Selection Daily Mac

Selection Daily

Selection Daily is a Mac-compatible browser hijacker that seeks to alter the settings of browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari in order to use them for online promotion purposes. Selection Daily can normally replace the default search engine, the homepage address and the new tab page and place sponsored ones.

Selection Daily

The Selection Daily Malware App is on Mac

Usually, the programs that can make unauthorized changes on users’ computers are considered malicious and belong either to the Trojan horse category, the Ransomware class or some other popular category of viruses that do no good to users’ computers. This is the reason why many people who initially detect Selection Daily in their system don’t know how to treat it and what to expect from it. On this page, however, we will explain the main characteristics of this application and the steps that you need to follow to uninstall it.

Selection Daily for Mac

Selection Daily for Mac is a potentially unwanted ad-generation program that targets Mac browsers and uses them for its online promotion purposes. Selection Daily for Mac can make browser configurations that allow it to display sponsored ads and redirect messages on the screen.

As a matter of fact, this program can make a number of unwanted and unauthorized modifications inside the system’s main web browser which can definitely be disturbing. However, such software is not considered to be of any malicious category. Selection Daily and its siblings are typically called browser hijackers which is a term used for advertising programs. These programs are not created to do harm but they can be highly irritating, provided that they may fill in the browser tabs with intrusive pop-up ads, page-redirect links, banners and notifications that are hard to remove.  

What is Selection Daily?

Selection Daily is a Mac application that can display an unusual amount of online advertisements on the user’s screen. Selection Daily is also known to redirect user searches to unfamiliar websites which is why a lot of people want to uninstall it from their browsers.

Some people may not find the redirects and the aggressive pop-up ads and banners to be such a big deal, but the majority of users can’t ignore them and complain that their web surfing is constantly interrupted. A lot of people also fear that the pages and the web offers that the browser hijacker prompts them to click on aren’t safe. This is a major concern and a good reason to remove programs like Selection Daily because the fact is that not all of the colorful promotional messages and links that are shown on the screen are to be trusted, regardless of how attractive and good looking they are. Fake ads and links infected with viruses, Trojans, Ransomware and other online threats can easily sneak inside the content that is typically displayed by programs like Selection Daily and if you click on them, you may be compromised without knowing it. Fortunately, you can avoid that risk if you carefully uninstall the browser hijacker from your system with the help of the instructions below.

The SelectionDaily app

The Selection Daily app is non-malicious software that can interrupt the user’s web browsing experience with various sponsored ads. The Selection Daily app operates as an online advertising tool and promotes specific web links on the screen of the main web browser.

If you want to eliminate this program in a quick and reliable manner, you can follow the manual steps in the removal guide below or simply use the suggested removal tool that can clean your computer from this and other unwanted software.


Name Selection Daily
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Selection Daily Mac Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.


About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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