Rovwer.exe Virus

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*Source of claim SH can remove it. Trial w/Credit card, no charge upfront; full terms.

*Source of claim SH can remove it.


Rovwer.exe is a malicious program that best suits the definition of a Trojan horse due to its ability to execute various malicious processes in the system. If not removed immediately, Rovwer.exe can damage the entire OS, delete critical files and user data, steal sensitive information and even insert ransomware into the infected computer.


Trojans are the only malicious type of software that is able to perform a variety of harmful tasks on the computer one after the other. Sadly, in this short article, we cannot cover the spectrum of all possible malicious operations they can perform, but we will still try to address some of the most common ones.

Rovwer.exe, in particular, is a new Trojan representative the intentions of which are not very clear. The activities it can perform on behalf of the cybercriminals who control it may range from theft, espionage, system corruption, data destruction and more. In addition, the consequences of its attack may be very different in each case of infection. Sadly, due to its novelty, we cannot tell you what exactly to expect from it. Yet, what we can say for sure is that this virus should be removed from your computer as soon as possible because the longer it remains there, the greater the chance of irreparable harm if that is not already the case.

Therefore, what we will do is point your attention to our comprehensive removal guide, which will help you locate Rovwer.exe or Novpopen.exe on your computer and safely remove it without professional help. Please note, however, that Trojans like this one can mask as legitimate system files to avoid detection. That’s why it is critical that you follow the steps listed below closely or use the suggested professional removal tool to avoid involuntary system damage.


Detection Tool

*Source of claim SH can remove it.

Please follow all the steps below in order to remove Rovwer.exe!

How to remove Rovwer.exe

  1. First, click the Start Menu on your Windows PC.
  2. Type Programs and Settings in the Start Menu, click the first item, and find Rovwer.exe in the programs list that would show up.
  3. Select Rovwer.exe from the list and click on Uninstall.
  4. Follow the steps in the removal wizard.

What we suggest you do first is, check the list of programs that are presently installed on the infected device and uninstall any rogue software that you find there:

  • From the Start Menu, navigate to Control Panel ->>> Programs and Features ->>> Uninstall a Program.
  • Next, carefully search for unfamiliar programs or programs that have been installed recently and could be related to Rovwer.exe.
  • If you find any of the programs suspicious then uninstall them if they turn out to be linked to Rovwer.exe.
  • If a notification appears on your screen when you try to uninstall a specific questionable program prompting you to just alter it or repair it, make sure you choose NO and complete the steps from the removal wizard.

Remove Rovwer.exe from Chrome

  1. Click on the three dots in the right upper corner
  2. Go to more tools
  3. Now select extensions
  4. Remove the Rovwer.exe extension
  • Once you open Chrome, click on the three-dots icon to open the browser’s menu, go to More Tools/ More Options, and then to Extensions.
  • Again, find the items on that page that could be linked to Rovwer.exe and/or that might be causing problems in the browser and delete them.
  • Afterwards, go to this folder: Computer > C: > Users > *Your User Account* > App Data > Local > Google > Chrome > User Data. In there, you will find a folder named Default – you should change its name to Backup Default and restart the PC.
  • Note that the App Data folder is normally hidden so you’d have to first make the hidden files and folders on your PC visible before you can access it.

How to get rid of Rovwer.exe on FF/Edge/etc.

  1. Open the browser and select the menu icon.
  2. From the menu, click on the Add-ons button.
  3. Look for the Rovwer.exe extension
  4. Get rid of Rovwer.exe by removing it from extensions

If using Firefox:

  • Open Firefox
  • Select the three parallel lines menu and go to Add-ons.
  • Find the unwanted add-on and delete it from the browser – if there is more than one unwanted extension, remove all of them.
  • Go to the browser menu again, select Options, and then click on Home from the sidebar to the left.
  • Check the current addresses for the browser’s homepage and new-tab page and change them if they are currently set to address(es) you don’t know or trust.

If using MS Edge/IE:

  • Start Edge
  • Select the browser menu and go to Extensions.
  • Find and uninstall any Edge extensions that look undesirable and unwanted.
  • Select Settings from the browser menu and click on Appearance.
  • Check the new-tab page address of the browser and if it has been modified by “Rovwer.exe” or another unwanted app, change it to an address that you’d want to be the browser’s new-tab page.

How to Delete Rovwer.exe

  1. Open task manager
  2. Look for the Rovwer.exe process
  3. Select it and click on End task
  4. Open the file location to delete Rovwer.exe
  • Access the Task Manager by pressing together the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys and then selecting Task Manager.
  • Open Processes and there try to find a process with the name of the unwanted software. If you find it, select it with the right button of the mouse and click on the Open File Location option.
  • If you don’t see a “Rovwer.exe” process in the Task Manager, look for another suspicious process with an unusual name. It is likely that the unwanted process would be using lots of RAM and CPU so pay attention to the number of resources each process is using.
  • Tip: If you think you have singled out the unwanted process but are not sure, it’s always a good idea to search for information about it on the Internet – this should give you a general idea if the process is a legitimate one from a regular program or from your OS or if it is indeed likely linked to the adware.
  • If you find another suspicious process, open its File Location too.
  • Once in the File Location folder for the suspicious process, start testing all of the files that are stored there by dragging them to our free online scanner available below.
  • Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website’s users.
    This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
    Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
    Drag and Drop File Here To Scan

    Analyzing 0 s
    Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
      This scanner is based on VirusTotal’s API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    • If the scanner finds malware in any of the files, return to the Processes tab in the Task Manager, select the suspected process, and then select the End Process option to quit it.
    • Go back to the folder where the files of that process are located and delete all of the files that you are allowed to delete. If all files get deleted normally, exit the folder and delete that folder too. If one or more of the files showed an error message when you tried to delete them, leave them for now and return to try to delete them again once you’ve completed the rest of the guide.

    How to Uninstall Rovwer.exe

    1. Click on the home button
    2. Search for Startup Apps
    3. Look for Rovwer.exe in there
    4. Uninstall Rovwer.exe from Startup Apps by turning it off
    • Now you need to carefully search for and uninstall any Hostingcloud. racing-related entries from the Registry. The easiest way to do this is to open the Registry Editor app (type Regedit in the windows search field and press Enter) and then open a Find dialog (CTRL+F key combination) where you have to type the name of the threat. 
    • Perform a search by clicking on the Find Next button and delete any detected results. Do this as many times as needed until no more results are found. 
    • After that, to ensure that there are no remaining entries lined to Rovwer.exe in the Registry, go manually to the following directories and delete them:
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Random Directory. 
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run/Random
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/Random
    What damage may Rovwer.exe cause?

    One of the most common ways criminals use Trojans is for the secret insertion of other viruses, especially the highly popular Ransomware infections, Spyware and Rootkits. Basically, Trojans may serve as a backdoor for a particular virus or more than one malicious program and secretly invite them all into your system through previously detected vulnerabilities. Sadly, this is quite a popular practice among criminal circles that’s why if you have been infected with Rovwer.exe you should not overlook it and carefully scan the entire computer with reliable security software not only for this particular virus, but also for other malware.

    Is Rovwer.exe dangerous?

    Rovwer.exe may have the potential to provide online criminals with access to your passwords, login information to specific websites, your online banking details and financial credentials, and other sensitive information that you store on your computer. This data can be collected through various crafty tactics. For instance, Rovwer.exe may either be set to keep track of your keystrokes, or allow the hackers to access your computer remotely. The Trojan may share with them your screen or even allow them to spy on you through your web camera and microphone. Another common thing threats like Rovwer.exe and Altruistics can be used for is turning your computer into a bot and exploiting its system resources fur running different malicious processes and tasks without your knowledge. For instance, without you suspecting, your computer may be set to mine cryptocurrencies for the hackers. It may also be used to spread spam or infect other machines in the same network with viruses and malware. That’s why the sooner you detect the infection and remove it, the greater the chance to save your computer and prevent the crooks from completing their criminal agenda.

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