Cold Search Web Malware

Home » Browser Hijacker » Cold Search Web Malware

This page aims to help you remove the Cold Search Web Malware. These Cold Search Web Malware removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari, as well as every version of Windows.

If your seeing a large number of online Ads that are present on every page you visit and web pages in general take longer to load then the most likely reason is that you have an browser hijacker installed on your machine. The Cold Search Web Malware is particular has been identified as an browser hijacker, even though it claims to have useful functionality. You can try and see for yourself that only thing this application is good for is its immediate removal and this article should help you with that.

For as long as the Cold Search Web Malware remains on your computer do not click on any Ad or install anything prompted by the browser hijacker

Security experts have given the lowest threat rating to browser hijacker applications and they have a good reason for it – programs like the Cold Search Web Malware are mostly annoying and they never steal data or serve as rootkits for other, more dangerous viruses. This does not mean that they are harmless and you should leave the Cold Search Web Malware on your computer – quite the opposite. Having to close a bunch of pop-ups and banners every time you open a web page can be a great hassle. Further the goods advertised are rarely quality software worth having. Reputable software developers rarely choose to advertise through shady browser hijacker channels. Less known and unproven software companies do however and they sign affiliate deals with the browser hijacker creator and give him money whenever their product is purchased through the help of an Ad created by the browser hijacker virus. Very often these programs are fraudulent – especially those in the field of PC security or optimization. You might get free scan functionality, but that is just a trap as these scanners report false positives and generally exaggerate the severity of any problem found in order to make you buy the software. Benign old registry entries are blamed for the slow performance of your PC when in fact it is the browser hijacker application that slows it down. We do not recommend you download, install and especially purchase any program that is offered to you by the Ads.

Infected executables and software bundle installers are the likely carriers of the Cold Search Web Malware

In the world of computers there is one golden rule to remember – viruses and different Malware are most commonly distributed with the help of executable files. Thus the best defense against such threats is to never obtain executable files from unsafe locations. Torrents, forums,  storage sites and many more online sources without any quality control are a favorite dumping pool for virus-infected executable files.

Software bundles are also common – this is usually an installer for a certain free program that also has several other programs hidden inside it. When you run such an installer and select the Quick/Default installation option all of these “bonus” apps will also get installed – often without giving you any indication of the fact. To avoid this just select the “Advanced” installation option and read through the steps. At a certain point a list of all programs to be installed will get displayed and you can chose to remove any extras. Do it. We’ve yet to observe any useful programs bundled in this way, but they are plenty of apps similar to the Cold Search Web Malware which you’ll soon grow to hate.


NameCold Search Web
TypeBrowser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Cold Search Web Malware

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.
For mobile devices refer to these guides instead: Android, iPhone.

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