Lucky Starting Virus

Home » Browser Hijacker » Lucky Starting Virus

This page aims to help you remove the Lucky Starting Virus. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Discovering a browser hijacker on your computer can be irritating at best and shocking at worst. Whichever one it was in your case – don’t worry, we’re here to help. The current article is dedicated to explaining what a program called Lucky Starting Virus is and what it is capable of doing whilst on your machine. You probably found out about the infection with this particular piece of software when you noticed that your Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge or other popular browser has greeted you with a new homepage and a new default search engine. Furthermore, you have possibly also come to notice that your once effective browsing tool has now become a real nuisance by constantly redirecting you to various sponsored pages and wasting your valuable time in having to close the constantly re-appearing new tabs, windows and banners that expand to cover half your screen. We recommend that you keep reading to find out more about Lucky Starting Virus, so that you are better prepared against any potential future infections of sort. After this article, you will find a detailed removal guide, which will show you exactly how to remove Lucky Starting Virus and all the ads it has flooded your browser with.

What do browser hijackers do and does Lucky Starting Virus represent a threat?

Browser hijackers like Lucky Starting Virus specialize in the generation and distribution of large quantities of online ads. By means of these ads they ensure the promotion and higher exposure of certain products and services, the vendors of which work in collaboration with the hijacker developers. This is a fairly common online business model and usually it’s based on remuneration systems like the popular Pay Per Click or PPC scheme. This system basically means that the browser hijackjer developers receive payment depending on the number of clicks their ads receive. Therefore, as you can guess, it’s in the developers’ best interest to gain as many of those clicks as they possibly can. However, in their striving to do so they often resort to controversial practices that the online community generally frowns upon.

You may or may not know that programs like Lucky Starting Virus often tend to look into your browsing history with the intent of extracting valuable information to their advertising campaigns. Don’t worry, this does not include passwords, personal details or any sensitive information – they don’t have access to that kind of data. The data they do have access to, though, and are especially interested in includes the type of websites you visit, especially those that you bookmark or favorite. In addition, they can be especially interested in the type of content you tend to like and share on social media or your most recent online search requests. All of this points the browser hijacker in the direction of the type of products and services you are most likely to be interested in. Then, in accordance with the gathered information, the program will then adjust the ads displayed on your screen specifically, so as to match your preferences. That way the browser hijacker can increase the number of potential clicks its ads will receive from each separate user, which will, in turn, ensure a higher profit.

Risks and potential danger

The above practice is often seen as a privacy violation and we can’t blame you if that’s what you think of it as well. That is precisely what motivates many security experts to refer to programs like Lucky Starting Virus as potentially unwanted programs or PUPs. However, contrary to what users may tend to think, this is not enough to classify Lucky Starting Virus or other software products of this type as viruses or malware. In fact, they possess no malicious traits that would categorize them as such. Nevertheless, the probability of them exposing you to viruses such as Trojans or ransomware is still there. This can happen as a result of the changes that hijackers can often impose on the infected machines system Registry, which could weaken that machine’s defense. Threats could also enter by means of malevrtisements, which are online ads that have been compromised by hackers and injected with malware. You can see how easily that can become an issue with your browser being flooded with tons of online ads. It is for this reason we recommend that you simply remove the program generating all of the ads, so as to minimize the risk of running into one that may cause you trouble.


NameLucky Starting
Type Adware/Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Lucky Starting Virus Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

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