This article helps users remove the .Vault Virus Ransomware from their PCs. “Vault Вирус” is something that we recently received a lot of messages for, indicating the .Vault Virus Ransomware is primarily targeting slavic countries.
These type of viruses are known as Ransomware, because they will hold all the information stored on your computer as hostage. Ransomware viruses are not new, but they are beginning to become more and more popular because the options to recover the files encrypted by the virus are limited. Fortunately not all hope is lost and our guide will both help you deal with .Vault Virus Ransomware and also recover as much data as possible. Hopefully you will get it all back, but unfortunately such an outcome can not be guaranteed.
Do not be alarmed by any warning messages coming from the virus that threaten you with losing all of your data if you tamper with the encrypted files or don’t pay the ransom. The hackers, of course, want to scare you into paying the ransom. Remember that as long as you don’t delete any of the encrypted files or change their names or file extensions you will be fine. However in the case that you do, the Vault Вирус may be triggered to destroy the encryption key, so beware.
Only consider paying as a very last resort
Your files will not be damaged or endangered in any way by any of the retrieval methods described in this guide. Should the worst come to pass and you are unable to recover most of your things then you can consider paying as the last measure. Generally we recommend doing it even then – money paid to the hackers are used to improve these viruses and you could get infected next year with the improved version of the same virus. Further the hackers have no reputation to defend, so you have absolutely no guarantee if they will keep your word and help you recover your files even if you paid them.
.Vault Virus Ransomware – how does it work
When .Vault Virus Ransomware first enters a computer it makes a list of all files eligible to become a target. These are mostly files containing data inputted by the user – movies, documents, pictures etc. Once the list is completed Vault Вирус will begin encrypting the files. Once a file is encrypted the original copy is immediately deleted and only the encrypted copy remains. This copy can only ever be decrypted with the help of the encryption key used in the process – and this is what the hackers are trying to sell you.
The hackers are right when they tell you only the key can help – the method to retrieve your data actually involves finding and restoring the original copies of your files. This is actually similar to recovering accidentally deleted files. Note that the faster you react to .Vault Virus Ransomware and the less HDD space you used in the time span between the encryption and this current moment – the better your chances of recovering all of your data. You can now proceed with our guide below to first remove Vault Вирус Ransomware and then see how much of your files can be salvaged
Remove .Vault Virus
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
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