If an app like Ibb.co has nested in your system you can expect heavy generation of pesky adverts on your screen, frequent redirects to random websites that are unknown and different, mostly unwanted, changes to important elements of your browsing program are likely to occur. Because of these qualities Ibb.co falls under the browser Hijacker category.

Some of the unwanted modifications that may get imposed on your browser are the default address of your browser’s homepage as well as the search engine tool that used to be there may get replaced and there may also be certain alterations to the toolbar of the browser and to the add-ons that are installed. All of this is likely to happen without your direct and informed permission. Also note that the effects of apps like Ibb.co can be experienced on pretty much every browsing program – from Chrome to Firefox, from Edge to Safari and so on and so forth. This means that it won’t really help if you try to change the browser that is set as your default – the pesky app will likely find its way inside the new browser as well. This really leaves you with only one option if you have Ibb.co “Virus” inside your computer and would like to make it stop messing with your browser and that option would be removing the nagging piece of software. Due to its intrusive characteristics and traits, Ibb.co can be categorized as a browser hijacker or browser redirect. Most such app are not really harmful and are not used in criminal schemes – they are not like Ransomware, Spyware, Worms, Rootkits, Trojan Horses and so on. Instead, they are mainly supposed to make money through aggressive advert generation which normally has nothing to do with harming your computer. However, because of their purpose, they may be rather difficult to uninstall if you aren’t experienced. We, however, can help you get rid of this hijacker with our guide on how to remove it that you can find right below.
The Ibb.co Virus
Right off the bat, we should tell you to stay away from the advertising content spammed by the Ibb.co Virus. While a hijacker in itself isn’t really a dangerous threat like a Trojan or a Ransomware cryptovirus program, the Ibb.co Virus still isn’t what most software security experts (our team included) would regard as safe.
The main reason for this has to do with the unknown nature of the sketchy advertisements that these apps may show on your browser screen – not all (if any) of them are guaranteed to be safe and some may even land you on various shady online locations that you certainly should not visit if you care about your computer’s safety. All in all, our best advice for you in case your browser has indeed been invaded by Ibb.co is to get rid of the nagging app with the help of the detailed instructions from the guide above and/or the professional anti-malware tool that we have linked on this page.
Ibb.co Virus Removal
Some users may successfully remove Ibb.co from their browser by using the following directions:
- Tap the Settings option in your hijacked browser and select More Tools/Add-ons.
- Next, click on the Extensions tab and search for Ibb.co in the list of extensions that have been installed.
- As soon as you see Ibb.co, select it and click the Trash Bin icon/Remove button to remove it from the browser.
- Search the Extensions list again for other questionable or unwanted extensions and remove them as well.
If the directions above cannot help you resolve the browsing problem created by Ibb.co, please follow the steps in the detailed Ibb.co removal guide below:
First, click on the Bookmark icon in the upper right corner of your browser to bookmark this page as you will need to get back to it after a system restart.
Next, restart your computer in Safe Mode.
Once you are in Safe Mode, press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC to open the Windows Task Manager and click on the Processes Tab (Details tab in Windows 10).
Carefully scroll down the list of processes and search for Ibb.co. If you find it, right-click on it and select Open File Location.
After that scan the files located in that file location with the free online scanner here:

Wait for the scan to complete and if the results show that the scanned files are unsafe, end the Ibb.co processes by right-clicking on it and selecting the End Process Tree option. Also, make sure you go to the File Location and delete the flagged files and their folders.
If you find other questionable processes in the Processes tab, use the scanner above to check them in the same manner. Just take your time to research online before you end any process or delete its files as the deletion of legitimate system-related processes may corrupt your OS.
Next, open a Run window by simultaneously pressing the Start and R keys. Type appwiz.cpl and click OK:
Carefully review all apps installed on your computer and search for Ibb.co in the list. If you find it, select it and click the uninstall option at the top.
After you are done with that, type System Configuration in the Windows search field and launch it. Next, head to the Startup tab and, under Startup Items, search for Ibb.co as it may have added itself to the Startup so it can launch when the system launches. If you find it, remove its checkmark. Do the same for other entries that seem to be related to Ibb.co, look suspicious, or have an “Unknown” manufacturer.
Click OK to save the changes when you are done.
Note! Please note that unchecking entries related to the system from the Startup may have a negative impact on the smooth operation of your OS and some important startup processes.
After all Ibb.co-related startup entries have been unchecked, close the System Configuration window and click on the Windows Start button. Type Network Connections, open it, and repeat the following directions:
- Right-click on the current Network Adapter and click on Properties.
- Scroll till you find Internet Protocol Version 4 (ICP/IP) and highlight it. Then, click the active Properties button.
- Select Obtain DNS server automatically and click on the Advanced button.
- Select the DNS tab and remove everything in the DNS server addresses section.
- Confirm your changes by clicking the OK button.
Ibb.co may have added some of its entries to the Registry. To find and remove these entries, please follow the directions below:
- Go to the search field, type Regedit, and press Enter.
- When the Registry Editor opens, press CTRL and F keys simultaneously to open a Find window.
- Type the browser hijacker’s name in the Find window and click on the Find Next button.
- Right-click on any results that are found to delete them.
Next, go to the directories mentioned below and manually delete/uninstall them:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory.
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random
If you can’t figure out which directory should be removed, please leave us a comment and we will assist you.
One more thing to do is to check your computer for hacking signs. This can happen if the Hosts files is accessed. To do so, press the Start and R keyboard keys together and paste the command below in the Run window:
notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts
Hit the Enter key and search the Hosts file for the Localhost section.
Please, leave us a comment below this post if you see suspicious IPs under Localhost that look like the Virus Creator IPs in the image above.
The guidelines that follow next are supposed to help you detect and remove Ibb.co from the browsers that it has hijacked.
Note! The steps shown below are for Google Chrome, since it is a widely used web browser. However, the same steps could also be used for other browsers as their instructions typically aren’t very different.
Remove Ibb.co from Chrome:
Go to the shortcut icon of the affected browser, right-click it and select Properties.
When the Properties window appears, click on the Shortcut tab and go to Target.
If you notice that something has been added after .exe, remove it and click OK.
After that, close Google Chrome and navigate to User Data by using this path:
C:/Users/!!!!USER NAME!!!!/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data.
Find the folder called “Default” and change its name to Backup Default. After that, restart the browser.
In the next instructions, we will show you how to remove Ibb.co from two more common web browsers to rule out any chance of confusion.
Remove Ibb.co from Internet Explorer:
With Internet Explorer launched, go straight to the top right corner and click . Then, select Manage Add-ons:
In case Ibb.co has installed itself as an add-on inside the browser, select it and press Disable.
Then, return to the gear icon , click it and select Internet Options.
Go to the homepage field and if you see a different URL than the one that you want for your homepage, change it and click on Apply.
Remove Ibb.co from Firefox:
The instructions in Firefox aren’t very different. You just have to go to the upper right corner of the browsing window and click .
Click on Add-ons and, after that, click on the Extensions tab on the left. Check if Ibb.co has added itself in the browser as a new extension and if it is, select it and click on Remove.
If Ibb.co still doesn’t want to get removed after you have tried everything in this guide, your best solution is to use the recommended removal tool that we have listed above, scan your computer and follow the software’s directions.
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