Tinyurl.ru Virus


Software components such as Tinyurl.ru are intrusive applications and programs that are primarily programmed to make money from online advertisements. In order to fulfill its task, Tinyurl.ru attaches itself to the default browser on the computer and then swarms it with different ads, pop-up messages and redirects to various sponsored sites.

Tinyurl.ru Virus
The Tinyurl.ru Virus could easily get your machine exposed to serious software hazards

To make the whole advertising campaign more effective, the invasive software piece may also attempt to replace the default search engine tool that the browser uses as well as set a new starting page address that would once again more than likely be a site that the hijacker seek to promote. In most cases, browser hijacker applications like Tinyurl.ru are compatible with many different browsers, which means that you can likely get such an invasive software in Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Edge and, in many cases, even Safari users get targeted by hijackers as well. The only truly effective way of handling all this is by fully getting rid of the intrusive software.

However, the creators of Tinyurl.ru and  Tinyurl2.ru and other similar software don’t really want that to happen which is why they typically make their invasive apps rather difficult to remove. In fact, you are unlikely to actually find an uninstallation button or .exe file for a hijacker such as this one. This doesn’t mean that you are dealing with a virus or an insidious malware program the likes of Trojan horses, spyware and ransomware but it still means that you may not be able to easily get rid of the annoying app – that is, if you don’t get any help. In this regard, we have prepared a set of instructions and posted them below that we advise you to follow if you currently have Tinyurl.ru on your hands and would like to have it removed from the computer.

The Tinyurl.ru Virus

The fact that apps like Tinyurl.ru are not real viruses doesn’t automatically make them safe and reliable software tools. First and foremost, you will probably not get much use out of such an app to begin with, which, in itself, is reason enough to remove the app from your computer.

There is also the obvious irritation that the ads are likely to bring which is pretty much impossible to ignore if you use your browser on regular basis. Another issue regarding browser hijackers, however, that many seem to forget about, is the fact that these apps may not always show you the most reliable commercial content. The control over the origins of their ads is oftentimes limited or outright lacking and it wouldn’t be a huge surprise if any of the redirects, the banners or the pop-ups are actually coming from shady and questionable sites. If you are not careful with a hijacker’s ads, you could easily get your machine exposed to serious software hazards and even scary malware programs like ransomware cryptoviruses and screen-lockers, Trojan horse infections, stealthy spyware and all other kinds of nasty threats.


Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Tinyurl.ru Virus

If you have a Windows virus, continue with the guide below.

If you have a Mac virus, please use our How to remove Ads on Mac guide.

If you have an Android virus, please use our Android Malware Removal guide.

If you have an iPhone virus, please use our iPhone Virus Removal guide

You may quickly remove Tinyurl.ru from the browser’s list of Extensions by following the five steps outlined below. In fact, we recommend you to give them a go first and see if they help before going through the detailed steps in the removal guide below:

  1. The first step is to go to the hijacked browser’s main menu icon.
  2. Next, select More Tools/ Add-ons from the menu.
  3. Open the Extensions tab by clicking on it.
  4. Remove any Tinyurl.ru-related entries from the list by searching for them and clicking on the Remove button.
  5. Remove any additional suspicious add-ons that you don’t want to be part of your browser’s settings.

In order to remove the hijacker fully, follow the detailed steps that you can find below:


As a first step, make a note of this page’s URL in your bookmarks as you will need to return to it later.

Next, use the instructions from the provided link to restart your machine in Safe Mode. This will make the task of detecting and removing Tinyurl.ru much easier, as the system will be restricted to running only the most basic programs and processes.



Using the CTRL, SHIFT, and ESC key combination, start the Task Manager and then select the Processes Tab (it is called “Details” Tab on Win 8 and 10).

Look for processes in the list that can be related to Tinyurl.ru, and if you detect such a process, right-click on it and select Open File Location to view its files.


Scan the files associated with that process for viruses using the free online virus scanner provided below:

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website's users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal's API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    If the scanned files turn out to be malicious, click on the Processes tab to end the questionable process that is running. Also, make sure to remove the hazardous files from their File Location and delete the directories they are located in.


    Use the Winkey and R key combination to open a new Run window. Enter the command appwiz.cpl in the Run window and press Enter. You’ll be taken to the Control Panel after doing this.

    Once there, look through the list of installed programs for any references to Tinyurl.ru and, if you find any, click Uninstall from the options at the top to remove it.


    Afterwards, type “msconfig” in the Windows search field. System Configurations will appear on the screen if you press Enter.


    Any entries that are linked to Tinyurl.ru or have an “Unknown” Manufacturer should be disabled from the Startup tab by unchecking their checkmark.


    Check your system for indicators of hacking as another precaution step. To do so, press the Windows and R keys together and paste the command below into the Run box that appears on the screen:

    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

    After you paste the command, press Enter and you will be sent to your computer’s Hosts file. Look for suspicious IPs under Localhost in that file. Please let us know if you come across any questionable ones (as shown in the image below) by posting them in the comments below.

    hosts_opt (1)

    Type “Network Connections” in the Windows search field and click on the result. After that, right-click on your current Network Adapter and select Properties.

    In the new Properties window, highlight the Internet Protocol Version 4 (ICP/IP) with your cursor and then click on the Properties button at the bottom right.

    Next, click on Advanced once you have selected to “Obtain DNS server address automatically” (choose to manually pick it if it is not).

    Remove all the DNS server addresses from the DNS server addresses field by going to the DNS tab. After making these changes, click OK to save them and continue.


    • These steps will guide you through the process of removing Tinyurl.ru from your hijacked browser. Apply these instructions to all browsers on your system to prevent the browser hijacker from reinstalling itself when you restart your computer.

    Select Properties from the right-click menu on the shortcut icon of the browser.


    In the Properties window, select the Shortcut tab and then delete everything that was added to Target after .exe:

    Browser Hijacker Removal Instructions

    If you’re using a different browser, here’s how to remove Tinyurl.ru from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox so you don’t get confused.

    ie9-10_512x512  Remove Tinyurl.ru from Internet Explorer:

    When you open Internet Explorer, look for the gear icon in the upper right corner. Click it and select Manage Add-ons from the drop-down menu.

    pic 3

    Search for and disable Tinyurl.ru in the Add-ons list. Then, hit the gear icon once more and select Internet Options. It’s possible that Tinyurl.ru has replaced your homepage with a sponsored one. If that’s the case, simply delete the sponsored homepage and replace it with a new one. Close the window by clicking the Apply button

    firefox-512 Remove Tinyurl.ru from Firefox:

    Launch the Firefox browser and immediately click  mozilla menu. After that, select Add-ons > Extensions. Then, in the Extensions list, look for Tinyurl.ru and remove it.

    pic 6

    chrome-logo-transparent-backgroundRemove Tinyurl.ru from Chrome:

    Once Google Chrome is closed, you can navigate here:

     C:/Users/!!!!USER NAME!!!!/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data. 

    Rename the Folder to Backup Default

    Look for a folder named “Default.” Select it once you’ve located it and then right-click on the folder and change its name to Backup Default. Last but not least, make sure you restart Chrome for the changes to take effect.


    After a reboot, Tinyurl.ru may be able to reinstall itself on your computer. Therefore, if you want to prevent that, you need to search the Registry for hijacker-related entries and then delete them. To do this, type “Regedit” into the Windows search field and click “Enter.”

    The Registry Editor will open on the screen. Press the CTRL and F keyboard keys together and write the hijacker’s name in the Find dialog box that pops up. Right-click on the results and select Delete from the context menu to get rid of the hijacker-related entries. Once you’ve done that, manually search the following directories for Tinyurl.ru-related files and sub-folders that need to be removed:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory.
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random

    If Tinyurl.ru remains on your machine after you complete all the manual steps from this guide, you should run a scan using the recommended expert program and follow the instructions there. You may also want to use the free online virus scanner and scan individual files with it in order to decide if they need to be removed.

    About the author


    Violet George

    Violet is an active writer with a passion for all things cyber security. She enjoys helping victims of computer virus infections remove them and successfully deal with the aftermath of the attacks. But most importantly, Violet makes it her priority to spend time educating people on privacy issues and maintaining the safety of their computers. It is her firm belief that by spreading this information, she can empower web users to effectively protect their personal data and their devices from hackers and cybercriminals.

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