Wish-you.co Virus


Wish-you.co is a page-redirecting and ad-generating software that can easily integrate with popular browsers like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera and Safari. Once installed, Wish-you.co will typically modify the default browser’s homepage or the search engine and install a sponsored one in its place.


The Wish-you.co Virus will redirect your browser and display pop up ads and messages.

Browser hijackers such as Wish-you.co have been annoying the regular web users for many years now. The fact that they can integrate into Chrome, Firefox, Edge or any other common browser and change its configurations makes them quite common and undesirable software. Typically, you will notice the presence of the browser hijacker very easily because it will most probably set a new browser homepage or replace the default search engine with a new one or add some new toolbars that were not there before.

 As a result of this, your searches may start getting redirected to numerous obscure web locations and URLs that you never wanted to visit. Besides, your browser’s screen may start getting flooded with dozens of banner ads, pop-up messages, and notifications that constantly prompt you to click on certain links.

Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with all for the rest of your life that because, in the next lines, we will help you to safely remove and uninstall all the unwanted browser changes along with the browser hijacker that stands behind them. Before you scroll straight to the removal guide below, however, let us shed a little light on how dangerous programs like Wish-you.co could be and what is the best way to deal with them

The Wish-you.co Virus

The Wish-you.co is classified as a browser hicjacker which means that your searches may start getting redirected to numerous obscure web locations and URLs that you never wanted to visit. Besides, your browser’s screen may start getting flooded with dozens of banner ads, pop-up messages, and notifications that constantly prompt you to click on certain links.

The most pressing question that many web users ask our “How to remove” team is how dangerous a browser hijacker could be. The good news is that such software has nothing in common with computer viruses or malware such as Ransomware and Trojans. In general, a browser hijacker is an online advertising tool that is programmed to generate traffic and paid clicks to specific web links by displaying pay-per-click ads on the screen of the web users. This software also provides an auto-redirect service to those specific pages in order to increase their exposure. And for that, the hijacker messes with the browser settings and tries to establish control over the user searches. Essentially, this is not something that can damage your system, but, as a matter of fact, the activities of programs like Wish-you.co could potentially have a negative effect on your web browsing experience and the system performance, especially over long periods. Therefore, it is generally a good idea to uninstall them.

If you don’t do that, you may have to cope with hundreds of pop-up messages during your regular browsing sessions and some random page-redirects when you least expect it. This can not only be very unpleasant but also may increase the risk of actually running into viruses such as Trojans and Ransomware because these can easily hide inside random ads, banners, and shady web links. So you can definitely see Wish-you.co as a potentially unwanted program from that viewpoint.


Name Wish-you.co
Type Browser Hijacker

Wish-you.co Virus Removal

We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that is regularly updated to counter the latest tricks malware creators use. It will show you how to:
1. Locate and clean up your phone’s apps if they are infected.

  1. Find browser extensions related to the threat and how to remove them.
  2. Ensure your passwords were not stolen or tampered with.
    You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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