Nice Searches “Virus”

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This page aims to help you remove Nice Searches. These Nice Searches removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Nice Searches is among the latest browser hijackers that’s been affecting internet users and their browsers. Most of the people who have contacted us seem to be speaking Polish as most of their inquiries start with “nice searches jak usunąć”. Nevertheless this is an issue not only limited to Poland.

You have most likely joined their ranks and discovered the infection either by noticing the strange change(s) in your homepage and/or default search engine or after you were taken aback with the colossal amount of advertising that was dumped on you as you tried to browse the web. These are all typical signs of a browser hijacker’s presence on your computer, not counting the less obvious ones that may include browser crashes, slacking in your computer’s performance, programs and your browser in particular taking longer to load. Though these usually take a little while to become apparent due to the large amount of resources the intrusive program starts to use in order to generate all those many ads you’re seeing. But we will get into why that is in just a bit.

Is Nice Searches “Virus”?

This is a common question and a confusing one at that. To get straight to the point: it’s not. Not directly, anyway. Nice Searches is not a virus. Browser hijackers have not been classified as viruses or any type of malicious programs. They do not have the ability to self-replicate, steal sensitive information from you, apply encryptions to your files or destroy them. Those are all characteristic traits of actual cyber threats such as Trojans, spyware and the most notorious ones – ransomware. However, Nice Searches may hide some risks, which you should know about if you’re considering whether or not you should remove this program from your PC. For one, it might be capable of tracking some of your browsing patterns, such as the websites you visit and the things you search for online. This information is carefully collected and then processed in order to adjust the content of the displayed ads. The reason for this is that the developers behind Nice Searches aim to produce advertising materials like popups and banners that are more likely to gain your attention and make you click on them. Each time this happens – they get paid. It’s called the Pay Per Click scheme and it’s a very lucrative business model. Unfortunately, though, the information that was gathered about your browsing activities doesn’t end its journey there. It may be sold to third parties and even if it weren’t many question the way it’s stored and who could potentially get their hands on it.

Another risky factor to keep in mind are the ads themselves. Now, of course it’s highly doubtful that the hijacker would tamper with the ads directly or do anything to compromise them. However, with the growing popularity of the phenomenon that is malvertisements the risk of landing on a malicious ad is pretty real. Cybercriminals tend to target legit ads and embed harmful programs in them so that they can be downloaded onto an innocent victim’s PC, the moment that person clicks on the ad. And the worst part is that there’s no way of even suspecting it before it’s already become too late – and even then you might not be aware of the way you got infected, as viruses like ransomware typically show no indication of entering your system. With the above in mind, our best advice would be to not interact with any online ads at all. You’re better off looking something up online as opposed to following some link or banner that seemed attractive.

How to avoid Nice Searches in the future?

If you’ve decided that this is not the kind of program you wish to be dealing with, preventing it from entering your system in the first place would be the smartest course of action. As browser hijackers are most likely to get integrated with your system through program bundles, which, please note, cannot be installed by themselves. They are installed by users just like yourself, who skip reading the EULA of newly downloaded software and don’t bother customizing the installation. That is actually exactly what the developers of these programs count on, as pretty much nobody would willingly download Nice Searches onto their system. Simply opt for the custom or advanced settings in the setup wizard and you will be shown what added contents have been included alongside the main installer. Deselect any of those that seem unfamiliar or unnecessary and proceed with the following steps – that’s all there is to it, crisis averted. Now, below is a removal guide with detailed instructions as to how to uninstall all components of Nice Searches. Follow them closely and let us know in the comments how it worked out for you! In other words it is time to answer your questions “”nice searches jak usunąć”!


NameNice Searches
TypeBrowser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Nice Searches

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

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