Secured Device Club
Secured Device Club falls into the category of so-called browser hijackers. Specifically, Secured Device Club targets iOS devices and the browsing programs installed on them.

Once Secured Device Club has made its way onto your iPhone, iPod or iPad, it will integrate with the Safari, Chrome or other browser on it. And after that, it will basically convert your browser into an online advertising platform. As a result, very soon after you will begin to constantly see popups, banners and other ads on your screen when you’re just trying to browse the web. Furthermore, Secured Device Club may also trigger page redirects within your browser and send you to different paid websites.
Browser hijackers like this also typically alter the browser homepage, its default search engine and add extra elements to the browser. So, if you would like to remove all these elements and get rid of the unwanted ads, you can scroll down to the removal guide and follow its instructions to delete Secured Device Club from your device.
What is Secured Device Club?
As a typical browser hijacker, Secured Device Club is primarily tasked with the promotion and popularization of different websites, products and services. Normally, this happens on the basis of remuneration schemes like Pay Per Click. But what this entails is that there’s a danger of being exposed to unsafe web content including viruses and threats like Trojans and ransomware.
That’s not to say that Secured Device Club is also a virus itself – not at all. But due to this danger, it’s not advisable to allow applications like this to remain on your device for too long.
Secured Device Club Removal
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
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