Security Master App

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Security Master

Security Master is a browser hijacker that specifically targets the browsers on Android devices. Security Master can infect Chrome, Firefox and most other commonly used browsing programs for smartphones and tablets.

Security Master
The Security Master App will claim it is a legitimate antivirus software.

Once integrated, Security Master begins to generate tons of popups, banners, box messages and other types of online ads on your screen during browsing sessions. What’s more, as a result of its presence, you may also begin to experience frequent page redirects to various sponsored web locations. This is another typical trait of a hijacker infection, alongside the replaced browser homepage and newly set default search engine.

The Security Master App

With all the annoying advertisements that Security Master is pushing on you, you may want to know what exactly the aim of it all is. And in essence it boils down to generating profit for the browser hijacker developers. With that said, this should eliminate any worries that Security Master is a virus or malicious program of some sort, such as a Trojan, ransomware or spyware.

If you’re wondering what you can do to rid your device of all these unwanted effects, the answer is quite simple. You will have to remove Security Master. And you can do that with the help of the instructions in our removal guide below.

The Security Master Malware

But even though Security Master is not a virus, we do recommend being careful with all the content that it tries to expose you to. Some of it may very well put your system at risk of exposure to harmful software. So it better to just see to the removal of this hijacker as soon as possible.

Security Master App Malware Removal

We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that is regularly updated to counter the latest tricks malware creators use. It will show you how to:
1. Locate and clean up your phone’s apps if they are infected.

  1. Find browser extensions related to the threat and how to remove them.
  2. Ensure your passwords were not stolen or tampered with.
    You can find the removal guide here.

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