How To Remove Web Search Weather

Web Search Weather

Web Search Weather is website promotion program that hijacks popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and other browsing apps in order to redirect traffic from them to sponsored web pages. To facilitate its auto redirects and the generation of pop-up ads and page-rerouting links Web Search Weather typically makes changes to the browser without asking for the users’ approval.

Web Search Weather

The Web Search Weather Virus will redirect your browser when you try to use it.

When you try using your web browser, Web Search Weather will typically prompt you to click on certain web links by placing some pay-per-click ads, banners and pop-up notifications on your screen. In addition to that, the program may install a new search engine that displays predominantly sponsored results and change your browser’s homepage address with one of its promotional websites so that every time you open a new tab, you get auto-redirected to that particular website.

The Web Search Weather Virus

The good news is that a browser hijacker like the Web Search Weather virus has no chance of remaining hidden in the system since its symptoms will give it away immediately. That’s why, unlike viruses and malicious types of software such as Trojans, Ransomware, Spyware and Rootkits, it will be detected by the user almost instantly after it is installed.

As a matter of fact, a program such as Web Search Weather doesn’t even want to hide – quite the opposite – it will do its best to be in your face and to place as many redirect prompts, pop-up ads, promotional banners and sponsored links on your screen as possible. This is because the hijacker actually makes money on the basis of how many ad-clicks and site visits it gets from the users and, thus, it often employs a quite aggressive online advertising approach that is dreaded by many web users. If you are one of them, the removal guide below will show you the steps to remove Web Search Weather and uninstall its unwanted browser changes from any of the web browsers that might have been affected. 

The Web Search Weather Extension

In general, most browser hijacking programs like The Web Serach Weather Extension may be quite annoying, particularly if most of the time you use your computer to search the Internet. Fortunately, they are not interested in trying to encrypt your files, steal your information, or corrupt the OS in any way because browser hijackers do not profit from harming computers. Instead, such programs profit from remaining in your device for as long as possible and collecting clicks from you through the ads, pop-up messages, banners and redirect links that it displays.

That’s why if you have Web Search Weather in your system, there will be no immediate damage to your computer which will definitely be the case if you have been infected with a virus, a Trojan, a ransomware or some other malware. In fact, some browser hijacking apps may even provide users with various helpful free features that encourage them to retain the program that is otherwise invasive.

However, most people still prefer to uninstall programs like Web Search Weather and seek how to remove their imposed search engine, homepage and other unwanted changes from their browser. That’s why below we have published a step-by-step guide with instructions that anyone who wants to get rid of Web Search Weather can use as well as a trusted removal tool for automatic assistance.


Name Web Search Weather
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

How To Remove Web Search Weather

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.


About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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