PANDAViewer Virus

This page aims to help you uninstall PANDAViewer “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Browser hijackers are annoying and irritating pieces of software that typically function as browser extensions for most of the popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Edge and so on. What’s important to note about such extensions is that they are typically regarded as unwanted by most researchers and users due to their oftentimes intrusive and obstructive behavior as well as due to their usual lack of any actually useful features that the end-user might benefit from. Another term that might b used to refer to browser hijackers is page-redirects as most such applications are known for redirecting the user to various random sponsored pages in an attempt to promote the said pages. Other unpleasant effects that hijackers might have your browser are changing the homepage (and/or the new-tab page) of the browser or imposing a new search engine as the default one. A page-redirect might also add a new toolbar to your browser that you don’t really want to have. The worst part about all that is the fact that the said changes and intrusive redirects to pages other than the ones you are actually trying to visit typically happen without your approval. In fact, in many cases, if you try to restore your browser back to normal – the way it was prior to the hijacker’s installation on your PC, it is highly likely that the pesky software would try to re-impose the changes that it’s trying to push leaving you no other choice but to put up with them. However, luckily, there’s a way to avoid all that intrusion and irritation even if a hijacker has already made its way inside your system. How to handle such an annoyance will be revealed to you in the paragraphs below so make sure to read the whole article if you want to find out what needs to be done in case some nagging browser hijacker has become part of your browser. 


PANDAViewer “Virus”


The main reason for writing this article is actually a recently released page-redirecting browser hijacker that is called PANDAViewer “Virus” and that has already managed to get inside the computers of many, now disgruntled, users. In fact, since you’ve landed on this page, it is highly likely that you are also one of those users who have had the hijacker installed onto their machines and are currently seeking a way to make the irritation disappear from their browser. If this is what you are going through at this moment, we are happy to inform you that you will be able to easily deal with the hijacker and have it removed and fully uninstalled from your PC if you visit our removal guide that we have posted down this page. Down there, you can find detailed instructions on how to manually eliminate the pesky software extension as well as a suggested anti-malware tool that can help you detect any data that the hijacker might have left behind so that you can make sure to remove that too.

Is your system threatened?

If you are currently dealing with PANDAViewer “Virus” or any other similar page-redirect/browser hijacker, your computer system is likely not at any serious risk. Hijackers like this one aren’t deemed dangerous malware and are quite different from real threats like Spyware, Ransomware, Trojans, Rootkits or any other malware type. Put that aside, there are still some hazards that might come from a hijacker (although indirectly). The main thing you need to consider is the pages such a hijacker can redirect you to and the ads that it might generate on your screen (yes, hijackers could also display intrusive web ads in your browser). We advise you to keep away from any pages you might get redirected to as well as from the potential adverts displayed by the hijacker as they might sometimes land you on sites that are unreliable and potentially dangerous. Hijacker developers typically do not take responsibility for the advertising content that their products generate meaning that it’s perfectly possible that a certain add or a page redirect might expose your computer to malicious threats such as Trojans and Ransomware. Just make sure to stay safe!


Most software applications like PANDAViewer “Virus”  rely on file-bundles to get installed onto people’s PCs. A bundle is when a program has some other applications added to its installer. The added software would typically get installed along the main program if the Automatic/Default setup configuration is used (which is what most users go for). Doing this is a mistake which can get all sorts of unwanted software installed on your PC. Instead of going for the Automatic/Default settings, use the Custom/Advanced ones where you can see everything that’s been added to the bundle and opt-out of its installation if you think that the bundled software is unwanted.


Name PANDAViewer
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

How to Uninstall PANDAViewer Virus

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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