Thunder Crypt Virus

Home ยป Ransomware ยป Thunder Crypt Virus

This page aims to help you remove Thunder Crypt Virus File for free. Our instructions also cover how any Thunder Crypt Virus file can be recovered.

 The fact that the frightening message below could be familiar to you:

“Your computer has been infected by a virus named Thunder Crypt Virus. All the files you tend to open/ use most, or need to use/access on a regular basis, have been encrypted. If you want to take back your access to all such files, it is obligatory that you pay a ransom.”

… Actually means that your computer has been targeted and attacked by a specific Ransomware-like product from the file-encrypting category of this malware. Basically, what you can expect is a total encryption of all the data you find most valuable and a reluctance towards its decryption unless you agree to pay a certain amount of money as a ransom. Unfortunately, this kind of viruses is extremely harmful and hard to deal with. However, we have gathered all the tips and instructions in the paragraphs below in order to try to help you solve your problem – just scroll down and read our entire article carefully.

Thunder Crypt Virus’s basic way of working and usual traits:

As a program, classified as Ransomware, the basic purpose of a virus like Thunder Crypt Virus is to search for the data, which appears most important to you, and lock it up. Nevertheless, there is one more specific trait of this kind of malware, which could raise even more concerns than the actual process of infection and this is the fact that most Ransomware doesn’t get around by itself. Typically, Thunder Crypt Virus invades your system with the help and assistance of other terrible threats – usually Trojan horse viruses.

Actually, if a Trojan comes along with Thunder Crypt Virus, it normally serves as the instrument that Ransomware programs exploit for infiltrating your PC. A usual Trojan-based program has the ability to seek, find and exploit even the smallest weak spot of your computer. For example, if you haven’t updated your anti-virus app and it has long been outdated, any normal Trojan will find a way to use this to help other viruses invade and harm your machine. As soon as such a system/program vulnerability has been successfully used for infecting your system, the Trojan virus may hide and do whatever it has been programmed to perform, but stealthily.

In fact, Thunder Crypt Virus and all the other similar viruses do the same – they go on according to their agenda. Firstly, such a malware version explores all your drives and storages to determine which data exactly you have accessed most lately. After that, the process of compiling an elaborate list of all such files takes place and the actual contamination process- the encryption of your data, follows. Later on, after all that has been done, you get probably the scariest message on your screen, which informs you about the awful process that has occurred and the current state of your files – the ransom-requiring message.

The first FAQ – to pay the ransom or not to pay?

Ultimately, the most important aspect of understanding this type of malware is to realize you have been harassed by criminals and are now trying to be persuaded to give your money to them. Such people had no scruples at the moment when they unleashed this cyber disaster upon you. How will you ever be able to make sure they will show some mercy and give you back your files if you send them the demanded ransom? You will never get any guarantee of this. Our honest recommendation to you is to try all other options and only after you have done all you can – to proceed with paying off the ransom. Consider contacting an expert, purchasing special software or using a Removal Guide, like the one we have designed and attached below. Nonetheless, remember that nothing can promise the safety of your once already encrypted data.

Only prevention helps:

No removal tricks, guides or instructions could ever be so effective as the advice we are going to share with you, when we talk about Ransomware. Always bear in mind that practicing and developing certain healthy browsing habits will ensure the safety of your system as a whole. When it comes to Ransomware, the first step towards efficient prevention is to simply avoid all its potential sources, which could include:

  • Emails, fake advertisements from illegal or suspicious web pages; strange notifications and pop-ups in the form of requests; illegitimate webpages and their content. Trust your gut feeling and in case something looks shady, just ignore it, don’t click on anything or follow anything.

Last but not least, invest in the best – when it comes to everything in life. As you choose your doctors, treatments and appliances carefully, just do the same when you select your anti-malware tools and your cyber protection.


Name Thunder Crypt
Type Ransomware
Detection Tool

Thunder Crypt Virus File Removal

You are dealing with a ransomware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to decrypt and recover your encrypted files (if it is currently possible).
You can find the removal guide here.

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