media messages, fake ads, infected software installers, torrents and more. During the encryption process, there are almost no signs. Therefore, in most cases, only the ransom note informs the victims about the full extent of the harm done by this malware.

The LockBit 2.0 file extension

The LockBit 2.0 file extension is a special file extension which the LockBit 2.0 Ransomware adds to the files it has encrypted. The role of the LockBit 2.0 file extension is to keep the encrypted files unreadable and to prevent any software from recognizing them.

But is there a way to get back your files? Well, sadly, there is no universal solution for restoring files from the Ransomware’s attack, but if you are looking for advice, we strongly recommend that the victims of this infection try some alternatives. One of them is to remove LockBit 2.0 and then attempt to recover some of the encrypted data from backups. You can find the instructions on how to do that in the guide below. But before you go to them, let’s say a few words about prevention and protection.

It is clear that the ransomware attacks will not stop soon. Therefore, it is important to protect your data and your system through backing up. It is a good idea to keep copies of all valuable files on an external device. Another good idea is to invest in good anti-malware technology capable of identifying the latest threats and keeping the system safe from infections. And last but not least, try to avoid visiting questionable web locations, sketchy pages, spam emails, and random pop-up notifications, as these may sometimes be loaded with malware.


NameLockBit 2.0
Danger LevelHigh (Ransomware is by far the worst threat you can encounter)
Detection Tool

*Source of claim SH can remove it.

Remove LockBit 2.0 Ransomware


A system restart will be required several times during the completion of this removal guide. Therefore, to make things easier, we recommend you bookmark the page with these instructions in your browser, so you can get back to it in a click.

Next, it is required that you reboot the computer that the ransomware has infected in Safe Mode (follow the steps from the link) and once it reboots successfully, proceed to the next step in this guide.



One important thing that you need to know if you are about to deal with a ransomware such as LockBit 2.0 is that in many cases, the malware runs well-camouflaged malicious processes in the background of the infected system. Detecting these processes and stopping them can be challenging, but we hope that the instructions in this step will help you.

Start with pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESC and open the Processes Tab in the Task Manager.

Next, search for oddly named processes and if something grabs your attention as unusual, be it high CPU usage, high Memory usage or a random name, right-click on the suspected process and select the option “Open File location”.


Next, check the files of that process with our free online virus scanner below and if danger is found in them, immediately end the process and delete the dangerous files:

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website’s users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan

Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal’s API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.



    Next, copy this:

    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

    Then, go to the Start menu search bar and paste it there. Open the Hosts file of your computer and check if some malicious IP addresses have been added in the file under Localhost.

    hosts_opt (1)


    If you find something unusual or disturbing, don’t delete it. Please write to us in the comments, so we can take a look and advise you on what needs to be done.

    Next, go to the Start menu search bar once again and type msconfig in it. Press Enter from the keyboard and click the Startup tab in the System Configuration window that gets opened:



    Carefully look at the entries there and if you find that a given Startup item looks suspicious or could be related to the ransomware infection, Uncheck its checkmark.


    Finally, start the Registry Editor (in the Start menu search bar type Regedit and press Enter)

    Then, with CTRL and F, open a Find window and write the name of the ransomware infection in it. Search the registry for entries matching that name and if you detect anything, make sure that you don’t leave it in the system.

    However, be very careful when you are deleting files and folders from the registry and use a professional removal tool if you are not sure, as deleting legitimate entries may lead to serious system corruption. When you clean up the registry from ransomware-related traces, go to the Start menu search bar and type each of the following in it:

    1. %AppData%
    2. %LocalAppData%
    3. %ProgramData%
    4. %WinDir%
    5. %Temp%

    Search each of the locations for newly added files and folders that could be linked to LockBit 2.0. When you open Temp, select everything there and delete it to remove any temporary files that the ransomware might have created.

    Step5 How to Decrypt LockBit 2.0 files
    After you clean the computer from LockBit 2.0, the next thing that you may want to do is figure out how to recover your encrypted data. Therefore, we recommend you to visit our comprehensive (and daily updated) guide dedicated on file recovery that you can find here. If you have any questions or concerns, please, feel free to share them with us in the comments. 

    2 responses to “LockBit 2.0 Ransomware”
    1. Elias Kebede Avatar
      Elias Kebede

      Hi Lidia

      Help me with the below message.
      LockBit 2.0 Ransomware

      Your data are stolen and encrypted
      The data will be published on TOR website http://lockbitapt6vx57t3eeqjofwgcglmutr3a35nygvokja5uuccip4ykyd.onion and https://bigblog.at if you do not pay the ransom
      You can contact us and decrypt one file for free on these TOR sites

      Decryption ID: BDCDC5DFEC1CE7334694056BB566087E

      1. Valentin Slavov Avatar
        Valentin Slavov

        Hi, Elias Kebede! Firstly, we advise you to complete the guide from the current page in order to remove the malware and clean your PC or download copy of Spyhunter and scan your PC. You should archive your encrypted files on an external HD in hopes of some future breakthrough. It is also possilble the criminals will release the keys for their ransomware, or law enforcement could nab the criminals and/or their servers and release the keys.

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