Secured Cleaner Club
In the event that your iOS device has been infected with Secured Cleaner Club, your browser has likely undergone some serious changes. Secured Cleaner Club will have probably changed the homepage and search engine of your Safari, Chrome or other browsing program.

Secured Cleaner Club belongs to the category of so-called browser hijackers. These are very widespread pieces of software, but it wasn’t until recently that they also started targeting iOS users. There’s nothing to worry about, though, as Secured Cleaner Club is not some virus like a Trojan or ransomware that will harm your iPhone or iPad.
The Secured Cleaner Club Virus
Yet despite not being a virus, the presence of such software on your device is still rather undesirable – and for a number of reasons at that. Of course, the most obvious of these are the frustration that is caused by the changes made to the browser’s settings. These may also include the addition of new browser elements like buttons and toolbars. But alongside those, users are normally always plagued by popups, banners and other forms of online advertising.
And speaking of advertising, since hijackers are often also tasked with the promotion of various websites, page redirects can become an everyday occurrence as well. So when you start being forwarded to various irrelevant web locations multiple times a day during browsing sessions, it’s more than understandable that you would want to remove Secured Cleaner Club as soon as possible.
And with the help of the below removal guide – you can do just that. This will enable you to also restore your original browser settings.
Secured Cleaner Club iPhone Virus Removal
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
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