This page aims to help you remove Uc.exe. These Uc.exe removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.
Uc.exe “Virus” – What is it? What does it do? How to have it removed?
Did you know that not all processes that may be currently running on your PC are supposed to be there? Well, uc.exe is one such process. This piece of software is considered a PUP (potentially unwanted program) and the process that it runs is regarded as undesirable at the very least. It surely does nothing useful for you or your system – in fact, there are several aspects to that process, which makes some researchers consider it potentially harmful for your PC. If you think that this process might be running on your computer right now, you can check whether that’s the case by opening your task manager and going to the Processes section.
Most people would believe uc.exe is a virus, commonly referring to this process as Uc.exe “virus”. This is not accurate though, technically Uc.exe is not a virus. Now, we need to clarify that this process, despite being unwanted, is still relatively safe, compared to processes belonging to malicious viruses such as Ransomware or Trojan Horses. Unlike those, uc.exe usually poses no danger to your computer. Still, it is possible that it may expose your system to potential security hazards. Therefore, the best course of action that you can undertake is having the program that is causing it (Uc.exe) uninstalled and removed from your PC. We will help you do that by guiding you through the different steps of getting rid of the PUP. However, before we get to that, we need to tell you a bit more on how exactly such programs and their processes may compromise your system’s security and how they actually get into your PC.
Unwanted effects
Firstly, let’s talk about how uc.exe might expose your PC to possible threats. Since this process belongs to a program that is a PUP, there are several actions that it may execute, which would be, at the very least, unwanted.
- Uc.exe may spy on you by monitoring and recording your online activity. This is a characteristic trait of adware programs that use the gathered information to customize the ads they display to you, so that those ads could be more appealing. This is, of course, something you wouldn’t want to be happening. Now, uc.exe usually has no access to any important data, so there’s no need to worry. However, it is still something you’d surely be better off without.
- Uc.exe is likely to fill your browser with intrusive content such as pop-up ads, banners and box messages. Occasional page redirects are also a possibility. That is, in fact, why Uc.exe is regarded as an adware type of program. Usually the main problem with those ads is that they can be incredibly annoying and nerve-wrecking, to the point where you’re unable to use your browser, because it has been covered by a wall of intrusive adverts. However, there’s also another issue with those ads, namely their potential to expose your system to virus attacks. Uc.exe itself is not a virus process, but if you click on any of the ads that are being displayed, you may end up being redirected to an illegal and/or virus-infested page. Now, this could put your PC under considerable danger of getting infected by some sort of a malicious program. It should be noted, though, that adware programs rarely display potentially harmful adverts. Still, it’s recommended that you avoid interacting with the ads, even if it is just an attempt to close them. Instead, as we said, remove the process and program that are causing them before you attempt to use your browser again.
- There are several less problematic effects that uc.exe may have on your system like changing your browser homepage or slowing your PC down due to the resources the process requires (though this is rare since the process does not consume much of your machine’s resources).
Distribution methods for adware programs
There’s one last thing that we need to inform you about before we get to the actual removal guide, namely, how to prevent any further installation of PUP software. There are many methods via which unwanted programs may get to your PC – file-sharing sites, torrent sites, spam e-mails. However, most of them are nowhere near as effective as the file-bundling method. Therefore, we will be focusing on this one.
When file-bundling is being used for the distribution of PUP, the intrusive software is bundled with another third-party program. Once you install that other program, if you’re not being careful, you also get the PUP. In order to prevent this, you have to make sure that you always opt for the custom installation settings, where you can leave out any content that has been added to the main install. To do this, simply uncheck everything that looks suspicious or potentially unwanted in the list of added content and proceed with the installation of the main program. That way you can be pretty sure that no adware will get onto your computer. If you still think that you need an extra layer of protection, you might invest into an anti-malware tool. Those come in handy for detecting and fending off any PUP’s as well as for having them removed, should any get into your system.
Remove Uc.exe Virus
You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.
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