This page aims to help you remove Shark Ransomware. These Shark Ransomware removal instructions work for all versions of Windows, including Windows 10.
If you have happened to be infected by a virus called Shark Ransomware – you’re in trouble. Shark Ransomware would encrypt your files and demand a ransom. You were probably notified about the infection through a note, posted on the desktop of your computer or possibly covering the whole screen. No doubt, this is a traumatic situation and cases have been recorded, where the hackers posed as legal authorities, accusing the victims of breaking some law or copyright violations. As a result of this, some particularly sensible users were led to very tragic outcomes, because they truly believed they had somehow committed a crime. So you can see that such criminal acts as is the mere existence of Shark Ransomware can very much go beyond holding your files hostage – they can potentially impact entire lives. With that being said, though, we want to emphasize that this should not be the case for you and this problem is fixable. In fact, we have prepared a removal guide to help you effectively remove this harmful virus from your computer and additionally we have included instructions that could help you retrieve the affected files.
Shark Ransomware: what is, how it operates, how it spreads
Belonging to the infamous malware type that is ransomware, Shark Ransomware’s sole purpose is to block your access to some of the data stored on your machine and then demand ransom in return for a decryption key. Sadly, this is the second most common type of malicious software and it’s been along for longer than you can imagine: over thirty years now. It’s been experiencing a monstrous increase in “popularity” over the last few years especially, with leading companies in the field of cyber security reporting millions of unique samples each year. The main reason for this to be happening is the insane amounts of money these type of infections generate for the hackers that create and distribute them. On the other hand, the cyber criminals are also notoriously elusive and difficult to trace due to the fact that they often request the ransom to be paid in bitcoins. Bitcoins are one of the most well-known cryptocurrencies and they are nearly impossible for the authorities to follow.
Programs like Shark Ransomware are typically distributed with the help of malvertisements, which are ads that upon clicking on them download the malicious software onto your computer, most times without the victim even realizing what happened. Another very effective and commonly employed distribution technique is with the help of a Trojan horse virus, which downloads the ransomware, once you’ve let it into your system. This usually happens through spam emails that have attachments in them, alternatively a hyperlink may be included in the letter, which then unleashes the Trojan. So, once you’ve opened the letter and the attachment inside it, the Trojan is then free to introduce the ransomware into your PC, which, again, happens by stealth and is the second main cause for this infection’s success. After this the ransomware proceeds with the encryption of your files, as it’s been programmed to do, and upon completion presents you with the aforementioned ransom note. Typically, you won’t be able to tell that there’s something wrong going on, unless there’s the lucky combination of several factors: a) the processing power of your machine is by far not the strongest; b) there’s quite the substantial amount of information stored on your computer. If those two factors are present, you could experience a very noticeable decrease in speed and general performance on your PC. This should in turn prompt you to check out your Task Manager and scan it for the processes using the most CPU/RAM. Should you discover a process that clearly doesn’t belong there or somehow arouses suspicion, we advise you to immediately shut down your machine and seek professional assistance before switching it back on.
After you’ve removed Shark Ransomware, it would be wise to consider what previous actions of yours could have led you to the infection in the first place. But not just that; it’s vital that you identify the issue within those actions and fix it, before you allow another crisis to happen. Beware of shady websites with equally shady content, such as the many torrent sites, open source download platforms and share websites. Pay special attention to incoming emails and avoid opening those that seem untrustworthy, especially if they have attachments.
Shark Ransomware Removal
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
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