This page aims to help you uninstall TheBrowser. These TheBrowser removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari, as well as every version of Windows.

TheBrowser is a malicious application belonging to the Adware threat family. In general Adware is characterized by the large amount of unwanted Advertisement it displays in the internet browsers (primarily Chrome and Firefox) of infected computers and TheBrowser is no exception to the rule. The Ads will be injected into every page and they will also slow down your computer, as your CPU has to first download and then render them on your screen – thus delaying the display of the page that you yourself want to see.
Fortunately Adware applications have among the lowest threat level among malicious software, but this doesn’t change the fact that you should uninstall TheBrowser as soon as possible for your machine. If left for an extended period of time it will not only annoy you via its Ads, but it could also try to install other Adware or even more serious viruses. Again, to emphasize: removing it should be your top priority.
How was your PC infected with TheBrowser?
Adware like TheBrowser uses social engineering and software bundle tricks to infect computers. It will pretend to be some useful free program that you want to install or alternatively it will be sneaked in by an installer for such a program. In order to avoid such unpleasant surprises in the future we strongly recommend that you forget about using the Default installation options for most programs – only trust those you’ve already installed and are certain that will contain nothing troublesome.
Instead use Advanced. A couple of clicks on the next button will get you exactly the same result as if using Default, but in the meantime you should pass through a screen that will inform you where and what exactly will be installed on your PC. Deny access to any addition program that you don’t know or need. Erring on the safe side here is recommended, because I’m sure you dan’t want to end with a virus to uninstall. You will always get the main program in the end. Installers for free programs are more likely to contain extra programs and it’s even more likely that those programs could be Adware similar to TheBrowser. It’s best to stay away from them altogether, so don’t install them.
Keep away from the Ads offered by TheBrowser
The primary goal of TheBrowser is to display Ads and that’s what it does. As mentioned before, Chrome and Firefox are especially susceptible to this thing, so be extra careful if you use them. Unfortunately the quality control of what Ads are getting displayed is very low for most Adware applications. It is highly possible that at least some of the Ads you see are actually dangerous and will mislead you into downloading virus-infected software or attempt to trick you into buying useless bloatware applications that do nothing. And these are always much easier to get on your PC than to remove them from it. Bloatware is known for it’s ability to generate fake or grossly exaggerated problem reports in order to make the user believe his computer has a serious problem and is in need of assistance of “professional” help. If you are seeing any such message in the Ads ignore it – there is no such thing as an online scanner that can scan your computer without your permission and discover “threats.”
Remove TheBrowser Virus
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
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