PUA Opencandy Virus

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This page aims to help you remove PUA Opencandy Virus. These PUA Opencandy Virus removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

PUA Opencandy Virus has been pegged for a potential malicious software. Its exact class definition – Adware. Most people would happily disregard this type of computer virus as annoying but not quite dangerous. While that is mostly true, we would very much like to enlighten our readers to the possible dangers and drawbacks associated with this type of malware.

PUA Opencandy Virus is characterized by the numerous advertisements it will display on your desktop space, either in the form of a pop-up window or a hard to close window. Very often you will notice some strange things happening like another website opening instead of the one you typed in the address bar. That’s called browser redirecting and is another trait of the virus you should be warned about.

PUA Opencandy Virus – tricks and t(h)reats.

In this section we are looking to shed some light on the main deceptions used by this virus to manipulate users, as well as invaluable advice how to best act if you find yourself in such a position. Also there will be a list of the negative impacts the malware is bound to have on your PC.

Let’s get started with the tricks and how to properly react when you encounter them:

  • First, and that is very important and critical, if/when you encounter a flashing message either as s pop-up or a window warning you about a virus or a number of viruses found on your PC, do not completely lose your wits. Since you are reading this article you clearly have a virus problem, yet it won’t be solved by downloading some unknown software. In fact it is very important to make the distinction between a real software and fake software that is malicious in its essence. If you have doubts it is best to avoid downloading anything and ask us in the comments section.
  • Another quite similar deception is a message/pop-up informing you about missing plugins or audio and video codecs from your system. You should never download any such updates from unofficial sources.
  • Now for the Windows and program updates – again you might encounter similar urgings to update your Windows or highly recognizable software programs like Java, Adobe applications, WMP and others. The same advice applies here – only install updates downloaded from secure and if possible official product pages. That way you will save yourselves a lot of headaches.

Now, here’s how your computer has been negatively impacted by the malware’s influence:

  • Significantly reduced performance and slowing down, that is especially noticeable on older configurations.
  • The execution time required for CPU taxing operations would be greatly increased.
  • Moments of freezing and lagging, especially when a web browser is open, slower internet connection might be an exacerbating factor as well.
  • In some extreme cases complete OS shutdown or significant errors might occur.


NamePUA Opencandy
Type Adware
Detection Tool

PUA Opencandy Virus Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

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