This page aims to help you remove the Teslacrypt 3.0 .micro Virus. These Teslacrypt 3.0 .micro Virus removal instructions work for all versions of Windows.
If your computer has been exposed to the Teslacrypt 3.0 .micro Virus, then it is also likely that all of your files have been encrypted and are currently unusable. What you are up against is a virus of the ransomware family – one of the most dangerous type of viruses there are. The purpose of this article is to imprint some basic facts about Teslacrypt 3.0 .micro Virus and ransomware in general, as well as provide you with a detailed guide on how to get rid of it.
The Teslacrypt 3.0 .micro Virus behaves no different than a typical ransomware
Actually you are dealing with the successor of a well-known line of viruses that started back in 2013 with the Crytowall and Cryptlocker ransomwares. The original ransomwares have been heavily modified, but their core functionality remains the same.
As soon as the ransomware manages to infect a computer it will scan all of its drives – HDDs, SSDs and even external drives and flash sticks. It will make a list of all files on these drives that are of interest to the virus. Usually only files that contain data relevant to the user are targeted – system files, libraries and other important files needed for the functioning of programs are unaffected. The goal of this attack is not to incapacitate the whole system, but rather to blackmail the victim for money. As you have probably realized this is done by encrypting all of the user’s files.
Encryption is a process, which can also be referred to as encoding. Basically the ransomware uses one of the highly secure encryption protocols that exist and run all files through it. The end result is a file composed of random symbols. Only the person how knows the encryption key used in the process can revert it. Naturally, as soon as the encryption is finished the original file is deleted.
The Teslacrypt 3.0 .micro Virus – encrypted files recovery options
It is very likely that the message generated by the virus to announce its presence contains some type of warning against searching for alternative methods for the recovery of files. It may contain various lies, warnings and messages advising against it and that should not be surprising – understandably the criminals are after your money.
The truth is that paying the ransom is usually a bad idea. Paying the hackers anything only encourages them to create and improve their virus in order to make it a profitable enterprise. Another strong point against payment is the fact that they are under no obligation to live up to their part of the deal and decrypt your files. Money paid in BitCoins are completely anonymous and untraceable, which makes the authorities powerless.
- Paying the ransom demand should only ever be considered as a last resort option – after everything else has been tried. The recovery method written in our guide does not touch the encrypted files, but rather tries to restore back the originals. It does not guarantee a 100% recovery rate, but it can get the job done without paying blackmail money to cyber criminals.
Let’s discuss how the Teslacrypt 3.0 .micro Virus may have infected your computer
Realizing (and plugging) the vulnerabilities of your computer is vital if you had a ransomware installed on your PC. Very often ransomware viruses are actually delivered via a pre-installed Trojan horse, which remains hidden on the computer. This Trojan serves as a backdoor bypassing all of the system’s security and it used to remotely download and install ransomware viruses. This means that as long as the Trojan remains your computer is not safe. Unfortunately Trojan horses are notoriously hard to find and your only good option is to download specialized software. If you would like a recommendation you can click on one of the banners on this page.
Of course, it is also possible that the ransomware was installed by you directly. If you have downloaded and run suspicious executable files from an email attachments, torrents or online storage sites you might be lucky and not have a Trojan. It is, however, always a good idea to check your computer for the presence of for one
Remove Teslacrypt 3.0 Virus Ransomware
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.
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