QkSee “Virus”

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This page aims to help you remove the QkSee “Virus”. These QkSee removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari, as well as every version of Windows. Recently We have been asked numerous questions like,”qksee co to”, “qksee nedir”, “que es qksee”,  “what is qksee”, “o que é qksee”, “qksee что это” “qksee là gì.” This tells us that this adware has spread in numerous non-english speaking countries throughout the world.

QkSee "Virus" Removal
QkSee “Virus” Removal

Note: Although the QkSee “Virus” is not a virus at all, you will see a lot of uneducated users calling it as such. It is important to understand that if you label QkSee “Virus”, then the word itself entails that the people who created it are cyber criminals. Despite the many shortcomings of this software, it is not inherently malicious. Rather it is merely a crude marketing tool that is very hard to remove. Adware are created to promote certain services and websites, but reside in a gray legal area. A QkSee “Virus” would have to be something that can perform a theft or truly harm your PC. QkSee does not such thing, which is why we believe users need to be aware that if the call QkSee a virus, they would be completely incorrect.

The large amount of Ads or other pop-ups you are seeing are the obvious clue that your computer has been infected by this Adware application. Fortunately it’s not a very dangerous threat – but only if you follow the instructions for handling and removing it. The word Adware actually comes from advertisement and malware and can be roughly translated as unwanted advertisements and as you can see this is all QkSee is about. These Ads can get pretty annoying, especially if they have sound or animations attached and they cannot be stopped – only if QkSee gets removed. They will also take a toll on the speed of your computer, especially if you are using an older CPU or a laptop. If your internet speed is slow the problem will be exacerbated, because your CPU has to download all the data necessary to display the Ads in addition to the data for the page you are opening yourself. Keeping multiple tabs open can also get problematic – especially if your machine is low on RAM. So yeah, even though QkSee is not very dangerous it is generally a good idea to uninstall it as soon as possible.

Don’t click on any Ad created by QkSee. It could be dangerous!

Adware exists to create revenue for its maker. Any time that an Ad is accessed by an infected computer’s owner the creator of QkSee gets a small profit, larger if something is bought out of that transaction. Unfortunately the quality control over what is displayed in these Ads is pretty low – so they are often used as a method to spread viruses and Trojan Horses into people’s computers.

Any software prompted to you for download by QkSee is probably either useless or downright dangerous as well. Ad-based threats like this are known for their ability to create Ads that resemble system messages. The goal of these fakes is usually to try and convince you that you have some serious problem with your computer and that you need help from some software – usually for free. The catch is that such software rarely removes the problem until you ultimately pay for it = and then the only thing that is going to happen is that the software will stop the generation of fake messages… as long as you pay the monthly subscriptions of course.

What is QkSee?

QkSee is capable of injecting Ads in all popular internet browsers – Chrome, Firefox or IE are all equally vulnerable.  However this is not really their fault. Adware usually uses deception and guile in order to install itself on people’s computers. It relies on the authority of the human user himself in order to get installed – thus bypassing all system defenses. To do that they will hide within the installers of other programs or pose as beneficial software themselves. Once installed they are pretty hard to get rid of – a typical uninstall will generally not be enough to do the trick. The most common methods used in this charade can be broken like this:

  1. Software bundles. Some installers, especially those for free software, often carry more then one program inside. The secondary programs are included as extras and should you use the Default installation option they will be installed onto your PC in addition to the main program that the installer is for.  Unfortunately these extra programs are often similar in function to QkSee and are something you don’t need or want on your machine. In order to avoid such unwanted installations please always select the “Advanced” installation option on any installer. It gives you detailed information about what programs exactly are about to get installed and you can also opt out of any unwanted extras.
  2. Online Ads linked to unsafe websites are another prominent method used by QkSee. If you are in the habit of using torrents or free online storage sites to download software be extra careful. Not only could these files be infected, but also you can fall for the Ad-based scams that are often run on such sites. You may see multiple download buttons and only one of them is going to be real. The rest will download some file with a name of the file you want, but what will really be inside is likely going to be a virus.
  3. Email attachments – an old scheme, but constantly improving. Generally the most successful online bombs will try to look and contain work-related content with files like Schedule.exe or Invoice.exe. Just remember that viruses are always hidden in files that end with .exe, while regular documents have extensions like .docx or .pdf.


Detection Tool

Remove QkSee

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

13 responses to “QkSee “Virus””
  1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hello David,

    They are a part of your problem. Remove them.

  2. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hello. All of these are chinese sites that distribute Ads. Delete them from the file. If you don’t get access permission try searching for Notepad first -> right click run as admin and open the Hosts file from the inside Open menu.

  3. Anubhav Avatar

    Hey, I followed the steps you told and removed it but I have noticing this peculiar change in Chrome. Earlier on (before qksee) when I used to click on Chrome on Taskbar, it used to open in the same icon but now when I click on the icon, Chrome opens in a new weird icon. Have a look.

    I think qksee is not properly removed. Or is it something else?

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi Anubhav, this looks like a dead shortcut to me, probably pointing to whatever you just removed from your PC.

      1. Anubhav Avatar

        But it’s not actually dead. Chrome does open with this shortcut. Does this mean that it’s not totally removed?

        1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
          HowToRemove.Guide Team

          Drag the shortcut out of the start menu and on to the desktop. Right click on it and chose properties. Look at “Target” line. If it points at Chrome exe with nothing else afterwards.

          1. Anubhav Avatar

            The main short cut (the one which I click on and the one whose thumbnail on the taskbar looks like Chrome) points to this:-
            “C:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe”
            But when I click it, a new window opens (whose thumbnail on the taskbar doesn’t look like Chrome) and it points to this:-
            “C:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe” –profile-directory=ChromeDefaultData
            Is my PC hacked?

          2. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
            HowToRemove.Guide Team

            Hi there, sorry for the delay.

            The new target directory is forcing chrome to load the settings found in ChromeDefaultData directory. Normally these should be the default chrome settings, but if a malware tampered with them this might not be the case. It is also possible that you installed some kind of anti-virus program that enables this protection (because if the defaults are OK this is actually a form of protection).

            The simplest way to know is to ask you – have you noticed any suspicious chrome behavior when starting it with the current settings?

          3. Anubhav Avatar

            Yes, weird pages like hohosearch and howsrchenas..ru open up if I start up Chrome. And this has started happening since Chrome started opening up in a different window.

          4. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
            HowToRemove.Guide Team

            Did you try to uninstall Chrome and install it again? If that doesn’t help download SpyHunter from our banners. The scanner is free, you have to remove it manually.

  4. Bharath Kumar Avatar
    Bharath Kumar down.baidu2016..com 123.sogou..com http://www.czzsyzgm..com http://www.czzsyzxl..com union.baidu2019..com down.baidu2016..com 123.sogou..com http://www.czzsyzgm..com http://www.czzsyzxl..com union.baidu2019..com

    1. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
      HowToRemove.Guide Team

      Hi Bharath,
      these IPs are fine. We researched them and they turned out to be safe. Contact us if you need more help.

  5. HowToRemove.Guide Team Avatar
    HowToRemove.Guide Team

    Hi piyush,
    i would suggest you do it to be sure for yourself.

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