How to Reopen a Closed Tab

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This page instructs you how to reopen a closed tab on the Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge and Opera. It works for Mac, as well as all versions of Windows.  

You have probably been in a similar situation multiple times. You are browsing an interesting page, when suddenly instead of switching to a new tab, you click the close button and your current tab is lost for good. That page might have been an interesting information source for a work project of yours or simply something intriguing you’ve found during your surfing. It might have been exactly what you’ve been looking for, and now it has disappeared just because you misclicked on the wrong spot. Fortunately for you, a lot of browsers have a feature that allows you to restore a recently closed tab. Browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge are able to easily reopen recently closed tabs. In the paragraphs below, we shall outline the steps for each browser.

Using your keyboard shortcuts

Most browsers have support for keyboard shortcuts that open a recently closed tab upon pressing them. All of those that to use the same shortcut to do the same task, which makes it easy to remember even if you switch browsers, you won’t need to learn a new one. Just press and hold Ctrl + Shift and then just press T to open the most recent closed tab. If you want to restore multiple ones, or a single one that was closed at a much later earlier date, just keep pressing T until you reach the desired page/tab. This process can be done for the last 10 tabs in most cases. There are other ways to reopen the tabs, so continue reading to find them out.

  • Firefox


In Firefox, you just need to hover your mouse over an open tab and click your right mouse button. From the contextual menu, click Reopen closed tab to restore your recently closed tab.

  • Chrome

 In Chrome, you can perform the same procedure above, or use the following menu item 8AAAAASUVORK5CYII=to reach your desired page that you’ve recently closed. It’s found under the button > History and recent tabs.


  • Microsoft Edge


Same set of steps as the previous browsers, you just need to right click on a tab of any choice and click the menu item dubbed “Reopen closed tab”.

  • Opera

A less used browser, but still fairly popular is the Opera browser. It has a little bit different positioning of its options, but don’t be discouraged, because the next picture will clearly show you the way.


It has a similar procedure to Chrome, you click the text in the upper left corner named “Opera”, which opens a drop down menu. Hover over the first menu item, then proceed to the Closed Tabs, in which you’ll find your recently closed pages. Just clicking on the desired name will bring its page up as a new tab.

  • On Mac

Mac systems have a similar way of opening closed tabs in Chrome. There’s also the option to select File from the Chrome menu, then click Reopen Closed Tab or use the shortcut Command + Shift + T. This works on Firefox as well. As for Safari, use Command + Z keys or Edit Menu -> Undo.

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