Pony Malware

Pony Malware

According to the experts’ classification, Pony Malware is an example of a Trojan horse virus. When it comes to programming the Pony Malware is a malicious program that could be exploited for the purpose of breaking into your device (oftentimes with another virus (most commonly Ransomware) as a companion).

Pony Malware

The Pony malware is capable of cracking passwords

In the following passages you are going to learn more essential info about Pony Malware and the possible problems that might occur thanks to an infection with such a virus. Furthermore, we have provided a special Removal Guide, designed to tackle this Trojan virus and save your PC. But what type of software is this exactly?  Such a malicious infection may be so subtle that it may easily mislead you in terms of its real intentions. To be really precise, there are plenty of different Trojans. What classifies them as members of the same software family is the fact that they are normally exploited by hackers for subtle infections. In fact, that is where their name comes from. Since such viruses can secretly attack their victims without any warnings or signs of any coming danger, they were named after the famous wooden horse that won the Trojan war. Another vital fact you should be aware of is that the most common malware infections are the ones caused by Trojans – almost everyone has faced a version of these viruses.

Pony Malware might be found in:

In general, there are no concrete locations, where such a virus can most commonly be found. Precisely, there are a variety of methods that a Trojan like this may attempt to infiltrate your computer. Usually, an infection takes place when you come across one of the following sources: malicious online ads; infected letters and their attachments inside your email; or websites distributing shareware; torrents or illegally spreading different software/ videos/ movies. Typically, Pony Malware can effectively use the vulnerabilities of any program, installed on your PC, or the weaknesses of the operating system you use. For example, such a vulnerable aspect could be the absence of an anti-virus program or an outdated OS. Keep in mind our most efficient online safety piece of advice:

What is normal for Pony Malware? What can this Trojan be exploited for?

Trojans can have different purposes. Nonetheless, we cannot really describe them all just in this article, and we are simply going to point out the most common ones. Any Trojan, this one included, can be exploited for:

  1. Theft: stealing sensitive info, social media account or banking credentials set online – all of them may be the target of cybercriminals. Such a piece of malware could have been programmed to copy everything that you enter on your PC and use it in a dishonest way.
  2. Some form of abuse like the act of spying on you: these malicious programs are really able to make you a moving target. They might enable the hackers to see what you do online all the time; where you live; the institution you work for; what your habits and hobbies are. Perhaps this is one of the worst usages of Trojans because you may end up being spied on on a daily basis.
  3. Merely destroying things: Pony Malware can serve the purpose of crashing your device or destroying some data. Allegedly, this is the way some scammers are said to have fun. In such a case they may have no demands and evil intentions, simply to practice the possible ways of destroying something.
  4. Aiding a Ransomware virus sneak into your system: You had better be cautious as this scenario occurs very regularly in case we are talking about Trojans. Pony Malware could be exploited to find a vulnerability in your programs or operating system and aiding a Ransomware program invade it. Again, this is really one of the worst possibilities – to get invaded by two malicious programs simultaneously. One of them (the Trojan) with unclear evil plans and the other (the Ransomware) – with the aim to encrypt some essential data and demand a ransom for it.
  5. Benefiting from your PC resources: Pony Malware might be programmed to make your PC act as a bot and work towards spreading spam, for example, or mining crypto currencies.

How to remove a program like Pony Malware?

We are thrilled to tell you that we may have come up with the solution for your problem. Simply scroll down and follow the instructions in our Removal Guide.


Name Pony
Type Trojan
Detection Tool

Remove Pony Malware

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Violet George

Violet is an active writer with a passion for all things cyber security. She enjoys helping victims of computer virus infections remove them and successfully deal with the aftermath of the attacks. But most importantly, Violet makes it her priority to spend time educating people on privacy issues and maintaining the safety of their computers. It is her firm belief that by spreading this information, she can empower web users to effectively protect their personal data and their devices from hackers and cybercriminals.

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